If the forum for all posters or just a few?

discreetgent's Avatar
What will happen is that when a thread turns aganist you and even you have trouble defending your position you will have it locked. That is what half the forum is up in arms over. Originally Posted by WTF
I think 90% of this forum is just sitting back and chuckling.

And yeah, all mods are biased. The best ones are the ones that at some point have everyone complain about them.
popcorn ? anyone?
discreetgent's Avatar
popcorn ? anyone? Originally Posted by ninasastri
LOL we passed that stage a long time ago. Perhaps beer or scotch will help.
WTF's Avatar
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  • 03-14-2011, 05:34 PM
My question was what the two threads I posted links to had in common. Both were started by the same person ... and both just stirred the pot without really getting anywhere. Originally Posted by discreetgent
I have already answered that DG. Just because you don't like my answer is beside the point.

We see the exact same thing differently. You are having trouble with that concept. Fine.

I think 90% of this forum is just sitting back and chuckling.

. Originally Posted by discreetgent
See we disagree again... I think 90% could care less!

And yeah, all mods are biased. . Originally Posted by discreetgent
Not according to PJ!

I liked our old Mod and I am coming around to SR.....I have always liked MA.
. The best ones are the ones that at some point have everyone complain about them. Originally Posted by discreetgent
And yes there is something that we do agree on....

I knew we could end it on a high note!
I think everyone is biased PJ, including you! Originally Posted by WTF
Well duh!
Oh goodie. WTF & DG are going to kiss and make up.
LOL we passed that stage a long time ago. Perhaps beer or scotch will help. Originally Posted by discreetgent
Beer..... love myself some.....
London Rayne's Avatar
Well...since the jokes don't seem to be working.


Good Lord, take your nose out of their ass for a second there big boy. Originally Posted by WTF
LOL, yeah thats funny -- the though that I'd suck up to MA & SR. I'm sure they are rolling on the floor.
London Rayne's Avatar
Is that pic pre or post Charlie?
Although i agree with you on the western perceptions of eastern traditions which happens all the time (Tantra is one other big example) i have to state plain and simple that Dalai Lama is not western.

To see everything eastern as good and the solution to our western problem is like stepping from one shoe that hurts at different parts into another shoe that hurts at other parts.

In westernized eastern philosophies it seems to be shortcut that also eastern traditions have their fallacies and Karma is one of them. I don`t believe that philosophers arguing that point are all "misinterpreting" Karma.
If you look at hinduistic traditions and how life is treated you will find pretty hierarchical approaches that stigmatizes people. The system of the casts in India is one of them.

Its just pretty fashionable to be all eastern and whatnot. But the problems are not different in these philosophies either. SO - although the point of misinterpretation of eastern philosophies in western thoughts is a right one - i do not consider it as appropriate for the Karma discussion.
There are people who certainly have the full grasp of that philosophical approach and still find it problematic. Originally Posted by ninasastri
I'm kinda just skipping through this thread. It's a rainy day in San Francisco and I am feeling exceptionally lazy.

But Nina, have you read Karma Cola by Gita Mehta? It's a quick read and one of my very favorite books that addresses this topic (as a larger discussion on spiritual tourism).
I'm kinda just skipping through this thread. It's a rainy day in San Francisco and I am feeling exceptionally lazy.

But Nina, have you read Karma Cola by Gita Mehta? It's a quick read and one of my very favorite books that addresses this topic (as a larger discussion on spiritual tourism). Originally Posted by Natalie
Hi Natalie,
Thanks for that suggestion, haven`t read it. Will look into it right now! The title sounds awesome! I will come back to you once i read it, hope that is ok?
Many thanks!
Did you read Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson (he is jewish and an ex psychoanalyst) "My fathers Guru" or something like that? Its an autobiographical story and very critical as well. http://www.jeffreymasson.com/books/my-fathers-guru.html He is also very critical of the concepts of psychotherapy. A great guy i have every single book from him :-)

Have a nice day in San Francisco. Miss that city. I gotta go to bed soon its evening in my timezone
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  • 03-14-2011, 06:17 PM
Is that pic pre or post Charlie? Originally Posted by pjorourke
Gotta be pre!
Good point. She doesn't have that "run over by a truck" look in her eye yet.