Jones is a complete Nut Case.. he was in Dallas last October, at the Trump rally.
Jones is a complete Nut Case.. he was in Dallas last October, at the Trump rally.So then is, Trump(Nut Case).. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
In other words... The fat lying bastard just pissed on another fire he set himself and took credit for saving the world again.You really have no sense, you can always move to Iran... Js...
Did he try and justify killing the Iranian general again? Danced around the facts again, eh!
Maybe nows, impeachment? Originally Posted by HoeHummer
After listening to Putin’s punk I’d bet the fact checkers are Laughing hysterically.
He lied about ISIS being 100% defeated, he lied about the Iran deal( nobody was firing ballistic missiles until his dumb ass opted out ), and he lied if he thinks our allies are going to follow his fat lying ass into another fucking war.
On the bright side it seems cooler heads are prevailing for the moment. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Smartest and best comment on this dumb thread...Did Hell just freeze over? Jaxson 666 just admitted Trump has a "bright side".
The "crazy, impetuous, mad dog war monger" just showed restraint because Iran did not cross his red line and kill any Americans but don't get to easy, Iran will without a doubt do something stupid and kill Americans and then Trump will obliterate Iran not with nuclear weapons but by destroying completely, their economy. Originally Posted by HedonistForever