Jackie our girl Condalisa

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MT Cranial Cavity: So last week one of your buddies acted like I had awaken some kind of sleeping giant.

False. He reminded you of the fact that you should've done your research first before attempting to baffle me with BS the way you easily baffle other like-minded people, as you, with your BS. Normally, before I counter somebody on a thread, I look at their posting history first. I do that as a preliminary research, if they are already proving that they don't have a clue about what they are talking about, I already know that by the time I jump in, they will lose the argument. Your failure to do that robbed you of the opportunity to coach your responses to accurately reflect my situation as you attempt to summarize it, as well as prevented you from making other kinds of comments. I ended up punishing you here in a way that you're too narcissistic to see.

MT Cranial Cavity: So I was expecting a biker to show up at my house and kill me or some crazy shit like that.

I understood him to mean that I was about to do to you what I do to other liberals, subject your ignorant screed to a blistering fact check. Why, on earth, would someone on an message board assume that someone else would take the time to cross the country to give you a well-deserved arse kicking? A research of my posting history on this message board, after you were warned of what was about to happen, would have eliminated the assumption you ultimately made. And, if you had any common sense, and had the capability of toning down your narcissism to where it doesn't blind you, you would have coached yourself better. But, driven by excessive narcissism, and the assumption that your argument is the "correct" one, and that your assumptions are the "accurate" ones, you failed to do that.

MT Cranial Cavity: Instead I get a Novella of ramblings that supposed to come across like you are some kind of Mensa student?

What you dismiss as a "novella of ramblings", quotation marks used strongly, is actually a fact-based, reasonable, logical argument dismantling your arguments on this thread point by point. If you had any university student experience under your belt, especially in the critical thinking/logical reasoning subject, you would understand that I advanced enough argument, that was needed, to prove you wrong.

No, this isn't me attempting to come across as some kind of a "Mensa student", but this is something that you should've understood as me using both university and military experience, in the analytical reasoning arena, to dismantle your narcissistic screeds.

MT Cranial Cavity: Not even close,

Not even close, because what you assumed I was doing was nowhere near my intentions. You, driven by excessive narcissism, would refuse to see the fact that I destroyed you. Instead, you dismiss my attempts as being "full of shit" and "novella of ramblings", as that would be easy for your ego. Again, if your assumptions about my intentions, and about me, were anything like your marksmanship skills, I would hate to be the person standing behind you as you attempt to shoot the target in front of you... That would be suicide.

MT Cranial Cavity: you are just as full of shit as the rest of us.

I'm sorry, but in order to make that statement and pass it off as an "intelligent comment", you would have to actually prove it. The only thing that you have going, supporting that statement, is your irrational, emotional, reaction to my destroying you, resulting in your opinion that I am "full of shit", quotation marks used strongly.

You got one thing right though, YOU are full of shit. All one has to do is look at your replies to me, as well as your replies to those who are destroying you on this thread and elsewhere. I've yet to see you, or those on your side of the argument, advance a reasoned argument, or to even execute an effective defense of your arguments.

Don't dismiss a fact-based reasoned argument as "full of shit", because if you do, all you do is prove to me, and to any other critical thinking person, that you're the one that is "full of shit".

MT Cranial Cavity: You think writing in such a manner is gonna put me in my place?

If you weren't narcissistic, yes, you would see that I did in fact put you in your place. You would also see that I'm not the only one that they put you in your place. However, your excessive arrogance prevents you from seeing that, so you plow on thinking that you weren't put in your place.

MT Cranial Cavity: After thinking about what I had wrote I was a bit insulting and you had not at that time insulted or called me any names so for the personal insults I do apologize.

This apology is meaningless considering that you continued doing in your latest post what you apologized for regarding the other post, just as you insult the others on this thread and elsewhere.

However, you didn't need to apologize. First, I meant that in a military sense, as in I conduct these debates like a combat operation, more on that later. Second, as I indicated in an earlier post, there is a purpose behind every word that I use. You see, this is an example of what I'm talking about when I say, "research the other person's posts".

Based on what you had previously posted, I was able to get a basic psychological profile on you. Arrogance/narcissism is a part of your personality. My reply, to you, utilized words that were intended to get you to react exactly the way you reacted in this response. This response, by the way, null and voided your apology considering that you continued to do the very thing that you apologized for.

The only thing that you need to apologize for is for commenting on something without knowing WTF you were talking about.

MT Cranial Cavity: But the sentiment of my post I stand behind.

Your sentiment, and argument, on that post that you apologize for, is still in error despite your apology. For example, you insinuated that you are not a liberal, that you are something else. However, a search of your history shows that you are wrong.

MT Cranial Cavity: I think you are arrogant and full of shit.(PROJECTING YOUR TRAIT).

Like the other liberals that I have destroyed over the past 13 years, in debate, you have a tendency to project your own trait unto the one destroying you in debate, as well as onto the other conservatives that you have debated with on this thread. Again, you have to advance a reasoned, fact-based, logical argument before you could accuse somebody of being "arrogant" and "full of shit". You failed to do that.

However, I see narcissism in your psychological profile as evident in your postings/responses. I mean, who would insinuate that they are a "libertarian" when they have clearly argued a liberal argument, consistently, in the past? You're no different from the other liberals that I have debated with in the past 13 years, people claiming that they are not liberal when their posting history shows that they were indeed liberal.

The only person, between the two of us, that is arrogant and full of shit is you. You clearly got destroyed in this exchange, yet here you are insisting on continuing the argument. No effort to defend, with a reasoned argument, what you previously said, and no attempt to defend your position. That is the hallmark of somebody who is narcissistic and full of shit.

MT Cranial Cavity: If you were in, then I would thank you for your service. But we both know it would be unlikely for you to have said a fucking word about it here.

There is no "if" about it, and what's this, "we" shit? Correction, you ASSume that's the case, I KNOW for a fact that I am who I say I am.

I've been in the military for most of my adult life. Also, the way you are handling this, and addressing me, is no way to thank a veteran. As you can see, the other veterans, on this thread, recognize me as also being a veteran. Also, looking at their posts, I could also see that they are veterans. THAT is how you could determine whether something is likely or not.

Your statement, that I "would not have said anything about it" about being a veteran, is false. People, real veterans, announcing that fact on message boards like this, is commonplace. They will do it either directly, or indirectly. If you don't believe me, feel free to visit military veteran related websites. I post on one, and there are a whole bunch of posters who have announced their military background, just as I did here. But, what matters is the fact that other veterans on this message board recognize me as also a veteran. We will say things, and think a certain way, that one would only say, or think, given their military experience.

You indicate, with this commentary, that you don't have a clue about what it is like being in the military, or having military experience. Because if you did, you would not even be attempting to call my statements, of being a veteran, into question. If you are a "centrist" or a libertarian, there is no way in hell that you would be saying this about my service, or the way I do things. In the 13 years that I have been debating with liberals, only liberals have said the things to me that you have said regarding my service and regarding my debate tactics. Later, I'll show you links to posts where people vouched for who I am.

Again, if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and looks like a duck, then it must be a duck.

MT Cranial Cavity: So I am not calling you a liar but I would be real surprised if it is true.

Like other lying liberals, you attempt to argue from both sides of the issues, or try to have it both ways. I'm sorry, but if you're attempting to claim, or hint, that I'm "not" in the military, then you're calling me a liar. In reality, you demonstrate your narcissism insisting on something that isn't the case as being "reality" simply because your emotions want them to be that way.

MT Cranial Cavity: I can not believe you are so obsessed with your on line persona that you dug through all those post to try and start some shit with me.

You're wrong on both counts.

First, I'm not obsessed with my online, or real world, persona. Unlike you, I don't have my persona define me, or define who I am or what I do. However, I will mention my credentials when the subject dictates it.

Second, I did not dig through all of those post to "start some shit with you". What I said:

"I was going to ignore all of your posts until you decided to grace me with your ignorance." - herfacechair

Go ahead, read that quote. What is it that I am saying? Notice that I was going to do something but for the fact that you did something else. This sentence is in two parts:

1. I was going to ignore all of your posts...

2. Until you decided to grace me with your ignorance...

Now, look at those two parts of the statement that I quoted, which was available in the post that you read causing you to respond by screaming about my "digging through all your posts to start shit with you". It was a conditional statement. One thing had to happen before something else happened. In this case, you graced me with your ignorance, causing me to NOT ignore your posts.

Do you see the relationship here? Let's simplify this in a way for you to understand.

You did something, causing me to stop ignoring your posts. By extension, if you did not do something, I would not have stopped ignoring your posts. What is it that we are talking about here? We are talking about the fact that
YOU STARTED shit with me, not the other way around.

Simple logic dictates that had you not replied to me, I would've continued ignoring your posts. Everything hinged on your actions. Like a typical liberal, you exercised piss poor judgment by attacking me, and now you are bitching, whining, moaning, and groaning over my holding you accountable for that attack.

Own up to the fact that you started shit in the face of my holding you accountable for starting that shit.

MT Cranial Cavity: You never even responded to the fact that you made up all your credentials to make you look important.

That's NOT a fact, but an ignorant, unproven opinion. The only people that have said the same thing elsewhere, that you have said right here, are liberals. You're not the first one to attempt to accuse me of making up my stories, about military background, to "make myself look important".

What are you basing this on? Your opinion doesn't count. However, other liberals tried unsuccessfully to do the same thing that you're doing here, including on this message board:


But, given that you are afraid of looking at references that prove you wrong, here is a link to a post made by someone who met me face-to-face when I was stationed at Fort Riley, KS:


A post, on that same thread, from a real veteran who recognized the fact, just by reading my posts, that I am who I say I am:


The people doubting me on both, this message board as well as the other message board, were liberals, like you. Like them, you couldn't stand the fact that I am in fact in the military, am a veteran, am a war veteran, and the fact that I'm leveraging those experiences to destroy an argument that you and your allies hold.

What I say about myself here is FACT. If you disagree with what I say about myself, then the opinion you hold based on that disagreement is not fact but uneducated opinion, driven by narcissism, emotion, and juvenile behavior.

Do I need to dig up a decade old thread, on Mistress Destiny's Femdom Forums, where liberals also doubted my claims of being in the military, just to have a moderator, who had seen documentations proving my credentials, prove them wrong?

MT Cranial Cavity:You are full of shit

You have to actually advance a fact-based, reasoned, logical argument "proving" that point before you could say that as if it were "fact". The cold hard reality is that you failed to do that, you can simply make that statement and think that others will give you credibility for saying it. That's equivalent to taking a dump in your hands and subsequently throwing your crap places with hopes that your crap would stick where they land.

The fact is that you're full of shit.

MT Cranial Cavity: and who cares if you others see me as a liberal.

You may not care, but others will care about the fact that you claimed to not be a liberal despite the fact that you've proven through actions, and statement, that you are, in fact, a liberal. This is important, as it shows the audience that you're full of shit.

MT Cranial Cavity: U=you didn't even know what the 1/9 means and you say you were in the 1/9. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1st_Ba...n,_9th_Marines.

You do realize, you big empty headed dummy, that in the Army, we use a DASH and not a SLANT when doing unit designations? So, had the "1/9th Marines" been an Army unit, it would've read as 1-9, NOT 1/9. We do use the "slant" in graphics plotting, as well as task organization platting/labeling, but when it comes to correspondence involving unit designations, we either use a dash, or don't use anything. So, the hypothetical "one sixty ninth" infantry battalion, or "one six nine" infantry battalion, would be listed as 1-69 IN in Army vernacular, not "1/69". Given that I never claimed to be in the 1/9th Marines, it'd be natural for me to not know what the hell you were talking about.

Had you been in the military, you'd know that. Since you don't have military background, you don't have a leg to stand on trying to tell me that I'm a "phony" when you don't even have a point of reference to start from to fart that conclusion out.

MT Cranial Cavity: What a fucking joke you are.

The only joke, between the two of us, is you. You, not having any military experience, are attempting to accuse me of being a "phony" without knowing what criteria to use to make that determination. The reality is that you don't want me to be in the military, and thus be in position of having authority in many of the arguments I jump in on to destroy you liberals.

MT Cranial Cavity: Like I said sorry for the personal insults but you are a liar and a phony. I edited my comments on this thread.

You missed my point when I said that you attacked me. When I said that, I said that from the perspective that I treat online debates like a combat operation. When you countered me, that's equivalent to my taking fire. I returned fire, and now our exchange is a fire fight. I'm going to keep returning fire for as long as you keep firing. I don't care if you're completely nice, or a complete asshole, when you initiate fire. An attack is an attack. Your editing your post doesn't change that fact based on the perspective that I just gave you.

MT Cranial Cavity: There are so many ammosexuals on here I get them mixed up. My bad.

No need to tell us about your confusing personalities, and the fact that you get them mixed up. You're starting to sound like someone else on this message board. Do keep getting confused so that people here could figure out your other personalities.
herfacechair's Avatar
MT Cranial Cavity: You are right I get my lying assholes mixed up. LOL

The only asshole of yours that lies is the one that's on your face, the one in your ass actually tells it like it is about you.

MT Cranial Cavity: There are so many that jump to defend each other I can not keep them straight.

I've lost count of how many times I've taken on countless of liberals, on a single thread on other message boards, and still been able to keep track of who said what. But again, I have debating against liberals down to both a science and an art. Your admitting that you can't keep us straight is simply you admitting that you're incapable of researching the facts, and doing what you need to do in order to sound like you know what you're talking about, that you'd rather pull crap out of your arse than to present the facts... Even when the facts are staring you straight in the face.

MT Cranial Cavity: Then again I aint got no book learnin like they gots LOL!

You have no common sense, or a sense of logic. You simply act without thinking, and go by what your emotions tell you is "fact" rather than use a logical method to reach a factual conclusion. What you dismiss as "book learning" is our ability to research the facts and leverage them to destroy you people's rubbish.

MT Cranial Cavity: Wow! Are you really the guy that has never been mistaken or just another guy that is too lame to admit it.

I'm sorry, but you need to do your research, and engage your brains, before you pull the "people make mistakes" card. That information, that gary5912 provided you, was available on this thread, and apparently on others. All you had to do was look at gary5912's avatar photo to see that he's the one identifying with them, and not me. Even when it comes to something obvious like this, where it's obvious as to who said what, and on which post these statements were being made on, you get it wrong... On information that's as obvious as the nose on your face!

MT Cranial Cavity: You guys pile on so much its hard to keep track of who said what.

I know for a fact that's false. During the last decade, I'd jump into a thread, dominated by liberals, and take them on as the sole conservative. I didn't have problems knowing who said what, I attributed the right statement to the right retard... Something that got easier as the debate rolled along and the opposition dwindled to one, then none.

MT Cranial Cavity: While you may well be a 1/9er I bet they would not be happy with you displaying it on a Escort Forum.

This is more proof that you don't have military background. Because, if you did, you'd realize that there are a lot of Marines in that battalion, and elsewhere, who hobby overseas as well as in the United States... Just like members of the other branches of the military. The majority of them wouldn't care about him using that as his photo, and many of them would identify with what this message board signifies. This is true across the military services. I did a lot of my hobbying in Europe and South America, in addition to the U.S.

MT Cranial Cavity: Like I said my bad I mixed you two up, or did I?

This is just proof that you don't do your research, and do the proper post to poster attributing, that you need to do before you reply. But again, you don't come across as caring about the facts to do that in the first place. You'd rather fart out of your face just so that you could have something to say, as well as have a false sense of "victory". We see you as being an idiot with his head up his ass.

MT Cranial Cavity: I agree, when he ask if he could pretend to be one of them and use it to impress folks on a Escort site, they most likely did laugh at him.

We don't need to ask anybody to be who we are. Also, additional responses to this message board proves you wrong regarding people that'll communicate their being in the military on an escort site. Do I need to dig up other instances where people identify themselves as being in the military? Your premise is false, people will mention their military credentials when the topic being argued has a military element to it.

MT Cranial Cavity: You can "Beat" me for $20 anytime sweetheart.

I doubt that you'd have enough money to pay her to shit in your mouth and all over your face, let alone take $20.00 from you to beat your dick the way I'm beating your ass around on this thread. Of course, as much as you get things mixed up when dealing with us, you'd probably come out of the experience wondering what that smell was and how you got shitfaced without drinking the required amount of liquor to get there. Ironically, when you start spitting that shit out, that'd be the most intelligent thing that you ejected from your mouth.
herfacechair's Avatar

Excuse me.. that is Thursday the 18th not the 19th! However, I will be available until Saturday AM. No excuses! Message me for my cell # if you need to.Be sure to bring your CAC card.. I want to see it. I always have mine. Originally Posted by Av8R

A face to face encounter with someone that's going to be there this week. If he's the real deal, he'd take you up on that offer, then show you either a pink/red or blue military retiree ID card, depending on whether he retired from the reserve or from active duty. He would've had to surrender his CAC and have it replaced with one of the retiree military ID cards once he retired, if he's retired. He's claiming to be retired, a "retired Sergeant Major". I'd ask for a Veteran ID card, issued by the DVA, but not every veteran has one of those.

He refuses to answer my questions here, so maybe he's more comfortable doing that during a face to face encounter.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
MT Cranial Cavity: You are right I get my lying assholes mixed up. LOL

The only asshole of yours that lies is the one that's on your face, the one in your ass actually tells it like it is about you.

MT Cranial Cavity: There are so many that jump to defend each other I can not keep them straight.

I've lost count of how many times I've taken on countless of liberals, on a single thread on other message boards, and still been able to keep track of who said what. But again, I have debating against liberals down to both a science and an art. Your admitting that you can't keep us straight is simply you admitting that you're incapable of researching the facts, and doing what you need to do in order to sound like you know what you're talking about, that you'd rather pull crap out of your arse than to present the facts... Even when the facts are staring you straight in the face.

MT Cranial Cavity: Then again I aint got no book learnin like they gots LOL!

You have no common sense, or a sense of logic. You simply act without thinking, and go by what your emotions tell you is "fact" rather than use a logical method to reach a factual conclusion. What you dismiss as "book learning" is our ability to research the facts and leverage them to destroy you people's rubbish.

MT Cranial Cavity: Wow! Are you really the guy that has never been mistaken or just another guy that is too lame to admit it.

I'm sorry, but you need to do your research, and engage your brains, before you pull the "people make mistakes" card. That information, that gary5912 provided you, was available on this thread, and apparently on others. All you had to do was look at gary5912's avatar photo to see that he's the one identifying with them, and not me. Even when it comes to something obvious like this, where it's obvious as to who said what, and on which post these statements were being made on, you get it wrong... On information that's as obvious as the nose on your face!

MT Cranial Cavity: You guys pile on so much its hard to keep track of who said what.

I know for a fact that's false. During the last decade, I'd jump into a thread, dominated by liberals, and take them on as the sole conservative. I didn't have problems knowing who said what, I attributed the right statement to the right retard... Something that got easier as the debate rolled along and the opposition dwindled to one, then none.

MT Cranial Cavity: While you may well be a 1/9er I bet they would not be happy with you displaying it on a Escort Forum.

This is more proof that you don't have military background. Because, if you did, you'd realize that there are a lot of Marines in that battalion, and elsewhere, who hobby overseas as well as in the United States... Just like members of the other branches of the military. The majority of them wouldn't care about him using that as his photo, and many of them would identify with what this message board signifies. This is true across the military services. I did a lot of my hobbying in Europe and South America, in addition to the U.S.

MT Cranial Cavity: Like I said my bad I mixed you two up, or did I?

This is just proof that you don't do your research, and do the proper post to poster attributing, that you need to do before you reply. But again, you don't come across as caring about the facts to do that in the first place. You'd rather fart out of your face just so that you could have something to say, as well as have a false sense of "victory". We see you as being an idiot with his head up his ass.

MT Cranial Cavity: I agree, when he ask if he could pretend to be one of them and use it to impress folks on a Escort site, they most likely did laugh at him.

We don't need to ask anybody to be who we are. Also, additional responses to this message board proves you wrong regarding people that'll communicate their being in the military on an escort site. Do I need to dig up other instances where people identify themselves as being in the military? Your premise is false, people will mention their military credentials when the topic being argued has a military element to it.

MT Cranial Cavity: You can "Beat" me for $20 anytime sweetheart.

I doubt that you'd have enough money to pay her to shit in your mouth and all over your face, let alone take $20.00 from you to beat your dick the way I'm beating your ass around on this thread. Of course, as much as you get things mixed up when dealing with us, you'd probably come out of the experience wondering what that smell was and how you got shitfaced without drinking the required amount of liquor to get there. Ironically, when you start spitting that shit out, that'd be the most intelligent thing that you ejected from your mouth. Originally Posted by herfacechair
Now that'S what I would call a sever ass whuppin SEMPER FI
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 05-15-2017, 05:32 PM
Looks like some shits gonna get real.

WTF: Ok, you got me, you're a certified blowhard.

I usually get that label right after I destroy the argument just advanced by the one that I just destroyed in debate. I destroyed your argument to the point to where even you realize that you don't have an effective defense. But, being the narcissistic individual that you come across as, you decide to resort to responding mainly with name-calling and strawman arguments that demonstrate that either you're deliberately missing the point, or you simply don't know WTF you're talking about.

WTF: You think just because you served, that makes you a political expert. (INDUCTIVE FALLACY: STRAWMAN)

WHERE, in any of my posts, word for word, do I specifically state that I'm a political expert based on the fact that I served?

I know for a fact that none of my posts, here on this message board, on other message boards, or on social media, did I argue or claim to be a political expert simply for the fact that I served. However, when it comes to political arguments involving a topic with military dimensions, like the Iraq War, I will state my background in the face of the obvious lack of knowledge of those that I am arguing against. I also have other subject expertise that I will reference when I'm involved with a debate on a topic related to one of my other expertise.

If you knew WTF you were doing, regarding reading comprehension, you would know that nothing in any of my statements supports your strawman argument regarding what I allegedly said.

WTF: Good Lord, you're just another constituency looking to get paid. (INDUCTIVE FALLACY: STRAWMAN)

False. I don't get paid for any of the posts that I put here. I don't get paid by any of the organizations, or entities, that I argue in favor of. I jump onto here and destroy you people's arguments because I take sadistic pleasure in doing this indefinitely... And watching you guys go into a meltdown when I do this.

You erroneously assume that the argument that you hold "represents" the "facts". That, if anybody disagrees with you, it's because of some ulterior motive, or it's because the person disagreeing with you is "disregarding principle" or "disregarding integrity" in order to pursue their own personal interests at the "expense" of the "facts".

It's much easier for you to assume this than it is to recognize the fact that you simply don't know WTF you're talking about. Your narcissism prevents you from acknowledging what your intellect is telling you, that you're getting destroyed in this argument, as well as any other arguments, because you're wrong.

WTF: You're just not smart enough to realize it

Don't assume that if we don't embrace the erroneous/ignorant conclusion that you come up with, that we are "not smart" enough to "realize" your colossally erroneous assumptions and opinions. The cold hard reality is that you're not smart enough to realize that you don't know WTF you're talking about, and you are not smart enough to realize that you consistently get destroyed in these arguments because you don't know WTF you're talking about. You're also not smart enough to realize when you've been destroyed.

WTF: and most people won't call you out on it

The person being called out has to be "wrong" before they could effectively be called out on something. You're not smart enough to realize that the reason to why I'm "not being called out on it" is that I'm not wrong, or in error, as you would like to assume. And, anybody that attempts to do call somebody out, who is in the right, would end up losing their credibility. Since you don't know WTF you're talking about, you're not smart to realize that the reason to why people are not "calling me out" for "having" what you assume I have, or what you assume I'm doing, is because your assumptions are in error.

I'm not being a "blowhard". In the 13 years that I have been doing this, the more in error the opposition is, the longer my responses. Instead of finding fault with the person that is fact checking your opinion, generated because you don't know WTF you're talking about, you need to realize that your arguments are wrong and that you lost the argument as a result. The fact that you don't know WTF you're talking about hints at the reason why.
Originally Posted by herfacechair
This is another certified ass whuppin Semper Fi
MT Pockets's Avatar

MT Cranial Cavity: So last week one of your buddies acted like I had awaken some kind of sleeping giant.

False. He reminded you of the fact that you should've done your research first before attempting to baffle me with BS the way you easily baffle other like-minded people, as you, with your BS. Normally, before I counter somebody on a thread, I look at their posting history first. I do that as a preliminary research, if they are already proving that they don't have a clue about what they are talking about, I already know that by the time I jump in, they will lose the argument. Your failure to do that robbed you of the opportunity to coach your responses to accurately reflect my situation as you attempt to summarize it, as well as prevented you from making other kinds of comments. I ended up punishing you here in a way that you're too narcissistic to see.

MT Cranial Cavity: So I was expecting a biker to show up at my house and kill me or some crazy shit like that.

I understood him to mean that I was about to do to you what I do to other liberals, subject your ignorant screed to a blistering fact check. Why, on earth, would someone on an message board assume that someone else would take the time to cross the country to give you a well-deserved arse kicking? A research of my posting history on this message board, after you were warned of what was about to happen, would have eliminated the assumption you ultimately made. And, if you had any common sense, and had the capability of toning down your narcissism to where it doesn't blind you, you would have coached yourself better. But, driven by excessive narcissism, and the assumption that your argument is the "correct" one, and that your assumptions are the "accurate" ones, you failed to do that.

MT Cranial Cavity: Instead I get a Novella of ramblings that supposed to come across like you are some kind of Mensa student?

What you dismiss as a "novella of ramblings", quotation marks used strongly, is actually a fact-based, reasonable, logical argument dismantling your arguments on this thread point by point. If you had any university student experience under your belt, especially in the critical thinking/logical reasoning subject, you would understand that I advanced enough argument, that was needed, to prove you wrong.

No, this isn't me attempting to come across as some kind of a "Mensa student", but this is something that you should've understood as me using both university and military experience, in the analytical reasoning arena, to dismantle your narcissistic screeds.

MT Cranial Cavity: Not even close,

Not even close, because what you assumed I was doing was nowhere near my intentions. You, driven by excessive narcissism, would refuse to see the fact that I destroyed you. Instead, you dismiss my attempts as being "full of shit" and "novella of ramblings", as that would be easy for your ego. Again, if your assumptions about my intentions, and about me, were anything like your marksmanship skills, I would hate to be the person standing behind you as you attempt to shoot the target in front of you... That would be suicide.

MT Cranial Cavity: you are just as full of shit as the rest of us.

I'm sorry, but in order to make that statement and pass it off as an "intelligent comment", you would have to actually prove it. The only thing that you have going, supporting that statement, is your irrational, emotional, reaction to my destroying you, resulting in your opinion that I am "full of shit", quotation marks used strongly.

You got one thing right though, YOU are full of shit. All one has to do is look at your replies to me, as well as your replies to those who are destroying you on this thread and elsewhere. I've yet to see you, or those on your side of the argument, advance a reasoned argument, or to even execute an effective defense of your arguments.

Don't dismiss a fact-based reasoned argument as "full of shit", because if you do, all you do is prove to me, and to any other critical thinking person, that you're the one that is "full of shit".

MT Cranial Cavity: You think writing in such a manner is gonna put me in my place?

If you weren't narcissistic, yes, you would see that I did in fact put you in your place. You would also see that I'm not the only one that they put you in your place. However, your excessive arrogance prevents you from seeing that, so you plow on thinking that you weren't put in your place.

MT Cranial Cavity: After thinking about what I had wrote I was a bit insulting and you had not at that time insulted or called me any names so for the personal insults I do apologize.

This apology is meaningless considering that you continued doing in your latest post what you apologized for regarding the other post, just as you insult the others on this thread and elsewhere.

However, you didn't need to apologize. First, I meant that in a military sense, as in I conduct these debates like a combat operation, more on that later. Second, as I indicated in an earlier post, there is a purpose behind every word that I use. You see, this is an example of what I'm talking about when I say, "research the other person's posts".

Based on what you had previously posted, I was able to get a basic psychological profile on you. Arrogance/narcissism is a part of your personality. My reply, to you, utilized words that were intended to get you to react exactly the way you reacted in this response. This response, by the way, null and voided your apology considering that you continued to do the very thing that you apologized for.

The only thing that you need to apologize for is for commenting on something without knowing WTF you were talking about.

MT Cranial Cavity: But the sentiment of my post I stand behind.

Your sentiment, and argument, on that post that you apologize for, is still in error despite your apology. For example, you insinuated that you are not a liberal, that you are something else. However, a search of your history shows that you are wrong.

MT Cranial Cavity: I think you are arrogant and full of shit.(PROJECTING YOUR TRAIT).

Like the other liberals that I have destroyed over the past 13 years, in debate, you have a tendency to project your own trait unto the one destroying you in debate, as well as onto the other conservatives that you have debated with on this thread. Again, you have to advance a reasoned, fact-based, logical argument before you could accuse somebody of being "arrogant" and "full of shit". You failed to do that.

However, I see narcissism in your psychological profile as evident in your postings/responses. I mean, who would insinuate that they are a "libertarian" when they have clearly argued a liberal argument, consistently, in the past? You're no different from the other liberals that I have debated with in the past 13 years, people claiming that they are not liberal when their posting history shows that they were indeed liberal.

The only person, between the two of us, that is arrogant and full of shit is you. You clearly got destroyed in this exchange, yet here you are insisting on continuing the argument. No effort to defend, with a reasoned argument, what you previously said, and no attempt to defend your position. That is the hallmark of somebody who is narcissistic and full of shit.

MT Cranial Cavity: If you were in, then I would thank you for your service. But we both know it would be unlikely for you to have said a fucking word about it here.

There is no "if" about it, and what's this, "we" shit? Correction, you ASSume that's the case, I KNOW for a fact that I am who I say I am.

I've been in the military for most of my adult life. Also, the way you are handling this, and addressing me, is no way to thank a veteran. As you can see, the other veterans, on this thread, recognize me as also being a veteran. Also, looking at their posts, I could also see that they are veterans. THAT is how you could determine whether something is likely or not.

Your statement, that I "would not have said anything about it" about being a veteran, is false. People, real veterans, announcing that fact on message boards like this, is commonplace. They will do it either directly, or indirectly. If you don't believe me, feel free to visit military veteran related websites. I post on one, and there are a whole bunch of posters who have announced their military background, just as I did here. But, what matters is the fact that other veterans on this message board recognize me as also a veteran. We will say things, and think a certain way, that one would only say, or think, given their military experience.

You indicate, with this commentary, that you don't have a clue about what it is like being in the military, or having military experience. Because if you did, you would not even be attempting to call my statements, of being a veteran, into question. If you are a "centrist" or a libertarian, there is no way in hell that you would be saying this about my service, or the way I do things. In the 13 years that I have been debating with liberals, only liberals have said the things to me that you have said regarding my service and regarding my debate tactics. Later, I'll show you links to posts where people vouched for who I am.

Again, if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and looks like a duck, then it must be a duck.

MT Cranial Cavity: So I am not calling you a liar but I would be real surprised if it is true.

Like other lying liberals, you attempt to argue from both sides of the issues, or try to have it both ways. I'm sorry, but if you're attempting to claim, or hint, that I'm "not" in the military, then you're calling me a liar. In reality, you demonstrate your narcissism insisting on something that isn't the case as being "reality" simply because your emotions want them to be that way.

MT Cranial Cavity: I can not believe you are so obsessed with your on line persona that you dug through all those post to try and start some shit with me.

You're wrong on both counts.

First, I'm not obsessed with my online, or real world, persona. Unlike you, I don't have my persona define me, or define who I am or what I do. However, I will mention my credentials when the subject dictates it.

Second, I did not dig through all of those post to "start some shit with you". What I said:

"I was going to ignore all of your posts until you decided to grace me with your ignorance." - herfacechair

Go ahead, read that quote. What is it that I am saying? Notice that I was going to do something but for the fact that you did something else. This sentence is in two parts:

1. I was going to ignore all of your posts...

2. Until you decided to grace me with your ignorance...

Now, look at those two parts of the statement that I quoted, which was available in the post that you read causing you to respond by screaming about my "digging through all your posts to start shit with you". It was a conditional statement. One thing had to happen before something else happened. In this case, you graced me with your ignorance, causing me to NOT ignore your posts.

Do you see the relationship here? Let's simplify this in a way for you to understand.

You did something, causing me to stop ignoring your posts. By extension, if you did not do something, I would not have stopped ignoring your posts. What is it that we are talking about here? We are talking about the fact that
YOU STARTED shit with me, not the other way around.

Simple logic dictates that had you not replied to me, I would've continued ignoring your posts. Everything hinged on your actions. Like a typical liberal, you exercised piss poor judgment by attacking me, and now you are bitching, whining, moaning, and groaning over my holding you accountable for that attack.

Own up to the fact that you started shit in the face of my holding you accountable for starting that shit.

MT Cranial Cavity: You never even responded to the fact that you made up all your credentials to make you look important.

That's NOT a fact, but an ignorant, unproven opinion. The only people that have said the same thing elsewhere, that you have said right here, are liberals. You're not the first one to attempt to accuse me of making up my stories, about military background, to "make myself look important".

What are you basing this on? Your opinion doesn't count. However, other liberals tried unsuccessfully to do the same thing that you're doing here, including on this message board:


But, given that you are afraid of looking at references that prove you wrong, here is a link to a post made by someone who met me face-to-face when I was stationed at Fort Riley, KS:


A post, on that same thread, from a real veteran who recognized the fact, just by reading my posts, that I am who I say I am:


The people doubting me on both, this message board as well as the other message board, were liberals, like you. Like them, you couldn't stand the fact that I am in fact in the military, am a veteran, am a war veteran, and the fact that I'm leveraging those experiences to destroy an argument that you and your allies hold.

What I say about myself here is FACT. If you disagree with what I say about myself, then the opinion you hold based on that disagreement is not fact but uneducated opinion, driven by narcissism, emotion, and juvenile behavior.

Do I need to dig up a decade old thread, on Mistress Destiny's Femdom Forums, where liberals also doubted my claims of being in the military, just to have a moderator, who had seen documentations proving my credentials, prove them wrong?

MT Cranial Cavity:You are full of shit

You have to actually advance a fact-based, reasoned, logical argument "proving" that point before you could say that as if it were "fact". The cold hard reality is that you failed to do that, you can simply make that statement and think that others will give you credibility for saying it. That's equivalent to taking a dump in your hands and subsequently throwing your crap places with hopes that your crap would stick where they land.

The fact is that you're full of shit.

MT Cranial Cavity: and who cares if you others see me as a liberal.

You may not care, but others will care about the fact that you claimed to not be a liberal despite the fact that you've proven through actions, and statement, that you are, in fact, a liberal. This is important, as it shows the audience that you're full of shit.

MT Cranial Cavity: U=you didn't even know what the 1/9 means and you say you were in the 1/9. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1st_Ba...n,_9th_Marines.

You do realize, you big empty headed dummy, that in the Army, we use a DASH and not a SLANT when doing unit designations? So, had the "1/9th Marines" been an Army unit, it would've read as 1-9, NOT 1/9. We do use the "slant" in graphics plotting, as well as task organization platting/labeling, but when it comes to correspondence involving unit designations, we either use a dash, or don't use anything. So, the hypothetical "one sixty ninth" infantry battalion, or "one six nine" infantry battalion, would be listed as 1-69 IN in Army vernacular, not "1/69". Given that I never claimed to be in the 1/9th Marines, it'd be natural for me to not know what the hell you were talking about.

Had you been in the military, you'd know that. Since you don't have military background, you don't have a leg to stand on trying to tell me that I'm a "phony" when you don't even have a point of reference to start from to fart that conclusion out.

MT Cranial Cavity: What a fucking joke you are.

The only joke, between the two of us, is you. You, not having any military experience, are attempting to accuse me of being a "phony" without knowing what criteria to use to make that determination. The reality is that you don't want me to be in the military, and thus be in position of having authority in many of the arguments I jump in on to destroy you liberals.

MT Cranial Cavity: Like I said sorry for the personal insults but you are a liar and a phony. I edited my comments on this thread.

You missed my point when I said that you attacked me. When I said that, I said that from the perspective that I treat online debates like a combat operation. When you countered me, that's equivalent to my taking fire. I returned fire, and now our exchange is a fire fight. I'm going to keep returning fire for as long as you keep firing. I don't care if you're completely nice, or a complete asshole, when you initiate fire. An attack is an attack. Your editing your post doesn't change that fact based on the perspective that I just gave you.

MT Cranial Cavity: There are so many ammosexuals on here I get them mixed up. My bad.

No need to tell us about your confusing personalities, and the fact that you get them mixed up. You're starting to sound like someone else on this message board. Do keep getting confused so that people here could figure out your other personalities. Originally Posted by herfacechair
MT Cranial Cavity: You are right I get my lying assholes mixed up. LOL

The only asshole of yours that lies is the one that's on your face, the one in your ass actually tells it like it is about you.

MT Cranial Cavity: There are so many that jump to defend each other I can not keep them straight.

I've lost count of how many times I've taken on countless of liberals, on a single thread on other message boards, and still been able to keep track of who said what. But again, I have debating against liberals down to both a science and an art. Your admitting that you can't keep us straight is simply you admitting that you're incapable of researching the facts, and doing what you need to do in order to sound like you know what you're talking about, that you'd rather pull crap out of your arse than to present the facts... Even when the facts are staring you straight in the face.

MT Cranial Cavity: Then again I aint got no book learnin like they gots LOL!

You have no common sense, or a sense of logic. You simply act without thinking, and go by what your emotions tell you is "fact" rather than use a logical method to reach a factual conclusion. What you dismiss as "book learning" is our ability to research the facts and leverage them to destroy you people's rubbish.

MT Cranial Cavity: Wow! Are you really the guy that has never been mistaken or just another guy that is too lame to admit it.

I'm sorry, but you need to do your research, and engage your brains, before you pull the "people make mistakes" card. That information, that gary5912 provided you, was available on this thread, and apparently on others. All you had to do was look at gary5912's avatar photo to see that he's the one identifying with them, and not me. Even when it comes to something obvious like this, where it's obvious as to who said what, and on which post these statements were being made on, you get it wrong... On information that's as obvious as the nose on your face!

MT Cranial Cavity: You guys pile on so much its hard to keep track of who said what.

I know for a fact that's false. During the last decade, I'd jump into a thread, dominated by liberals, and take them on as the sole conservative. I didn't have problems knowing who said what, I attributed the right statement to the right retard... Something that got easier as the debate rolled along and the opposition dwindled to one, then none.

MT Cranial Cavity: While you may well be a 1/9er I bet they would not be happy with you displaying it on a Escort Forum.

This is more proof that you don't have military background. Because, if you did, you'd realize that there are a lot of Marines in that battalion, and elsewhere, who hobby overseas as well as in the United States... Just like members of the other branches of the military. The majority of them wouldn't care about him using that as his photo, and many of them would identify with what this message board signifies. This is true across the military services. I did a lot of my hobbying in Europe and South America, in addition to the U.S.

MT Cranial Cavity: Like I said my bad I mixed you two up, or did I?

This is just proof that you don't do your research, and do the proper post to poster attributing, that you need to do before you reply. But again, you don't come across as caring about the facts to do that in the first place. You'd rather fart out of your face just so that you could have something to say, as well as have a false sense of "victory". We see you as being an idiot with his head up his ass.

MT Cranial Cavity: I agree, when he ask if he could pretend to be one of them and use it to impress folks on a Escort site, they most likely did laugh at him.

We don't need to ask anybody to be who we are. Also, additional responses to this message board proves you wrong regarding people that'll communicate their being in the military on an escort site. Do I need to dig up other instances where people identify themselves as being in the military? Your premise is false, people will mention their military credentials when the topic being argued has a military element to it.

MT Cranial Cavity: You can "Beat" me for $20 anytime sweetheart.

I doubt that you'd have enough money to pay her to shit in your mouth and all over your face, let alone take $20.00 from you to beat your dick the way I'm beating your ass around on this thread. Of course, as much as you get things mixed up when dealing with us, you'd probably come out of the experience wondering what that smell was and how you got shitfaced without drinking the required amount of liquor to get there. Ironically, when you start spitting that shit out, that'd be the most intelligent thing that you ejected from your mouth. Originally Posted by herfacechair
Man you are really a fucking idiot. You must have nothing better to do than beat the keyboard to death. I am excited to meet a real life Megalomaniac though. Keep up the good fight brother. The keyboard is the new frontier! Hey I noticed you responded to several post that were directed at other members while telling me you never get mixed up on who is who. Sounds like you forgot what handle you were signed on under. I also like your save on the Army - Marines / bullshit. If you're so fucking smart why did you not pick up on it to start with? Look I will give you a nod that you are a good bullshitter but you are no mastermind. So keep on entertaining your minions. And until you have something constructive to say, bye Felicia!
Man you are really a fucking idiot. You must have nothing better to do than beat the keyboard to death. I am excited to meet a real life Megalomaniac though. Keep up the good fight brother. The keyboard is the new frontier! Hey I noticed you responded to several post that were directed at other members while telling me you never get mixed up on who is who. Sounds like you forgot what handle you were signed on under. I also like your save on the Army - Marines / bullshit. If you're so fucking smart why did you not pick up on it to start with? Look I will give you a nod that you are a good bullshitter but you are no mastermind. So keep on entertaining your minions. And until you have something constructive to say, bye Felicia! Originally Posted by MT Pockets
you are a bigger dipshit than Assup carry on
MT Pockets's Avatar
you are a bigger dipshit than Assup carry on Originally Posted by gary5912
And you are the fluffer for a face sitter. At least HFS has a little game or likes to type a lot. LOL!
MT Pockets's Avatar
Looks like some shits gonna get real. Originally Posted by R.M.
I admit that is mighty chivalrous of old facesitter to stand up for you. Keep in mind I think you are hot. So are you gonna let politics stand in the way of business?
I admit that is mighty chivalrous of old facesitter to stand up for you. Keep in mind I think you are hot. So are you gonna let politics stand in the way of business? Originally Posted by MT Pockets
Multi-Handle BITCH, give it up... your sauce is weak

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  • R.M.
  • 05-15-2017, 06:09 PM
I admit that is mighty chivalrous of old facesitter to stand up for you. Keep in mind I think you are hot. So are you gonna let politics stand in the way of business? Originally Posted by MT Pockets
I wasn't speaking about you. Fat Bastard is whom I was addressing. Let's all just wait to see how this is going to play out for Fatty.
I wasn't speaking about you. Fat Bastard is whom I was addressing. Let's all just wait to see how this is going to play out for Fatty. Originally Posted by R.M.
You can't stop thinking of me your trailer park fake boob sugar daddy loving CUNT- you wonder why you have little business - how many times are you going to change your avatar ?
No one wants to pay 300 dollars to fuck an over the hill stank big twat skank like you when there's ladies twice younger and hotter than your trailer park photoshopped ass.
You can't stop thinking of me your trailer park fake boob sugar daddy loving CUNT- you wonder why you have little business - how many times are you going to change your avatar ?
No one wants to pay 300 dollars to fuck an over the hill stank big twat skank like you when there's ladies twice younger and hotter than your trailer park photoshopped ass. Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
hey fat-ass you been called out! you been wanting a fight! here is your chance to show what you got, or get your fat-ass kicked the of fat-asses