Value is ultimately in the eye of the beholder.What may be waay too much to one person could be a total bargain to another. One thing that will always remain true is no matter how much a woman charges, or how much , or little a man is willing to pay there will always be someone out there who sees it as too much, or not enough.
Originally Posted by Becky
I think you've nailed the value equation.
Every client has a different hierarchy of what is important to him, and how much value he assigns to those things he deems important. In addition, each client has, to some degree, different things he wants to derive from a meeting with a provider.
The client's decision to book is governed by what the provider has that is important to him, how much of it she has, and how well he believes she'll fulfill what he wants to derive -- all balanced against her rate.
And just like you said, depending on these factors, a client will see the provider -- no matter her actual rate -- as either charging too little, too much, just right, etc.
I book in various price ranges and no matter what the lady charges, I know it's a good booking because I say to myself "She's ONLY charging X?!"
That means she has tipped the value equation so heavily that her rate looks like a great deal.
Another client might look at the exact same provider, but because he has a different hierarchy of values will decide she is charging too much and won't book her.
This, I think, is why we'll always have HDHs.
The original poster neglects a lot of factors in his reasoning; including both concentrations of wealth (How many HDHs could Bill Gates support?) and the fact that some guys don't hobby a lot so that the per-appointment cost is not so crucial as it would be if they hobbied a lot.