
LexusLover's Avatar
Are you intentionally ignoring the part "as it relates to the Trump campaign" Originally Posted by I B Hankering
That's "history" .... the Socialist-Liberals abandoned the laughable "Russian Collusion" farce months ago as a "reason" for HillariousNoMore getting her ass kicked in the 2016th election.

It's like "Man-Made Climate Change" has morphed into "Climate Change" ... as their "alleged science" has been debunked and they have figured out that there is a "God" and "natural evolution" of the Earth that over billions of years has modified "the climate" on this planet long before a Socialist-Liberal took a shit.... which would do more to change "the climate" than any 18-wheeler running all year long.

Trump is taking on the real culprits, while AntiTrumpers rant and shit!

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-23-2019, 08:46 AM
That's "history" .... the Socialist-Liberals abandoned the laughable "Russian Collusion" farce months ago as a "reason" for HillariousNoMore getting her ass kicked in the 2016th election.

It's like "Man-Made Climate Change" has morphed into "Climate Change" ... as their "alleged science" has been debunked and they have figured out that there is a "God" and "natural evolution" of the Earth that over billions of years has modified "the climate" on this planet long before a Socialist-Liberal took a shit.... which would do more to change "the climate" than any 18-wheeler running all year long.

Trump is taking on the real culprits, while AntiTrumpers rant and shit!

Originally Posted by LexusLover
Paul Manfort shared polling data with a Russian

That pretty much debunks your bs about the Trump campaign not colluding.
I B Hankering's Avatar
No, they aren't illegal. Provide a link to the judicial system saying the warrants are illegal.

And yes, each renewal has to show why'd it should be renewed which means they have to show evidence it has generated. That's one of the reason the are redacted.

The funniest thing you keep talking about is the "illegal" FISA warrant. I've told you several time before.
Flynn's case comes from foreign intelligence FISA that was on the Russian ambassador's phone. Because he is a Russian.

You are completely, totally, and unequivocally wrong.

"The FBI routinely obtains FISA warrants to monitor the communications of foreign diplomats in the United States, including the Russian ambassador,Sergey Kislyak. The conversations between Kislyak and Michael Flynn, who became Trump’s first national security adviser, were recorded in December. In February, The Washington Post reported that Flynn misled Vice President-elect Mike Pence and others about his discussions with Kislyak, prompting Trump’s decision to fire him."

It can't be clearer. The FISA warrant used to record Flynn had nothing to do with the dossier. Nothing.
Once again, the warrant used on Flynn was fine.
Post an official link that refutes that fact.
But you won't. Because you can't.
Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Was the info in the Steele Dossier vetted in accordance with the regulatory requirements of the FBI before it was given to the judges? No, it wasn't. The FISA warrants were illegal.

Flynn was recorded in Dec.
Flynn knew when he spoke with the Russians. Those conversations were recorded.
Your presumption is based on.....presumptions, guesses, BS.
I don't have presumption about this one.
No "pre" at all. Just post. He already pled guilty.

There is no evidence to back your claim. Here is proof that if you don't want to believe something,
you won't. You'll ignore evidence and make up your own "facts".
This is an easy, well documented example. You staked out your position on this from the git-go.
Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Your presumption is based on the pronouncements of the investigators -- a known cabal of anti-Trump liars and schemers -- who are being investigated. Strzok and Page are on record has having a "Plan" to keep Trump out of office, and Flynn was illegally unmasked by someone in the Odumbo administration to further that "Plan".

So, it's nonsense to claim that Odumbo's people weren't spying on the Trump administration as everything they had against Flynn came after the FBI fraudulently applied for and received illegal FISA warrants.
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  • WTF
  • 01-23-2019, 09:15 AM
No, they aren't illegal. Provide a link to the judicial system saying the warrants are illegal.

And yes, each renewal has to show why'd it should be renewed which means they have to show evidence it has generated. That's one of the reason the are redacted.

The funniest thing you keep talking about is the "illegal" FISA warrant. I've told you several time before.
Flynn's case comes from foreign intelligence FISA that was on the Russian ambassador's phone. Because he is a Russian.

You are completely, totally, and unequivocally wrong.

"The FBI routinely obtains FISA warrants to monitor the communications of foreign diplomats in the United States, including the Russian ambassador,Sergey Kislyak. The conversations between Kislyak and Michael Flynn, who became Trump’s first national security adviser, were recorded in December. In February, The Washington Post reported that Flynn misled Vice President-elect Mike Pence and others about his discussions with Kislyak, prompting Trump’s decision to fire him."

It can't be clearer. The FISA warrant used to record Flynn had nothing to do with the dossier. Nothing.
Once again, the warrant used on Flynn was fine.
Post an official link that refutes that fact.
But you won't. Because you can't. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
They keep claiming the FISA warrant was illegal....despite no evidence to support their claim.

First it was Judge Sullivan and the 302's....when that didn't pan out it is now the FISA court. Or Steele Dossier. ...which has proven to be true and nothing has been proven not to be true.
I B Hankering's Avatar
They keep claiming the FISA warrant was illegal....despite no evidence to support their claim.

First it was Judge Sullivan and the 302's....when that didn't pan out it is now the FISA court. Or Steele Dossier. ...which has proven to be true and nothing has been proven not to be true.
Originally Posted by WTF
You're one to be talking. Two years ago you were dead sure Trump would be impeached for colluding with the Russians. Still nothing. The Steele Dossier was not vetted before it was used to get a FISA warrant: illegal in violation of the FBI's Woods Procedures. The investigation of the investigators is not complete. It's barely started. Flynn will be exonerated.
LexusLover's Avatar
You're one to be talking. Two years ago you were dead sure Trump would be impeached for colluding with the Russians. Still nothing. The investigation of the investigators is not complete. It's barely started. Flynn will be exonerated. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
My theory is the Swamp Rats and their loyal fans believed they could keep him busy fielding ground balls so he couldn't accomplish anything ... but they were so busy punching out ground balls that didn't score anything ... they didn't accomplish shit ...

... so now he won't get impeached ... they are still not doing shit but popping infield grounders, no one is on base for them, and it's the 9th.

They actually believe he's stupid. Successful developers NEVER have only one project at a time. They have several at different stages so there is another project ready to be finished after the current one is done. Plus this developer knows ALL ABOUT all these folks ... 8x10's glossies down to who sucks their dicks and clits ... and whose they suck ....

Does anyone believe he doesn't know Chuckie ..?

As President, Trump .... reminisced about a fund-raiser he’d held at Schumer’s request. Trump boasted that the gathering, at his Mar-a-Lago estate, in Palm Beach, had raised two million dollars for the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee. Schumer corrected him: it was a little more than two hundred and sixty thousand. (Over the years, Trump and his family have donated roughly sixteen thousand dollars to Schumer’s own Senate committee.)
That's a "drop in the bucket"! The New York commercial developer raising money in Florida for the ass-kissing candidate!

Or Pelosi? Or the Clintons?

That's why they are scared shitless about him.... and all those LameStreamMedia hacks hangout in the same digs ... where he knows the owners and landlords!!!!!

Munchmasterman's Avatar
Sorry Charlie. There is no evidence to back up your claim. The dossier has nothing to do with Flynn. Nothing. Zip. Nada.
I ask for any semblance of proof and you provide long time debunked stories or other debunked lies that have nothing to do with this story.
But! But! But! But nothing can possibly win this argument for you.
Was the info in the Steele Dossier vetted in accordance with the regulatory requirements of the FBI before it was given to the judges? No, it wasn't. The FISA warrants were illegal.

Your presumption is based on the pronouncements of the investigators -- a known cabal of anti-Trump liars and schemers -- who are being investigated. Strzok and Page are on record has having a "Plan" to keep Trump out of office, and Flynn was illegally unmasked by someone in the Odumbo administration to further that "Plan".

So, it's nonsense to claim that Odumbo's people weren't spying on the Trump administration as everything they had against Flynn came after the FBI fraudulently applied for and received illegal FISA warrants.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
None of the above figures in. You're just parroting trump and fox.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Sorry Charlie. There is no evidence to back up your claim. The dossier has nothing to do with Flynn. Nothing. Zip. Nada.
I ask for any semblance of proof and you provide long time debunked stories or other debunked lies that have nothing to do with this story.
But! But! But! But nothing can possibly win this argument for you.

None of the above figures in. You're just parroting trump and fox. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Johm Solomon isn't Trump, and The Hill isn't Fox. Comey, McCabe and Strzok are under investigation for lying, and you're hanging your hat on their words while knowing they are certifiable liars.

Thus it remains, your presumption is based on the pronouncements of the investigators -- a known cabal of anti-Trump liars and schemers -- who are being investigated. Strzok and Page are on record has having a "Plan" to keep Trump out of office, and Flynn was illegally unmasked by someone in the Odumbo administration to further that "Plan".

So, it's nonsense to claim that Odumbo's people weren't spying on the Trump administration as everything they had against Flynn came after the FBI fraudulently applied for and received illegal FISA warrants.

Those are the facts.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Does anyone not believe there is a "pee" tape (or maybe just 8x10 glossies)and that trump isn't a Russian douche-bag?
My theory is the Swamp Rats and their loyal fans believed they could keep him busy fielding ground balls so he couldn't accomplish anything ... but they were so busy punching out ground balls that didn't score anything ... they didn't accomplish shit ...

... so now he won't get impeached ... they are still not doing shit but popping infield grounders, no one is on base for them, and it's the 9th.

They actually believe he's stupid. Successful developers NEVER have only one project at a time. They have several at different stages so there is another project ready to be finished after the current one is done. Plus this developer knows ALL ABOUT all these folks ... 8x10's glossies down to who sucks their dicks and clits ... and whose they suck ....

Does anyone believe he doesn't know Chuckie ..?

That's a "drop in the bucket"! The New York commercial developer raising money in Florida for the ass-kissing candidate!

Or Pelosi? Or the Clintons?

That's why they are scared shitless about him.... and all those LameStreamMedia hacks hangout in the same digs ... where he knows the owners and landlords!!!!!

2020! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Munchmasterman's Avatar
No they aren't. All debunked.
When was the Post claim about Flynn not being recorded? It hasn't been.
Of course we wouldn'ttap the Russian's phones, would we?

Remember you don't have to admit you're wrong for everyone to see you're wrong.
Johm Solomon isn't Trump, and The Hill isn't Fox. Comey, McCabe and Strzok are under investigation for lying, and you're hanging your hat on their words while knowing they are certifiable liars.

Thus it remains, your presumption is based on the pronouncements of the investigators -- a known cabal of anti-Trump liars and schemers -- who are being investigated. Strzok and Page are on record has having a "Plan" to keep Trump out of office, and Flynn was illegally unmasked by someone in the Odumbo administration to further that "Plan".

So, it's nonsense to claim that Odumbo's people weren't spying on the Trump administration as everything they had against Flynn came after the FBI fraudulently applied for and received illegal FISA warrants.

Those are the facts.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
I B Hankering's Avatar
No they aren't. All debunked.
When was the Post claim about Flynn not being recorded? It hasn't been.
Of course we wouldn'ttap the Russian's phones, would we?

Remember you don't have to admit you're wrong for everyone to see you're wrong
. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman

FYI, WaPo is virulently anti-Trump and you're hanging your entire argument on the claims made by congenital liars.

Thus it remains, your presumption is based on the pronouncements of the investigators -- a known cabal of anti-Trump liars and schemers -- who are being investigated. Strzok and Page are on record has having a "Plan" to keep Trump out of office, and Flynn was illegally unmasked by someone in the Odumbo administration to further that "Plan".

So, it's nonsense to claim that Odumbo's people weren't spying on the Trump administration as everything they had against Flynn came after the FBI fraudulently applied for and received illegal FISA warrants.

Those are the facts.

Seems the only things debunked are munchie and WTF's claims of anything in that dossier being true or verified. By Comey's own words. There is no pee tape (and why are these guys so eager to see nudes of Trump anyway?) or it would have been released long ago. But keep clinging to the mast as the ship is sinking. Trump isn't going anywhere until January 2025.
. But keep clinging to the mast as the ship is sinking. Originally Posted by Lantern2814
they've lashed themselves to the crow's nest, which now is sea level and sinking fast, as waves swamp right into their kissers about every ten seconds

not sure about the other guy but the prediction is WTF will later claim "ship? what ship? I was never on it ", thats just the way he rolls
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-23-2019, 02:51 PM

FYI, WaPo is virulently anti-Trump and you're hanging your entire argument on the claims made by congenital liars.

Originally Posted by I B Hankering
The WaPo, NYT Aand WSJ are some of the best news sources we have in this country.

Trump will have his minions believe such nonsense because the alternative is that he is the congenial liar....which is actually the truth.

Trump is the Jim Jones of our time and you are stirring his kool-aid with that crazy talk.
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  • WTF
  • 01-23-2019, 02:53 PM
they've lashed themselves to the crow's nest, which now is sea level and sinking fast, as waves swamp right into their kissers about every ten seconds

not sure about the other guy but the prediction is WTF will later claim "ship? what ship? I was never on it ", thats just the way he rolls Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
if we were to go back to the other thread on Judge Sullivan and Mike Flan you will see what idiots were and who was not. Take a peek at the fools in that thread...

buncha trumper's hanging on to that mask they'd all make Johnny Depp in Pirates of the Caribbean look like a straight man