Where are the Classy Girls? Also, Tips for Gentlemen

Way to double down on your ignorance. Originally Posted by TravelingGentleman
How is she ignorant? We'll wait. Butt, make it factual not armature's an informant or some shit like that.

Keep playing though! And since you're bold enough to speak on behalf of the ladies everywhere...

Ladies out there....if a gentleman caller flew you into town for all expense paid vacation, took you everywhere, then wrote a novel about it with your permission about how much fun he had....would you be scared off? Originally Posted by TravelingGentleman
Depends if all their other shit is Little Man Syndrome and mean spirited.
TravelingGentleman's Avatar
WAARGLEBLARGLE Originally Posted by armature

larryheadboard's Avatar
I would like to see more classy,experienced and established providers return especially for the higher donation requirements being asked for. Value for your buck!
I guess "Mr Classy" doubled down one too many times. The trash has been thrown out.

R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 12-27-2015, 06:47 PM
^ doubled down on stupid. Calling me man hands did make me giggle.
pyramider's Avatar
Mr classless got confused...
chicagoboy's Avatar
I'll always be grateful to tg, the inspiration for the term classhole.
Sex workers ladies engaging activities for payment/money.Sex workers not running for free.Sex workers adveriting all over internet& websites and groups.where ever else.Hobbyists going to have a PAID good time with all sex workers.Hobbyists show up without payment see what happen with sex workers.Thats funny sh*t where all classy girls. Have a good day hobbyists and sex workers
SknyDiva's Avatar
Sex workers ladies engaging activities for payment/money.Sex workers not running for free.Sex workers adveriting all over internet& websites and groups.where ever else.Hobbyists going to have a PAID good time with all sex workers.Hobbyists show up without payment see what happen with sex workers.Thats funny sh*t where all classy girls. Have a good day hobbyists and sex workers Originally Posted by Fancylady
Best read so far
I wish more ladies would do this! I've been asking around with various providers, and have been quoted a variety of things from:

-No change from the existing rate
-$75 per hour less than their existing rate
-Specialty packages that include social functions (one of which I've booked, and am awaiting).

I think I would highly encourage you to have offerings for social events. If a guy wants to buy you dinner, take you to a movie, and NOTHING ELSE....have a rate for that. How much do you want to charge someone who wants to wine and dine you, with no expectations? Because a gentleman can wine and dine people every night without ever having to pay for the privilege - but he'll pay for the privilege of doing it with a beautiful, intelligent woman - which is where providers should be able to find a niche market.

There are also packages that various providers offer that encompass social time along with playtime - which...if you cut through chivalry, is ultimately what a fantastic date is. Meeting someone, socializing, dinner, a spark and a connection - and future repetitions.

No one needs to pay $150-500 an hour to get off. If it's that simple, a guy can grab his dick and double click for free. But paying for a pleasant memory of a rewarding evening - that's worthwhile.

Separate yourself from the masses - forget physical gratification, and consider emotional gratification. The physical gratification is why our species propagates, but the emotional gratification is why we choose to spend time with people. Originally Posted by TravelingGentleman
have you tried P411
This entire thread is a beautiful hot mess. It did a surprising job of sparking my interest. I've never commented on a thread before so here goes! From a 19 year old providers perspective... This is in response to several things stated in the thread as well as the other responses.

First off, I am not, nor have I ever been, in denial about the fact that I am technically a "hooker". It does not bother me to be called one because I know who I am on a deeper level I suppose. What I do part time does not define the relationship I have with myself. This is simply my personal opinion. I could care less what anyone on this site has to say about me. They simply do not know me as a person. They know me as a good time. Whether it be a good fuck or my genuine companionship... In all honestly. They know me on a business level.
I do agree with some of the things you noted necessary in order to be a woman of class. The biggest one being that she should have a chameleon mentality. BIG WINNER! Here's why.... I'm certain I don't speak only for myself when I say that there is obviously a motive behind why we do what we do (us providers). It's called money. If a woman has the ability to shape herself according to her surroundings, to me that is class... Or intelligence perhaps. No... It's definitely skill. Class is only a perspective. Don't mistake class and chivalry. I understand your concern about what or where exactly these "classy" women are.... But if everything in your thread is of great significance to you, you are in the wrong place my friend. I AM NOT SAYING that means there are no classy women on here. I consider myself to be one. But by your definition, from my understanding, your forgetting that this is a business.
I can be whoever or whatever you want me to be if I'm handed the right sum of cash.
It appears to me that you are looking for class on a level other than an exchange of service...
There's a different kind of class I would carry about myself if I was to be looking for a husband or something NOT related to my dark secret over here. It's almost inappropriate to blend the two.
I have seen my fair share of trashy providers but I've also seen my fair share of classy ones.. If you have a chameleon mentality, you at least have the ability to pretend to be something your not... Which will always work in your favor when it comes to money.
But my most prominent point being that you blended two very different roles together and regardless of what your definition of class is.... There are "classy" providers out there. But at the end of the day each of us have a service to offer and with that being said, class is more relevant in my overall standards as a person, and not a provider.

.... class is more relevant in my overall standards as a person, and not a provider.

Xoxo Originally Posted by Raquel XOXO
Sums it up beautifully. Diamonds and tuxedos doesn't count for much between the sheets, nor does intellectual conversation. But fucking is still best done between two people whose goal is to please each other, and that involves class.

Just different kinds of class.
This entire thread is a beautiful hot mess. It did a surprising job of sparking my interest. I've never commented on a thread before so here goes! From a 19 year old providers perspective... This is in response to several things stated in the thread as well as the other responses.

First off, I am not, nor have I ever been, in denial about the fact that I am technically a "hooker". It does not bother me to be called one because I know who I am on a deeper level I suppose. What I do part time does not define the relationship I have with myself. This is simply my personal opinion. I could care less what anyone on this site has to say about me. They simply do not know me as a person. They know me as a good time. Whether it be a good fuck or my genuine companionship... In all honestly. They know me on a business level.
I do agree with some of the things you noted necessary in order to be a woman of class. The biggest one being that she should have a chameleon mentality. BIG WINNER! Here's why.... I'm certain I don't speak only for myself when I say that there is obviously a motive behind why we do what we do (us providers). It's called money. If a woman has the ability to shape herself according to her surroundings, to me that is class... Or intelligence perhaps. No... It's definitely skill. Class is only a perspective. Don't mistake class and chivalry. I understand your concern about what or where exactly these "classy" women are.... But if everything in your thread is of great significance to you, you are in the wrong place my friend. I AM NOT SAYING that means there are no classy women on here. I consider myself to be one. But by your definition, from my understanding, your forgetting that this is a business.
I can be whoever or whatever you want me to be if I'm handed the right sum of cash.
It appears to me that you are looking for class on a level other than an exchange of service...
There's a different kind of class I would carry about myself if I was to be looking for a husband or something NOT related to my dark secret over here. It's almost inappropriate to blend the two.
I have seen my fair share of trashy providers but I've also seen my fair share of classy ones.. If you have a chameleon mentality, you at least have the ability to pretend to be something your not... Which will always work in your favor when it comes to money.
But my most prominent point being that you blended two very different roles together and regardless of what your definition of class is.... There are "classy" providers out there. But at the end of the day each of us have a service to offer and with that being said, class is more relevant in my overall standards as a person, and not a provider.

Xoxo Originally Posted by Raquel XOXO
Sex workers ladies enagaging activities/time for payment/money.Show up hobbyists without money see what happen with sex workers.. Enjoy variety sex workers hobbyists.Hobbyists going have blasted on paid time with all sex workers..
Happy 2016 hobbyists and sex workers. Hobbyists enjoy all paid sex workers
Happy New Year to all of you classy ladies and gents!