Christianity is what's wrong with American politics.

Dude, the charge of hypocrisy was little more than claiming you hold me to a different standard than other posters. No more, no less. Originally Posted by Doove
Can you name another poster who ever exhibited the habit of attacking me with countless snide little insults over an extended period of time? There's no different standard; it's just that as an annoyance, at least with respect to how many times you've taken cheap jabs at me, you're in a class by yourself. You don't even have a close competitor. In fact, you just barely have any distant competitors. And all of them dropped it after a post or two.

You're simply the internet version of an obsessed stalker. Everyone can see that.

Now buzz off. Go find somebody else to stalk.

You've become a laughingstock. Do you really want to embarrass yourself further?
TexTushHog's Avatar
Glad to see I haven't missed much after almost two weeks in Paris and Burgundy!! Looks like things are right where I left them.
Glad to see I haven't missed much after almost two weeks in Paris and Burgundy!! Looks like things are right where I left them. Originally Posted by TexTushHog

Yeah, pretty much! I don't know how I'm going to get rid of this internet stalker. I got a couple of PMs telling me it would be much smarter to avoid allowing myself to get baited by trolls like this. Undoubtedly true.

Hope you had a good time in France! I hear Burgundy's pretty nice this time of year. I had a wonderful time there two years ago in mid-late October. Bring back some good bottles for your cellar?
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 11-11-2011, 05:35 PM
I was going to let post #210 be my last, and let you finish with post #211, but you just had to get in yet one more post after that insulting me, didn't ya? And i'm the troll? Anyways....

He needs to get over his continuing obsession with this.

From now on, I'm simply going to try to be entertained by clowns like this. Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
Doove...what an insufferable ass you are

That's why from now on I'm just going to ridicule clowns like you. Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
Get over it, asshole...Most people get a little pissed off when some jackass continues to obsessively bombard them with cheap insults. Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
Yeah, maybe I shouldn't have responded in kind, but I've always had rather little tolerance for insufferable assholes.

Doove, you're simply a laughingstock. Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
everybody recognizes you for what you are. It's pretty obvious. Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
That clearly shows everyone that you're simply an obnoxious ass.

I don't have any idea what your problem is, Doove, and I don't care. But you clearly have one, evidenced by the fact that you just can't quit bringing up your obsession. Do yourself a favor and get some help. Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
What you're essentially arguing is that I'm a hypocrite because you're the only person I've called an obnoxious jackass.

If you act like an asshole who for some weird reason seems obsessed with me

You've become a laughingstock, Doove. Why don't you just quietly drop this before embarrassing yourself further? Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight

Your arguments attempting to do so were laughably stupid.

So why don't you drop your obsession with me and take up another hobby? Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
I decided to have that incoherent rant translated into something a little more understandable: Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight

And how about a good wealth-envy rant? Judging from some of your previous posts, that ought to be right up your alley! Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
Got a bit of a reading comprehension problem? Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
Your stupid claims of hypocrisy are obviously unsupportable by any post to which you linked.

I know you haven't demonstrated the capacity to view much of anything in a reasoned manner, Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
And the fact that your argument is stupid can easily be seen by anyone who actually looked at those posts. Probably no one did, because nobody but you gives a damn about your insecurities.

You've got a bizarre problem with obsession, Doove. I'm sure as hell glad you don't know where I live; I'd be concerned for my personal safety.
Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
Can you name another poster who ever exhibited the habit of attacking me with countless snide little insults over an extended period of time? Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
Now that one was funny! But i digress....carrying on....

You're simply the internet version of an obsessed stalker. Everyone can see that.

You've become a laughingstock. Do you really want to embarrass yourself further?
I don't know how I'm going to get rid of this internet stalker. Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
First, the insults i've quoted above are all from this thread only - all because i called you a hypocrite. Egads! A hypocrite! "Oh no, doove called me a hypocrite....waaaah waaaah waaaaah!"

But of course, you'll blame me for your being required to issue every one of the insults above. And while claiming that you insult me because i insult you (chicken, egg) you haven't pointed out via link one insult i've directed towards you. Not one. I wonder if always blaming someone else for your negative behavior is also a sign of narcissism.

And secondly, you seem to have this running theme of claiming i'm obsessed with you. I'm no more obsessed with you than you are with me, as evidenced by your incessant insults and your inability to let this thread die when i was willing to give you the last word. Which all leads me to wonder, where does an over-inflated sense of self-worth fall in the narcissistic pyramid?

Again, i've previously admitted i've acted like an ass in this thread. You seem unable to admit the same about yourself (see above quotes).

Telling, on so many levels.
You're entertaining, Doove. Maybe a little disturbed, but nevertheless entertaining. If you're getting a kick out of this, go for it. Have a great weekend!

Why don't we pivot and talk about good wine? TexTushHog posted that he just got back from Burgundy. Maybe you ought to try to deal with your stress by heading there for a vacation. I plan to do so again before too much of '12 passes by.

And somebody ought to start a wine thread. I may do so myself soon. A number of folks enjoyed a couple of great wine discussions back when D&T was an active forum.
You're entertaining, Doove. Maybe a little disturbed, but nevertheless entertaining. If you're getting a kick out of this, go for it. Have a great weekend!

Why don't we pivot and talk about good wine? TexTushHog posted that he just got back from Burgundy. Maybe you ought to try to deal with your stress by heading there for a vacation. I plan to do so again before too much of '12 passes by.

And somebody ought to start a wine thread. I may do so myself soon. A number of folks enjoyed a couple of great wine discussions back when D&T was an active forum. Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight

Why are you surprised that Doofus calls you a hypocrite for not REDISTRIBUTING the blame so you fairly spread the fault.....don't you know how these scumbag commie TROLLS are?......a SICKO for sure.......he's an ENEMY OF THE STATE that needs to be EXTERMINATED

TexTushHog's Avatar
Hope you had a good time in France! I hear Burgundy's pretty nice this time of year. I had a wonderful time there two years ago in mid-late October. Bring back some good bottles for your cellar? Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
A little cold, but very nice. Only spend two days in Burgundy. Most of the time was in Paris. Didn't bring back any bottles, but I have a nice appreication of the 2010 vintage. It's being bottled (or has just been bottled, depending on the producer). Some good tastings. I will be adding some to my collection. And they are quite optimistic about 2011. Some great food, too.
  • MrGiz
  • 11-12-2011, 09:29 PM
Doove is one of my favorites, here... he's always a good cure for self-doubt!

I just enjoyed some excellent Pommes Frites, at a local joint, called The Shack! * yum-yum!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Doove is easily one of the most entertaining, but I must apologize to Doove. I have been trying to be an insufferable jackass, but I just can't measure up to the standard set by TTH and Wave. I'm trying, man, but they have the insufferable jackass market cornered. I will work to become a petty annoyance, and then watch them closely so I can learn from them. Hopefully soon, I can become an apprentice insufferable jackass. I'm working on it, Doove, don't give up on me!

  • MrGiz
  • 11-12-2011, 09:40 PM
Give it up, COG.... you ain't got a shot!

for the pompous few out there, excuse me... "he does not have a shot"
Bunch of GHOST writer BS. Doove ain't that smart.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Doove is easily one of the most entertaining, but I must apologize to Doove. I have been trying to be an insufferable jackass, but I just can't measure up to the standard set by TTH and Wave. I'm trying, man, but they have the insufferable jackass market cornered. I will work to become a petty annoyance, and then watch them closely so I can learn from them. Hopefully soon, I can become an apprentice insufferable jackass. I'm working on it, Doove, don't give up on me!

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Give it up, COG.... you ain't got a shot!

for the pompous few out there, excuse me... "he does not have a shot" Originally Posted by MrGiz
As Mr Giz points out, why bother to go all trouble to be a jackass?

being a jackass comes with the territory. you're born a jackass or not at all. it also appears to be a genetic trait.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I believe I can overcome my genetic traits through faith and effort. I believe I can pursue my dream, and catch it. I can, no I WILL - against all odds - become an insufferable jackass! Just you wait, ye naysayers! Mwahahahaha!