If the Feds Won't Do It...

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  • WTF
  • 06-29-2010, 11:28 AM
Your arguments are not linear…unless you count a dotted or dashed line as linear.

So, since your agruments are not linear...are you a Teabagger? Originally Posted by Rudyard K
Jesus...you sound like you're five!


I admit that I am not linear at times and am just smart enough to know why. Some of these cats cry for the Fed's to step in on things they want and cry like a baby when they step in on things they don't want. Kinda like that stupid little Louisiana Governor. Cut his state response on oil disaster yet cries for the Fed's money to clean up that shit hole!

! Originally Posted by WTF
See had you read a little deeper you would have already seen that not only do I know that at times I'm nonliner, I know why... That is a huge difference . The Tea Party crowd doesn't have a clue that they blow with the wind.

"We hate the Fed's!'' , " Come save me Fed's" ....Tea Party folks don't know whether they are coming or going. They crack me up. They are on par with the wefare folks.
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  • WTF
  • 06-29-2010, 11:34 AM

Until then, it just opinions…and no better than the next man’s. Originally Posted by Rudyard K
Is that then your opinion or is this fact?

Awwww has it been awhile since you been laid Rudyard?
John Bull's Avatar
The Tea Party crowd doesn't have a clue that they blow with the wind.

"We hate the Fed's!'' , " Come save me Fed's" ....Tea Party folks don't know whether they are coming or going. They crack me up. They are on par with the wefare folks. Originally Posted by WTF
" Come save me Fed's" now come on WTF! When did you ever hear a Tea Partier ask the Fed for help. We believe in less Fed, not more.

"on par with the wefare folks." Where did that come from?
Where did that come from? Originally Posted by John Bull
cornered rats lash out, even to a rescuing hand
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  • WTF
  • 06-29-2010, 11:40 AM
" Come save me Fed's" now come on WTF! When did you ever hear a Tea Partier ask the Fed for help. We believe in less Fed, not more.

"on par with the wefare folks." Where did that come from? Originally Posted by John Bull
You see them squeal like a stuck hog when there was talk about cutting Medicade or Medicare which ever is the Fed plan.

That pissy La Gov is crying for Fed $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

Let his state rebuild that shithole with STATE money.

So in that regard they are just like a welfare person with their freaking hand out.

As Republicans and conservatives have scrambled to rally the support of the Tea Party movement, many have failed to take notice of some of the important inconsistencies implicit in the Tea Party message. A recent New York Times/CBS poll reveals some interesting information about the movement and its fundamental “principles.”
According to this poll, 91% of Tea Partiers want a smaller government with fewer services. Despite this hostility to big government, 62% of Tea Partiers believe that Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid are worth the cost (apparently no one bothered to tell them that Social Security and Medicare are evil Godless socialist programs). This would suggest that in order to achieve fiscal sanity the Tea Party believes that spending cuts are to be implemented elsewhere within the vast expenditures of the federal apparatus. However when one examines their beliefs on paying down the debt, the result is somewhat troubling. When asked whether they preferred deficit reduction or tax cuts, 49% of Tea Partiers said they would favor tax reduction while 42% would prefer deficit reduction.
So, tax cuts are preferred to debt reduction, and social security and Medicare are well worth the cost. This sounds less like a movement of mature fiscal hawks and more like one of whiny adolescents (who actually happen to be middle-aged) who want their current taxes lower and their future benefits higher. They are only concerned with fighting government spending that benefits other people and are desperately seeking to save their own precious benefits. They think the costs are well worth it and they have no intention of shouldering the burden themselves. These costs will be incurred by future generations whose taxes will be higher and whose benefits will be lower or nonexistent.
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  • WTF
  • 06-29-2010, 11:42 AM
cornered rats lash out, even to a rescuing hand Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
You been eating to many Fortune cookies grasshopper.

Good Lord, I can't believe I have put myself in the same position that Sa_artman did! Damn I know better than to argue with the Tea Party. They all think they are from Lake Wagaboon and can do no wrong!
You been eating to many Fortune cookies grasshopper.

Originally Posted by WTF

im jd..cant really eat fortune cookies
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  • WTF
  • 06-29-2010, 12:02 PM
im jd..cant really eat fortune cookies Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Thats ok , your beloved Tea Party would call that a DEath Panel

do you not think the debt and deficit is a problem? or is ideology just overriding that concern?
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  • WTF
  • 06-29-2010, 12:19 PM
do you not think the debt and deficit is a problem? or is ideology just overriding that concern? Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
I would like to see ALL sides give up something they believe in to help reduce the debt. That means Defense AND Social programs.

The Tea Party folks only want for others to give up shit. They do not want to cut spending on anything they believe in.

So fuc'em. Until they step up with solutions they are just another self intrest group draping themself in the flag. No different than the Dem's they so despise.

I hope this clears the air in my opinion backed up by facts on this Tea Party movement.
Rudyard K's Avatar
So fuc'em. Until they step up with solutions they are just another self intrest group draping themself in the flag. No different than the Dem's they so despise. Originally Posted by WTF
Much like WTF himself.

I hope this clears the air in my opinion backed up by facts on this Tea Party movement Originally Posted by WTF
"Link is not valid" Somehow, this response fits most of WTF's facts.
atlcomedy's Avatar
Your arguments are not linear…unless you count a dotted or dashed line as linear.

Your opinion on wars…and the costs to society associated with such wars…may be valid or it may not. It is easy to enumerate the costs of the U.S War Machine. Dollars spent equals cost…and all of that cost is borne by society. But it is much harder to enumerate the cost to society of failure to act. What if we hadn’t tried to stop Germany in WWII? ...................? Originally Posted by Rudyard K
RK, I agree with your position to an extent. That is, it is prudent to "overpay" sometimes to avoid (protect against) an unthinkable consequence.

The problem I have with it, is applied broadly, how do we drive any accountability with our leaders? I mean it gives them license to rationalize just about any spending by saying, "but imagine if xyz had happened....."

Given finite resources*, we have to live with a reasonable risk portfolio.

*one of the problems with our government is they don't believe we have finite resources.
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  • WTF
  • 06-29-2010, 01:45 PM
RK, I agree with your position to an extent. That is, it is prudent to "overpay" sometimes to avoid (protect against) an unthinkable consequence.
Originally Posted by atlcomedy
atlcomedy it is all just politics. RK is smart enough to know better but he gets his panties in a wad when I bash those Tea Party hicks!

He never mention the cost of doing nothing towards say Global Warming. What if Gore is even partly correct. He justifies his military build up by using the same bogey man that the Gore folks use.'' What if we do nothing!''............ I find it puzzling that an educated man can not see the hypocrisy of his own argument when turned against him.

The fight is for power, that is why I am against dynastic wealth (power). It is just generational welfare. I think welfare is bad for both the rich AND the poor! RK seems to not agree with that LINEAR thought process! lol

The Tea Party folks only want for others to give up shit.
Originally Posted by WTF
how about they dont want to continue to contribute to social pathologies....and the government policies that support the same via anti work ethic wastefulness..

they want nothing for themselves.....

rudyard had it right concerning your link not working...there is some synapse gap unbridged by your comments...

how is it that any wasteful or unneccesary defense spending is attributable to tea party adherents in your offered philosophies while im sure they would recoil at any and all waste?

about the only things that will help this economy and the viability of our financial situation is a return to the free enterprise system and a freezing of the pre obama budget and the making of the bush tax cuts permanent ..not any additional wasted stimulus package or the raising of taxes to be "fair"

can you imagine the boost to the engine of business should the above be obama's policies and the related influx of tax dollars and the sureness of a sound policy upon which business can plan and the related expansion of jobs?

instead we have the dourness of obama and his sad minions tamping down the expectations of americans with repeated exclamations of dont expect america to lead any more. the depressiveness of obama suffocates intrepidness and the wastefulness of his targeted stimulus spending does nothing to ignite the engine of the private sector, instead merely passing out goodies to unions and state and local governments so that more government union members can continue to be overpaid and when that money runs out there is no continuing good.

alas, such ruinousness.
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  • WTF
  • 06-29-2010, 02:13 PM
how about they dont want to continue to contribute to social pathologies....and the government policies that support the same via anti work ethic wastefulness.. Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Are you kidding.....welfare is welfare. You work , you get paid. Not daddy works, son/daughter gets paid. Or taxpayers work, welfare person gets paid.

Either you are linear or not in this thought process. Both are bad either at the top end or bottom end. Damn.

how is it that any wasteful or unneccesary defense spending is attributable to tea party adherents in your offered philosophies while im sure they would recoil at any and all waste? Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Because they support wasteful stupid wars....

about the only things that will help this economy and the viability of our financial situation is a return to the free enterprise system and a freezing of the pre obama budget and the making of the bush tax cuts permanent ..not any additional wasted stimulus package or the raising of taxes to be "fair"
Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Ahhhh yes pre Obama everything was perfect. Moral Hazzard was just a distant dream......

they want nothing for themselves.....

rudyard had it right concerning your link not working...there is some synapse gap unbridged by your comments...

. Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
They want nothing for themselves? Check out my links below, not sure what happened last time. Nothing to hide on my part.

Much like WTF himself.

"Link is not valid" Somehow, this response fits most of WTF's facts. Originally Posted by Rudyard K

the poll is in the link