Trump made us No. 1 — in the spread of a deadly disease

Jaxson66's Avatar
Fact-checking President Trump’s marathon news conference

At a marathon news conference on March 31, President Trump acknowledged the death toll in the United States from the coronavirus outbreak could be staggering, with best-case scenario estimates ranging from 100,000 to 200,000. The message marked a sharp break from his many weeks of dismissing the seriousness of the outbreak in the United States. Still, even if his tone was more sober, the president continued to play fast and loose with the facts. Here’s a sampling from the nearly 13,000 words spoken by the President.

The testing snafu

“We inherited obsolete tests.”

There were no tests for the novel coronavirus, which only emerged in China late in 2019, so tests had to be developed specifically by countries starting in January. Trump appears to be referring to a system in place that relied on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to take the lead in developing the tests. But a still-unspecified manufacturing problem caused the CDC to distribute flawed tests to state and local health departments. On top of that, having the CDC take the lead, rather than the private sector, was inappropriate for the task of testing potentially hundreds of thousands of people.

Two former Trump administration officials had warned on Jan. 28, in a Wall Street Journal article, that the CDC was not up to task and the private sector needed to be engaged. But the Trump administration waited another month before it fast-tracked the development of tests by private companies.

You real Amerkians can take comfort in knowing that not only was the great leaders TV ratings higher than the Bachelor’s but he was also #1 on Facebook. That could be life saving information.
  • oeb11
  • 04-02-2020, 08:49 AM
Ah, u666 - exposing the Amerika you and your Fascist DPST's really want

a national socialist dictatorship of deluded Marxists.
Get some Help - it is badly needed.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Fact-checking President Trump’s marathon news conference

At a marathon news conference on March 31, President Trump acknowledged the death toll in the United States from the coronavirus outbreak could be staggering, with best-case scenario estimates ranging from 100,000 to 200,000. The message marked a sharp break from his many weeks of dismissing the seriousness of the outbreak in the United States. Still, even if his tone was more sober, the president continued to play fast and loose with the facts. Here’s a sampling from the nearly 13,000 words spoken by the President.

The testing snafu

“We inherited obsolete tests.”

There were no tests for the novel coronavirus, which only emerged in China late in 2019, so tests had to be developed specifically by countries starting in January. Trump appears to be referring to a system in place that relied on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to take the lead in developing the tests. But a still-unspecified manufacturing problem caused the CDC to distribute flawed tests to state and local health departments. On top of that, having the CDC take the lead, rather than the private sector, was inappropriate for the task of testing potentially hundreds of thousands of people.

Two former Trump administration officials had warned on Jan. 28, in a Wall Street Journal article, that the CDC was not up to task and the private sector needed to be engaged. But the Trump administration waited another month before it fast-tracked the development of tests by private companies.

You real Amerkians can take comfort in knowing that not only was the great leaders TV ratings higher than the Bachelor’s but he was also #1 on Facebook. That could be life saving information. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Of course your hero Obama took two years before a test vaccine for the H1N1 was produced. Trump is so far ahead at this point that Michelle's dick probably fell off in envy.
  • oeb11
  • 04-02-2020, 09:10 AM
The Fascist DPST's have made America No. 1 in seriously deluded anti- Trumpers!
Jaxson66's Avatar
Republicans were warned. Yet they persisted in defending Trump.

That notorious cut-up Mitch McConnell got an early jump on April Fools’ Day this year, blaming Democrats for the Trump administration’s failure to prepare for the novel coronavirus pandemic.

“It came up while we were, you know, tied down in the impeachment trial,” the Senate majority leader said Tuesday. “And I think it diverted the attention of the government.”

In addition to implicitly acknowledging that President Trump wasn’t paying attention to the growing danger, it was a curious entry into the blame game for the Kentucky Republican, who recently said this isn’t “a time for partisan bickering.”

If anybody was diverted, it was McConnell, who, along with most of his GOP colleagues, again put lockstep defense of the president ahead of the national interest. During the three weeks of the impeachment trial, public health experts gave stark warnings about the growing biological threat. In that same time, several Senate Democrats (and a few Republicans) urged a more robust mobilization.

You know who said nothing? McConnell.

That racist pig fucker McConnell had to know what the Senate intelligence committees briefings were warning, he chose to ignore the facts to defend the lies of the fat lying bastard.
  • oeb11
  • 04-02-2020, 12:53 PM
Thank you - j666- "Racism" - the NYT gift that keeps on giving.

Get some professional help - for Ur own sake!
j666- No. 1 in adherence to fascist DPST narrative Lies!
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Great observations my cheery fiend.

In this week's installment: A Detective type might ponder, deeply, motivation. Their mind could wander around looking at how lack-luster the Chinese economy had become and then wonder if the recent trade war and tariff battle might have negatively affected their economy further and such. Might even start feeling some tingly hairs on the back of their neck when they ponder whom might gain if other external economies got suddenly tanked.

And then a commercial break. <I always use my Flex-o-Light paddle...>

Then they discover an unexpected clue that indicates that the only Level-4 bio-lab in all of China, capable of 'safely' (sic) handling the Chinese virus is in Wuhan, China?

Tune in next week from the dramatic continuation of As The Wold Burns

folks got it all wrong, it's not so much about a virus, although we are seeing/hearing all about it daily and do need to be safe, at the end of the day it's about China swooping in and buying up many failed businesses, China invests billions of dollars into many countries thereby controling much of the world, but, there is light at the end of the tunnel, this pandemic has opened up many a blind eye. Originally Posted by Blackwidowspider
  • oeb11
  • 04-02-2020, 02:29 PM
No question China lied about the handling of the virus, their initial response was completely political - not medical, and they are absolutely not to be trusted.

Not anymore than Putin and his planeload of "help" for America.

i suggest we let Gov. Cuomo and Gruesome (kalifornia) accept the Trojan horse offering and be responsible for it.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Republicans were warned. Yet they persisted in defending Trump... Originally Posted by Jaxson66

Wait! What?!? I thought 'persisting' and 'resisting' were hallmarks of the loony left, TDS crowd. A question for my colleagues: are we stepping into copyright infringement or cultural appropriation territory here??
  • oeb11
  • 04-02-2020, 02:35 PM
No telling what the fevered mind of j666 and the Loony DPST's are trying to invent now.

Is this another basis for "Impeachment", or to declare Trump a "criminal" (again), or to arrest for the crimes above every Republican in the Nation?

Perhaps j666 could rationally try to explain the point?

On consideration - No, not possible.
Perhaps ftw could interpret for the Forum???
Jaxson66's Avatar
Great observations my cheery fiend.

In this week's installment: A Detective type might ponder, deeply, motivation. Their mind could wander around looking at how lack-luster the Chinese economy had become and then wonder if the recent trade war and tariff battle might have negatively affected their economy further and such. Might even start feeling some tingly hairs on the back of their neck when they ponder whom might gain if other external economies got suddenly tanked.

And then a commercial break. <I always use my Flex-o-Light paddle...>

Then they discover an unexpected clue that indicates that the only Level-4 bio-lab in all of China, capable of 'safely' (sic) handling the Chinese virus is in Wuhan, China?

Tune in next week from the dramatic continuation of As The Wold Burns Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
The truth is more simple than the China conspiracy horse shit. The truth that the fat lying bastard was more concerned with Hunter Biden, the secret server, Bolton and the whistleblower than the Security of the country. The truth that Moscow Mitch and his pig fucking freedom caucus were more concerned with whitewashing the fat lying bastards impeachment trial so they couldn’t be bothered to protect their own country.

..didn’t the fat lying bastard shoot down that conspiracy yesterday in his daily clown show?
Jaxson66's Avatar
Wait! What?!? I thought 'persisting' and 'resisting' were hallmarks of the loony left, TDS crowd. A question for my colleagues: are we stepping into copyright infringement or cultural appropriation territory here?? Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
No, that’s your own bullshit your stepping in.
Jaxson66's Avatar
No telling what the fevered mind of j666 and the Loony DPST's are trying to invent now.

Is this another basis for "Impeachment", or to declare Trump a "criminal" (again), or to arrest for the crimes above every Republican in the Nation?

Perhaps j666 could rationally try to explain the point?

On consideration - No, not possible.
Perhaps ftw could interpret for the Forum??? Originally Posted by oeb11
maybe you can first get a brother cult member to explain your fucking post.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Wait! What?!? I thought 'persisting' and 'resisting' were hallmarks of the loony left, TDS crowd. A question for my colleagues: are we stepping into copyright infringement or cultural appropriation territory here?? Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
with the TDS crowd, i don't think it matters.
Trump owns the Trump haters, even they are doing what He and his administration told them to do, wash yo ass, wash yo hands.