The Freedom Convoy

Jacuzzme's Avatar
It's funny jacuzzi, that you minimize everything that happens when truckers block free trade and markets and create billions in Lost revenue, but have such contempt for people who voice their distaste for physical oppression of blacks over decades. It's been said by many people that violence and riots are the voice of the unheard. So now we've heard the Truckers but you still only hear violence when it comes to BLM! It's funny you can hear the message of the truckers but not the oppressed colored people. Is it because you are a patent racist, or just choose to only see the rights of the hostage takers and trucks as being correct since they called their rally , a freedom rally? Can I ask you a question? How does somebody become so obtuse in life that they don't see oppression that has been a point of skin color, but can when it's a vaccine? Originally Posted by eyecu2
That’s BS. I have no issue with black people peacefully marching, rallying, etc. The problem is that they were decidedly NOT peaceful.
... Hold it for half-a-mo, mates.

What Eye-CU is referring-to is that "money" was lost as
several businesses, auto makers and what-not had to
cancel shifts - and people had to miss work as a
type of inconvienance as the Truckers closed off
the bridgeways.

But then, the mask mandates and CLOSING OF RESTURANTS and PUBS
surely caused lost "money" all over the US and Canada.

... Everyone here is surely entitled to their-own OPINION
on things here... How else and we have good discussions
if we don't allow people their say?

#### Salty
berryberry's Avatar
... Hold it for half-a-mo, mates.

What Eye-CU is referring-to is that "money" was lost as
several businesses, auto makers and what-not had to
cancel shifts - and people had to miss work as a
type of inconvienance as the Truckers closed off
the bridgeways.

But then, the mask mandates and CLOSING OF RESTURANTS and PUBS
surely caused lost "money" all over the US and Canada.

... Everyone here is surely entitled to their-own OPINION
on things here... How else and we have good discussions
if we don't allow people their say?

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Salty - he claimed there was "billions in Lost revenue" because of the truckers which is false. As I explained, the shipments were simply delayed less than a week, not cancelled. Could a few factories have to postpone shifts if they had not planned well and on had a few days supply of parts on hand - sure. But no where near to the extant he is claiming. And shifts postponed can be made up going forward. So the economic impact he states is vastly exaggerated and simply made up

Meanwhile watch as Prime Minister Justin Trudeau gets heckled by the opposition while trying to defend why he invoked the Emergencies Act:
eyecu2's Avatar
... Hold it for half-a-mo, mates.

What Eye-CU is referring-to is that "money" was lost as
several businesses, auto makers and what-not had to
cancel shifts - and people had to miss work as a
type of inconvienance as the Truckers closed off
the bridgeways.

But then, the mask mandates and CLOSING OF RESTURANTS and PUBS
surely caused lost "money" all over the US and Canada.

... Everyone here is surely entitled to their-own OPINION
on things here... How else and we have good discussions
if we don't allow people their say?

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
There is NO Doubt the pandemic has royally fucked many people from all walks of life. No dispute there, not do I want to silence anyone their say. This forum is good for lots of opinions. I just am not on board with the conspiracy du jour per a lot of folks who follow a certain FOX network. They have tried to read the tea leaves to the inth degree. And just cause Berry doesn't agree that billions were lost in both real and also opportunity costs, any re-collection of make-up shifts MIGHT have an impact but will also have added costs to retrieve those goods as finished goods , and others are down right gone forever. Any perishables we're likely lost, and the analogy of a hotel room that is not sold on any given night, is a lost room forever. You can never make up for that opportunity cost lost. But rest assured each of those costs add up, whether it be 1 billion, or 2 billion, those losses will be passed on to all of us as consumers. I really don't have anything against Canadian truck drivers voicing their opinions, or their rally. But when their occupation forced closures, that's when things went sideways. But to salty's point I appreciate the input from all sides, well I might not agree but some of your points, I'm appreciative that they're raised here
berryberry's Avatar
From Jason Kenney - Premier of Alberta:

Today, I've signed a letter along with @PremierScottMoe, @GovGianforte and 15 other American governors urging President Biden and Prime Minister Trudeau to drop the cross-border vaccine mandate for truckers.

It's bad public health theatre and it needs to go.

... Trudeau needs to understand just WHO rules the country.

The PEOPLE do!

... The Truckers made their point... And IF Trudeau
keeps pushing this - then the Truckers will REALLY
get serious.... And go ON STRIKE.

THAT will surely bugger-up the goods supply chain even more!

#### Salty
berryberry's Avatar
Yeah - the truckers can go on strike and bring the whole country to a standstill and there would be nothing Trudeau could do about it

But here is his hypocrisy exposed:

In 2020, Justin Trudeau endorsed the thousands of Indian farmers that blocked the roads connecting to national capital, saying he ‘supported peaceful protest’.

In 2022, Justin Trudeau is effectively declaring martial law against his own people for doing the exact same thing.
HDGristle's Avatar
berryberry's Avatar
So besides stealing peaceful protestors bank accounts from them, these sick tyrants in Canada now want to kill their pets. This after Trudeau disgustingly accused a Jewish member of Parliament yesterday when she dared question him that of falsely standing with a Swastika. These are the tyrants trying to stamp out dissent with their draconian policies - and yet we have freedom hating posters here still supporting these tyrants. Disgusting

Canada is going to kill truckers animals if they’re arrested and unable to get those animals within eight days.


Attention animal owners at demonstration

If you are unable to care for your animal as a result of enforcement actions, your animal will placed into protective care for 8 days, at your cost. After 8 days, if arrangements are not made, your animal will be considered relinquished.
berryberry's Avatar
Jonathan Turley: Trudeau continues to throw fuel on the fire in Canada with incendiary remarks.…

The emergency measures continue to alarm civil libertarians inside and outside Canada. For whatever reason, Trudeau seems to want to make this into a more serious confrontation. However, that is now expanding the movement as other truckers respond to what they see as heavy handed measures.

I fail to see what any of this was necessary... Trudeau could have cleared the bridge or roads under existing laws without (for the first time) using the emergency powers provision. He could have spoken directly with the truckers. Instead, he is demonizing not just the truckers but anyone who supports them.

Just think about what type of low life despicable individual one has to be to support this tyrant and his actions

Trudeau’s Trucker Terrorists: Why the Emergency Powers Endanger the Rights of All Groups From Truckers to Marchers

For the first time in history, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau invoked the Emergencies Act to crackdown on what he has described as an attack on democracy itself in Canada. While civil libertarians in Canada have condemned the move as threatening core free speech and associational rights in the country, the American media and legal commentators have largely supported Trudeau in the use of these extreme measures. Indeed, I triggered a tsunami of criticism in stating that Canada could have used such powers to cut off donations for the Civil Rights Movement and arrest Martin Luther King today for such protests. This was due to the distortion of my comments on MLK being arrested (as opposed to being subject to arrest under this law). However, there was also an objection that there is no equivalency between the truckers and the Civil Rights Movement. Again, that is not the point of the reference: the comparison was to the type of civil disobedience used in protests. The concern is that the Canadian government could declare such an emergency to crackdown on any group engaging in civil disobedience through blockades or occupation protests. It could even happen to Dr. King today if marchers sought to repeat historic marches in Canada. Without meaningful limits under the law, they could also be unilaterally declared threats to Canadian “sovereignty, security and territorial integrity” by Trudeau for acts of civil disobedience.

With the emergency powers, Trudeau can now prohibit travel, public assemblies, conduct widespread arrests, and block donations for the truckers. This also includes freezing bank accounts and ramping up police surveillance and enforcement.

The Canadian Civil Liberties Association objected:

“The federal government has not met the threshold necessary to invoke the Emergencies Act. This law creates a high and clear standard for good reason: the Act allows government to bypass ordinary democratic processes. This standard has not been met. The Emergencies Act can only be invoked when a situation ‘seriously threatens the ability of the Government of Canada to preserve the sovereignty, security and territorial integrity of Canada’ & when the situation ‘cannot be effectively dealt with under any other law of Canada.’”

Such voices have been drowned out by media demonizing the truckers as racists or insurrectionists.

As civil libertarians, it is less important what people are saying as their right to say it. That includes people who speak through their financial support or donations. Millions in such donations were blocked by GoFundMe or the Canadian government in this crackdown

Much more at:
eyecu2's Avatar
Only unionized truckers can go on strike,but others like most of those in Canada could just stop work.

Q. Would that fuck up supply chains.

A. Yes especially in the short to mid term. Till other sources or truckers (scabs) would replace them. Since trucking unions currently are not in support of the so called "freedom convoy", there is almost zero chance of a strike.

From the teamsters

Do you guys who support this, think that blockades are appropriate methods to to exercise their freedom of speech rights, while costing large sums of money and infringing on others rights of access or that they are violating the law about blockades especially on bridges & noise ordinances? Imagine hearing a few hundred truck horns for weeks on end.

I would think that this will end poorly for the truckers.

They need to figure out an exit and get moving before the result causes the purpose of the protest to be overshadowed by the outcome. Much like the Jan 6 insurrectionists found out. Lawsuits, fines and prison are not worthwhile conclusions.
berryberry's Avatar
The Teamsters - LOL. The Teamsters leaders are corrupt mob members beholden to the libtards in government. No self respecting person takes what they say seriously
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Union bosses, whose main function is to wash money for the democratic party, do not speak for the guys who actually drive the trucks.
berryberry's Avatar
The Trudeau government has reportedly sent names of truckers to banks in the latest escalation. The banks are reportedly asking the government what to do with such a black listing of protesters. Oh, Canada . . .

They are going to have to re-write the Canadian national anthem after this since they are no longer a free country and this line is no longer true

Thou True North, strong and free!
... This was such a planned event by the Truckers,
I'm rather certain the banks have little interest
in doi

... Hee Hee! ... Banks - having "little interest" ...

Where was i? ... oh... - rather certain that banks have
little interest in freezing accountes of the Truckers,
seeing-as the Truckers prolly have a GREAT war chest of money $$$
to surely overcome the frozen accounte problem.

These Trucking "leaders" thought out this whole situation
in-advance, and Trudeau DOES NOT have the backing of
the Province leaders to make the decisions he's making.

The Truckers are truly the ones in control here.
And are just laughing and playing with Trudeau NOW.

But IF Trudeau escalates this any more - the lawsuits
will begin... And Trucking STOPS.

#### Salty