Signed, sealed, delivered! Who else has a new health insurance policy?

Yssup Rider's Avatar
You don't know what it means, douchebag!
LexusLover's Avatar
I hope someone calculates the true cost of this program. The increased insurance premiums plus the subsidies plus the taxes. Then calculate the true benefit of people being insured. With high co-pays and huge deductibles the doctors or hospitals will still be stuck with a lot of noncollectable accounts. Originally Posted by Laz
If they do, they'll blame it on Bush.
LexusLover's Avatar
Absolutely. I'm guessing half of these assholes are already claiming their government handouts. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Guessed wrong, AGAIN!

There are no "government handouts" yet to claim.

Wait until you get your "home visit."!!!!!!! Welcome to "Obaminable World"!!!!

About like you GUESSING .. that "Nau's ENFIELD Drug" is in Clarksville!!! LMAO
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-26-2013, 04:08 AM

I hope someone calculates the true cost of this program. The increased insurance premiums plus the subsidies plus the taxes. Then calculate the true benefit of people being insured. With high co-pays and huge deductibles the doctors or hospitals will still be stuck with a lot of noncollectable accounts. Originally Posted by Laz
You mean like people calculates the true cost of say a war? Those same folks bitching about trying to insure Americans never said a peep about true war costs.

The true cost of the Iraq War is $3 trillion—and counting—rather than the $50 billion projected by the White House.
Apart from its tragic human toll, the Iraq War will be staggeringly expensive in financial terms. This sobering study by Nobel Prize winner Joseph E. Stiglitz and Harvard professor Linda J. Bilmes casts a spotlight on expense items that have been hidden from the U.S. taxpayer, including not only big-ticket items like replacing military equipment (being used up at six times the peacetime rate) but also the cost of caring for thousands of wounded veterans—for the rest of their lives. Shifting to a global focus, the authors investigate the cost in lives and economic damage within Iraq and the region. Finally, with the chilling precision of an actuary, the authors measure what the U.S. taxpayer's money would have produced if instead it had been invested in the further growth of the U.S. economy. Written in language as simple as the details are disturbing, this book will forever change the way we think about the
This is particularly puzzling when there are two peer-reviewed epidemiological surveys that give a far more comprehensive accounting of the war's human cost. A Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Survey published in the Lancet, and the Iraq Public Health Survey published in the New England Journal of Medicine, gave figures of 655,000 and 400,000 excess deaths respectively. (Both were concluded in June 2006, a month before the violence peaked, suggesting the actual toll is even higher).

It is odder still that when epidemiological surveys have come to be accepted as the standard method for estimating conflict fatalities - the method has been used without controversy in Congo, Bosnia and Darfur - an exception is made in the case of Iraq.
LexusLover's Avatar
You mean like people calculates the true cost of say a war? Those same folks bitching about trying to insure Americans never said a peep about true war costs.

. Originally Posted by WTF
What was the "true cost" of NOT GOING TO WAR?
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  • WTF
  • 10-26-2013, 07:28 AM
What was the "true cost" of NOT GOING TO WAR? Originally Posted by LexusLover
What is the ''true cost'' of not having Obamacare?

A question was asked: What is the true costs of Obamacare? I pointed out that folks that like to ask these questions of things they do not support , seem to never ask it of things they do support (it is true with both parties I might add) . A point you drove home by your retort!

LexusLover's Avatar
What is the ''true cost'' of not having Obamacare?

A question was asked: What is the true costs of Obamacare? I pointed out that folks that like to ask these questions of things they do not support , seem to never ask it of things they do support (it is true with both parties I might add) . A point you drove home by your retort! Originally Posted by WTF
And you just made my point, trying to confuse the "point to point" discussion.

Nice try.

Before one embarks on such a broad sweeping change in how the US does business, one ought to have a good handle on the cost of NOT MAKING THE BROAD SWEEP and then a good handle on the COST OF MAKING THE SWEEP.

We had a glimpse on 911 of the COSTS of not going to war and in 2001-2003 the COSTS of not being ready to go to war and the rest of the world thinking we would not.

So did Europe in the late 1930s..... and the Western Pacific.

The question of "ObaminableCare" is what is the cost of implementing and what it is REALLY CURING .....meaning what are the actual "COSTS" to the taxpayers that it was supposed to "cure," if it is to provide health care for those who cannot afford it!!!!!

IF IT IS NOT .... "to provide health care for those who cannot afford it" ...

then what is it for?

And more importantly to me: why were we told that?

Someone in this forum has blamed the unsuccessful on Bush.
Now someone is working in the Iraq war to justify its failing.

If signing up for healthcare is like signing up for travel on Kayak, then enjoy your staycation.
LexusLover's Avatar

Someone in this forum has blamed the unsuccessful on Bush.
Now someone is working in the Iraq war to justify its failing. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Oh, it will get better ... I heard "Juan of Fox" claim that the bad website was because the Republicans would vote enough money for the start up !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

$600 million was not enough!!!!!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-26-2013, 12:12 PM

Someone in this forum has blamed the unsuccessful on Bush.
Now someone is working in the Iraq war to justify its failing.

If signing up for healthcare is like signing up for travel on Kayak, then enjoy your staycation. Originally Posted by gnadfly
You backed a 3-4 Trillion dollar nation building excursion in Iraq and the troop surge and yet you are quitting before the healthcare surge! You hate this country don't you. I bet you listen to the Dixie Chicks!

I love throwing you dumbfucks shit back atchya!

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  • WTF
  • 10-26-2013, 12:59 PM
You Teawipes wanna Cut'n Run!

LexusLover's Avatar
You backed a 3-4 Trillion dollar nation building excursion in Iraq and the troop surge and yet you are quitting before the healthcare surge! Originally Posted by WTF
So you want to back a 3-4 Trillion dollar health care building excursion into the private health care market ..... that won't work ....

You hate this country don't you.
JohnnyCap's Avatar
Socialize medicine.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-26-2013, 02:24 PM
So you want to back a 3-4 Trillion dollar health care building excursion into the private health care market ..... that won't work ....

You hate this country don't you. Originally Posted by LexusLover
How do you know it won't work until we try. You wanna Cut n Run don't ya boy.

Typical Tea Logic....spend Trillions on other countries citizens, pinch pennies on our own citizens.

You backed a 3-4 Trillion dollar nation building excursion in Iraq and the troop surge and yet you are quitting before the healthcare surge! You hate this country don't you. I bet you listen to the Dixie Chicks!

I love throwing you dumbfucks shit back atchya!

Originally Posted by WTF
No, WTF, you moronic buffoon, you aren't throwing anything but the leftover feces you didn't consume.

My guess is you didn't make a dollar off the Iraq war or Obamacare. That is why you deflect and don't insist on accountability within your own party (which voted for the war).

Additionally, you really don't even like Obama and its not just because he's black.

Smilicons to make you comfortable and to help with your comprehension.