Please STFU with this ignorant AF energy independence bullshit

lustylad's Avatar
The cancelation of XL has not contributed a nickle to higher gas prices... Originally Posted by WTF
Uh-oh... Alberta's Premier disagrees with you. Canada wants to step up and replace all that Rooski crude but it needs the pipeline to do so!

Why do idiots like Biden & Blinken prefer to grovel and beg for more oil from rogue producers like Venezuela and Iran instead of accepting help from our friendly neighbors to the North?

Alberta’s Premier Jason Kenney said... “We could discuss how to ship nearly 1 million barrels a day of responsibly produced energy every day from the USA’s closest friend and ally! All it would take is his approval for Keystone XL. Easy.”
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
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  • WTF
  • 03-09-2022, 12:40 PM
Uh-oh... Alberta's Premier disagrees with you. Canada wants to help us but it needs that pipeline to do so!

Why do idiots like Biden & Blinken prefer to grovel and beg for more oil from rogue producers like Venezuela and Iran instead of accepting help from our friendly neighbor to the North?

Alberta’s Premier Jason Kenney said... “We could discuss how to ship nearly 1 million barrels a day of responsibly produced energy every day from the USA’s closest friend and ally! All it would take is his approval for Keystone XL. Easy.” Originally Posted by lustylad
Evidently you can't read or comprehend wtf has been written.

Reread wtf I wrote.

I was making a statement of fact concerning the PRICE of oil today.

Isiots that do not understand energy independence and will not read the title to threads will not stfu and they convoluted the current price of oil to WHERE we actually get some of our oil from.

Now please please stfu until you can answer the simple questions I posed to Waco.

Or just reread the title of this thread and understand that this pertains to you as well as others.
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  • WTF
  • 03-09-2022, 12:41 PM
Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
If your worried about the cost of gasoline, you can't afford EV
lustylad's Avatar
Isiots (sic) that do not understand energy independence and will not read the title to threads will not stfu and they convoluted the current price of oil to WHERE we actually get some of our oil from.

Now please please stfu until you can answer the simple questions I posed... Originally Posted by WTF
What's an isiot? Do you think you're smarter than the Prime Minister of Alberta on energy matters?

But hey, please go right ahead and explain to everyone why it makes sense for us to start enriching our previously-sanctioned enemies like Nicolas Maduro and Ayatollah Khamenei instead of turning on the Keystone XL "spicket" and buying more oil from friendly Canucks?

(Unless, of course, you are deliberately trying to weaken US national security and undermine human rights in Venezuela and Iran... is that your argument?)

And if you can't explain and justify it, then take your own advice and stfu!
lustylad's Avatar
If your (sic) worried about the cost of gasoline, you can't afford EV Originally Posted by WTF
You're too stupid to realize you just made his point, Marie Antoinette!

"If you can't afford an EV, then eat cake!"
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  • WTF
  • 03-09-2022, 01:34 PM
What's an isiot? Do you think you're smarter than the Prime Minister of Alberta on energy matters?

But hey, please go right ahead and explain to everyone why it makes sense for us to start enriching our previously-sanctioned enemies like Nicolas Maduro and Ayatollah Khamenei instead of turning on the Keystone XL "spicket" and buying more oil from friendly Canucks?

(Unless, of course, you are deliberately trying to weaken US national security and undermine human rights in Venezuela and Iran... is that your argument?)

And if you can't explain and justify it, then take your own advice and stfu! Originally Posted by lustylad
Let me explain ladyboy...I was talking about the PRICE of gas CURRENTLY. First off the XL pipeline would not be finished even had Biden not canceled the permits. So as I orginally said that cancellation has nothing to do with the current price of gas. Next...Canada can still sell that oil. So it is not like that feedstock was taken offline. So if you understood world wide energy, you'd know that this really does not effect the PRICE..which is exactly wtf I said

You brought up WHERE we buy feedstock FROM.

Those are two entirely different subjects.

You probably do not understand world wide oil distribution, that is why you continually defy the warning I gave you on the title of this thread.

Even if the United States does not buy oil from Russia, Russia will just find a black market to sell oil, just like Iran and Venezuela have.

So all we are doing in diverting where and who buys oil from whom...we are making markets less efficient and driving up cost and making us feel better about ourselves but unless we actually impose a halt to all sales of Russian oil...which would basically be a declaration of war all we are doing is shifting who buys what from whom.

Now please read the link Lucas provided and hush with this convoluting price vs source nonsense. Stick to grammar popo...your economic and oil acumen are piss poor.
bambino's Avatar
What's an isiot? Do you think you're smarter than the Prime Minister of Alberta on energy matters?

But hey, please go right ahead and explain to everyone why it makes sense for us to start enriching our previously-sanctioned enemies like Nicolas Maduro and Ayatollah Khamenei instead of turning on the Keystone XL "spicket" and buying more oil from friendly Canucks?

(Unless, of course, you are deliberately trying to weaken US national security and undermine human rights in Venezuela and Iran... is that your argument?)

And if you can't explain and justify it, then take your own advice and stfu! Originally Posted by lustylad
I don’t know what an isiot is. WTF seems to think it has something to do with grammar!!!!!
Precious_b's Avatar
What's an isiot? Do you think you're smarter than the Prime Minister of Alberta on energy matters?

But hey, please go right ahead and explain to everyone why it makes sense for us to start enriching our previously-sanctioned enemies like Nicolas Maduro and Ayatollah Khamenei instead of turning on the Keystone XL "spicket" and buying more oil from friendly Canucks?

(Unless, of course, you are deliberately trying to weaken US national security and undermine human rights in Venezuela and Iran... is that your argument?)

And if you can't explain and justify it, then take your own advice and stfu! Originally Posted by lustylad
I don’t know what an isiot is. WTF seems to think it has something to do with grammar!!!!! Originally Posted by bambino

I thought you guys were cool and hip.
Another myth busted.
And I use to look up to y'all
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  • WTF
  • 03-09-2022, 04:30 PM
I don’t know what an isiot is. WTF seems to think it has something to do with grammar!!!!! Originally Posted by bambino
It is a drag queen from Pittsburgh who thinks the election was rigged and Trump is still President. You know, the reflection you see in the mirror
bambino's Avatar
It is a drag queen from Pittsburgh who thinks the election was rigged and Trump is still President. You know, the reflection you see in the mirror Originally Posted by WTF
If you say so!!!!!!!!!
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  • WTF
  • 03-09-2022, 04:59 PM
If you say so!!!!!!!!! Originally Posted by bambino
Oh bambi, don't play coy
bambino's Avatar
Oh bambi, don't play coy Originally Posted by WTF
That’s pretty gay. But, you are what you are.
bambino's Avatar
Oh bambi, don't play coy Originally Posted by WTF
That’s pretty gay. But, you are what you are.
lustylad's Avatar
Evidently I can't read or comprehend wtf the Premier of Alberta has written.

Reread wtf he said. Originally Posted by WTF
Sure, no problem... here it is again...

Alberta’s Premier Jason Kenney said... “We could discuss how to ship nearly 1 million barrels a day of responsibly produced energy every day from the USA’s closest friend and ally! All it would take is his approval for Keystone XL. Easy.”

So... now that you have re-read (and hopefully this time comprehended) wtf he said, please explain why you think it's a good idea to spurn the Alberta Premier's offer in favor of groveling for oil from the tin-pot dictators of Venezuela and Iran, whose crude we had until recently banned (and sanctioned anyone else who bought it).