The name "faggot" fits you perfectly.
I wish I could get you, ekim008, and Assup into a boxing ring - so I could beat the shit out of all three of you stupid assholes. However, you little bitches would run like the cowards you are, knowing I would decimate you in a fair fight. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
You'd think you would get tired of being such an insufferable asshole. I guess not.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
You'd think you would get tired of being such an insufferable asshole. I guess not. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
You would think you would get tired of sucking dicks...you fucking faggot!!!
I was think about using ekim008 - or has that been taken? Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Do whatever you want fuck face you are down to your last day here Jewish loser. Shame you two cocksuckers avoided points on that one.
You would think you would get tired of sucking dicks...you fucking faggot!!! Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
How old are you... 12? Get the fuck out of here.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You would think you would get tired of sucking dicks...you fucking faggot!!! Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Odds are the Jewish loser will renege and not leave. Any takers?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
BigAssSux, I will never wager with you. You are a lying, overstuffed blowhard. If you're convinced your a winner, more power to you. Enjoy your pathetic delusions. At least they make you happy.
I will never wager with you. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
A convenient excuse, COIdiot! Get a good look at him because in a moment he will run and hide like a COCoward.

Just remember, the next time you say something stupid and I read it. I will call you out in it. And the time after that and so on and so forth.

I can't force you to accept the wager but I can repeatedly expose you for being the big mouth fraud that you are.

And I will?

Take it to the bank, COFraud!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Have at it, BigAssSux. You work on that and I will look for a fuck to give.
Have at it, BigAssSux. You work on that and I will look for a fuck to give. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
You can take it to the bank! I will continue to expose you for being COFraud.

You can now go run and hide under your Mommie's petticoats. COWimp!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Nope. No fucks to give. I guess I don't give a fuck, BigAssSux. Better luck next time.
You can take it to the bank! I will continue to expose you for being COFraud.

You can now go run and hide under your Mommie's petticoats. COWimp! Originally Posted by bigtex
Petticoats? Goddamn, how old ARE you?
Petticoats? Goddamn, how old ARE you? Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
Old enough to know that COCoward hid under his Mommie's petticoats during the Vietnam War era and it's immediate aftermath.

He told us once that his Mommie said he had a childhood malady that prevented him from being qualified for the Armed Forces.

Or was it a childhood mentality?

One or the other!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Hey BigAssSux. I may have changed my mind. Care for a wager? If you can't produce a post by me saying "My Mommie said I had a childhood malady that kept me from being qualified for the Armed Forces" you have to take a 5 year break from the Political Forum. If you find one that says that, I'll do the same. What say you, you fatass lying sack of shit? Do we have a bet? Or are you going to chicken out? C'mon, tough guy. You've been wanting a bet. Now you got one.
I will never wager with you. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Do we have a bet? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Let's check out the timeline, shall we?

At 1:35 AM, COIdiot emphatically states that he "will never wager" with me.

Less than two hours later, COIdiot asks me if "we have a bet."

"A bet" that would require that I research each and every one of his 23,000+ meaningless posts. Geez, COIdiot's not asking for much, is he?

COIdiot's special nighttime elixir seems to be quite potent tonight.

I suppose I could take the following approach recently brought to us by one of his Idiot cousin's.

COIdiot, I will be more than happy to prove you said it after you prove you didn't.