Place your bets here - Electoral College and Senate

eccieuser9500's Avatar
OK, there will be no actual money on the line. But here's your chance to prove you're the best prognosticator in the eccie political forum.

Only entries submitted before midnight, Sunday, October 11 will be accepted. Originally Posted by Tiny

My prediction: Republicans gain two seats in the Senate. 55-45

Electoral college: Trump 280 votes, Biden 258
Popular vote: Trump +4% Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
Great timing there sailor.

  • Tiny
  • 10-31-2020, 02:26 PM
Yes, Jam was a little late to the game, and The Real Barleycorn would be coming in at the last minute. This wouldn't be fair to the other contestants who entered earlier, presumably when there was more uncertainty.

So the official list, unless I made a mistake, is in the first quote below.

However, I'll record their predictions below for posterity. And if one of them is closest, he can walk with pride, just like someone who would have set a world record if his sprint hadn't been wind-aided.

Presidency -

adav8s28: Biden wins with 307 electoral votes
Captain Midnight: Biden wins with 319 electoral votes
Chung Tran: Biden wins with 322 electoral votes
Dilbert: Trump wins with 290 electoral votes
DTickler: Trump wins with 278 electoral votes
Eccieuser: Biden wins with 275 electoral votes
Jacuzzme: Trump wins with 330 electoral votes
Munchmasterman: Biden wins with 318 electoral votes
PhilLanders: Trump wins with 310 electoral votes
SpeedRacer: Biden wins with 335 electoral votes
texassapper: Trump wins with 280 electoral votes
Tiny: Biden wins with 335 electoral votes
Tsmokies: Biden wins with 300 electoral votes
Winn Dixie: Trump wins with 277 electoral votes
WTF: Biden wins with 320 electoral votes

Senate -

adav8s28: 48 Republicans and 52 Democrats
Captain Midnight: 49 Republicans and 51 Democrats
Chung Tran: 49 Republicans and 51 Democrats
DTickler: 52 Republicans and 48 Democrats
Dilbert: 54.5 Republicans and 43.5 Democrats
Eccieuser: 48 Republicans and 52 Democrats
HedonistForever: 48.5 Republicans and 51.5 Democrats
Jackie S.: 54 Republicans and 46 Democrats
Munchmasterman: 48 Republicans and 52 Democrats
PhilLanders: 55 Republicans and 45 Democrats
SpeedRacer: 50 Republicans and 50 Democrats
texassapper: 54 Republicans and 46 Democrats
Tiny: 49 Republicans and 51 Democrats
Tsmokies: 45 Republicans and 55 Democrats
Winn Dixie: 50 Republicans and 50 Democrats
WTF: 50 Republicans and 50 Democrats Originally Posted by Tiny
Electoral College Votes: Biden 315, Donnie Dumb Ass 223

The Senate will end up with a 50/50 split. Originally Posted by Jam3768
My prediction: Republicans gain two seats in the Senate. 55-45

Electoral college: Trump 280 votes, Biden 258 Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Republicans running for Senate in 2020:
There are twenty-three Republican-held Senate seats up for election in 2020:
Dan Sullivan, Alaska Winner
Martha McSally, Arizona Winner
Tom Cotton, Arkansas Winner
Cory Gardner, Colorado Winner
David Perdue, Georgia Winner
Kelly Loeffler, Georgia Lose to Raphael Warnock
Jim Risch, Idaho Winner
Joni Ernst, Iowa Winner
Roger Marshall, Kansas Winner
Mitch McConnell, Kentucky Winner
Bill Cassidy, Louisiana Winner
Susan Collins, Maine Winner
Cindy Hyde-Smith, Mississippi Winner
Steve Daines, Montana Winner
Ben Sasse, Nebraska Winner
Thom Tillis, North Carolina Winner
Jim Inhofe, Oklahoma Winner
Lindsey Graham, South Carolina Winner
Mike Rounds, South Dakota Winner
Bill Hagerty, Tennessee Winner
John Cornyn, Texas Winner
Shelley Moore Capito, West Virginia Winner
Cynthia Lummis, Wyoming Winner

Democrats running for Senate in 2020:
There are twelve Democrat-held Senate seats that will be up for election in 2020:
Doug Jones, Alabama Lose to Tommy Tuberville
Chris Coons, Delaware Winner
Dick Durbin, Illinois Winner
Ed Markey, Massachusetts Winner
Gary Peters, Michigan Lose to John James
Tina Smith, Minnesota Lose to Jason Lewis
Jeanne Shaheen, New Hampshire Winner
Cory Booker, New Jersey Winner
Ben Ray Lujan, New Mexico Winner
Jeff Merkley, Oregon Winner
Jack Reed, Rhode Island Winner
Mark Warner, Virginia Winner

My prediction: Republicans gain two seats in the Senate. 55-45

Electoral college: Trump 280 votes, Biden 258
Popular vote: Trump +4% Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
WOW!! And I assume you believe Republicans will win back the House too.

Other than Loeffler losing in Georgia, you have Republicans winning all the races that are considered close. Colorado. Maine. NC. Iowa. Arizona.

And Trump wins the popular vote?

Until Tuesday you're predictions are as valid as anyone else's predictions.
  • oeb11
  • 11-01-2020, 08:27 AM
De polls Depolls

The only poll that matters is tuesday - Nov 3
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I'll have the updated pretty version up soon as I have my pc's internet is back up. Updates to jam and barley soon to follow.

I'm working off an out of date smart phone that has an old android os.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
I'll have the updated pretty version up soon as I have my pc's internet is back up. Updates to jam and barley soon to follow.

I'm working off an out of date smart phone that has an old android os. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Good man, sir.

Adolf Meyer Revisited: Connections between Lifestyles, Resilience and Illness

During Meyer's era, changes were occurring at an unprecedented pace including increased cultural diversity, social upheavals and technological advances. These, in turn, were associated with emotional, psychological, and behavioral problems. In many ways, the changes wrought during the early twentieth century parallel the challenges of our current age. This paper argues that Meyer's holistic, integrated, and life focused framework provides a timeless context for viewing the inextricable nature of mind and body, explaining the links between stressors of the modern era and illness. I review the emerging literature on psychoneuroimmunology and make the compelling case that lifestyle and daily occupations remain, as Meyer envisioned, important determinants of health and illness.

Here we GO!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Presidency - (270 to win)
Pro Biden
adav8s28: ....... Biden wins with 307 electoral votes
Chung Tran: ..... Biden wins with 322 electoral votes
Eccieuser: ...... Biden wins with 275 electoral votes
Jam3768: ........ Biden wins with 315 electoral votes
Munchmasterman: . Biden wins with 318 electoral votes
SpeedRacer: ..... Biden wins with 335 electoral votes
Tsmokies : ...... Biden wins with 300 electoral votes
Bill Maher: ..... Trump wins
Michael Moore: .. Trump wins

Pro Trump
Dilbert: ........... Trump wins with 290 electoral votes
DTickler: .......... Trump wins with 278 electoral votes
Jacuzzme: .......... Trump wins with 330 electoral votes
texassapper: ....... Trump wins with 280 electoral votes
the_real_Barleycorn: Trump wins with 280 electoral votes
Winn Dixie: ........ Trump wins with 277 electoral votes

Anti Biden/Trump
Captain Midnight: Biden wins with 319 electoral votes
PhilLanders: .... Trump wins with 310 electoral votes
Tiny: ........... Biden wins with 335 electoral votes
WTF: .............Biden wins with 320 electoral votes

Popular Vote
Dilbert: ........... Trump loses popular vote
the_real_Barleycorn: Trump wins 4%

Pro Biden
adav8s28: ..... 48
Republicans and 52 Democrats
Chung Tran: ... 49
Republicans and 51 Democrats
Eccieuser: .... 48 Republicans and 52 Democrats
Jam3768: ...... 50 Republicans and 50 Democrats
Munchmasterman: 48 Republicans and 52 Democrats
SpeedRacer: ... 50
Republicans and 50 Democrats
Tsmokies: ..... 45 Republicans and 55 Democrats

Pro Trump
Dilbert: ........... 54.5 Republicans and 45.5 Democrats
DTickler: .......... 52.0 Republicans and 48.0 Democrats
HedonistForever: ... 48.5 Republicans and 51.5 Democrats
Jackie S.: ......... 54.0 Republicans and 46.0 Democrats
texassapper: ....... 54.0 Republicans and 46.0 Democrats
the_real_Barleycorn: 55.0 Republicans and 45.0 Democrats
Winn Dixie: ........ 50.0 Republicans and 50.0 Democrats

Anti Biden/Trump
Captain Midnight: 49 Republicans and 51 Democrats
PhilLanders: .... 55 Republicans and 45 Democrats
Tiny: ........... 49 Republicans and 51 Democrats
WTF: ............ 50 Republicans and 50 Democrats

House (218 for majority)
Dilbert: 211 Republicans and 223 Democrats
eccieuser9500's Avatar
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

um what?
winn dixie's Avatar
Thank You Dilbert for your work!

Hope everything is ok in your area!
HoeHummer's Avatar
Looks yous we’re wrong, eh!
  • Tiny
  • 11-04-2020, 04:52 PM
Looks yous we’re wrong, eh! Originally Posted by HoeHummer
Wrong Canucklehead!

The collective wisdom of the Eccie Political Forum Brain Trust has again shown its superiority. Like the average in the Covid death guess game, our average guess will likely be better than most of the professional pundits' prognostications. It will probably also be better than most of the estimates by the well known experts, including Nate Silver.

Our average guess was 286.3 electoral votes for Biden and 251.7 electoral votes for Trump.

And 50.25 Republican Senators and 49.75 Democratic Senators (including Angus King and Bernie Sanders with the Democrats).

Now, how many of the experts thought that Biden would win a narrow victory AND Republicans would win the Senate? Not very damn many.

One correction to my numbers, Dilbert forecasted 54.5 Republican Senators and 45.5 Democratic Senators, including King and Sanders with the Democrats.

Thanks to all who participated, and hopefully we'll have a winner before the end of 2020.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
. . . how many of the experts thought that Biden would win a narrow victory . . . ? Originally Posted by Tiny
One. Me!

matchingmole's Avatar
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-04-2020, 05:10 PM
I wasn't even close.


I feel like GWB ...Fool me once shame on you fool me twice,shame on someone or nother...