tpepsi's Avatar
Well said KKA. Italy has proven herself to be a man hating person. She certainly is not doing herself any favors or getting new customers with her childish tantrums.

Italy, don't go away mad, just go away.
Still Looking's Avatar
Then stay the fuck out of it if you're so disgusted and same goes for him and anyone else who cannot stomach me ITALIA'S WORLD.

What's Italia World? Exactly who do you thinck you are? This is COED sugar britches. All board members are allowed to post in these threADS. Yes that includes "you" and every one else. Just an FYI: This is NOT "YOUR" threAD. it belongs to ECCIE. And I decided since you don't have a lot of time and limited material like "beaver" shots to display I'm taking it over. seems like no one likes you "darlin". The good news you seem to like threAD counts. Watch that go sky high now that I'm here to help you. Yup you get ALL DA CREDIT! Enjoy!

Don't like Italia, move the fuck on !!!

Seems like that's the case. Pack your shit and leave. no one wants to look at that stink patch any more. Isn't your AD on CK'S site enough?

Lying about me begging him to do bareback please he's fucking disgusting. I've got friends from aspd still on eccie ones that would be more than happy to bareback me if I was a bareback whore but I'm not.

You have friends? I'm calling bull shit! Are any on this site? Not a soul has come forward claiming they subscribe to your "Pubic Network"?


You're in denial. We understand!

It's disgusting you defending such filth by then again, you probably aren't even your own lady. Probably someone's little minion as well.

Objection: Speculation / Delusional

So miss me with your bs KKA what's disgusting is you defending this lying fuck. Nice to see you recognize your own reflection when you think of me.

I don't speak Ebonics so WTF?

This is my threAD and I'll post wtf I want and choose , I know the rules.

No I don't thinck you do. They are NOT rules. They are "guidelines". Check for your self! Post away sweet cheeks. Do you have any pics of your face with lots of make up?

Honey I met his pig ass and my time with him was unsatisfactory. If you enjoy dealing with that then you're the girl for it ✌🏼

Hummmm that seems like a not very nice name to be calling an other board member? Might even violate guideline(s) #1, #3 & #4.do the "RULES" / "Guidelines" apply to you as well or just the rest of us?

And of course my guys are reading this lol I get the advice from them and they are the ones that calm me down. When minions like him and yourself talk shit on me. And FYI I don't name my friends CLIENTS, which is why all of my friends adore me. Because I treat them more than just a CLIENT.

Friends & Clients....we understand. That's why all the desperate posting? Are you hearing voices when your alone?

Like I stated if you don't like it pass it the fuck up !
Because this is for FRIENDS 💯

It's NOT your threAD. Its now mine. Both are friends are welcome!

Not pig minded filth that YOUR CLIENTS OFFER !

Italia Originally Posted by italia
It's NEVER to late to do the right thing! Or you can keep having your melt down. The choice is certainly yours!
Still Looking's Avatar
Well said KKA. Italy has proven herself to be a man hating person. She certainly is not doing herself any favors or getting new customers with her childish tantrums.

Italy, don't go away mad, just go away. Originally Posted by tpepsi
Her hate is NOT limited to hobbyists or men.
Still Looking's Avatar


Originally Posted by Still Looking
Still Looking's Avatar

Originally Posted by Still Looking
Still Looking's Avatar
[QUOTE=Still Looking;1059616777][QUOTE=Still Looking;1059611850][QUOTE=italia;1059609121]
When I first read this my knee jerk reaction was hummmm maybe all the terrible things they say about this lady is all BS. But then the real ITALIA came out to play.

You're such a pathetic excuse but then you already know that

I do? Pathetic excuse for what? Did you lose your thrend of thought?

This is one of my reasons for exiting, it's so sad that the owner of this boards allows you and people like you to ruin the whole purpose for it.

I bet they are going to be heart broken when you leave.

You think you're ruining something for me

How do you know what I thinck? Your having trouble explaining what you thinck. Ruin? Ruin what?

Think again , you cannot ruin that which I do not allow. This is only one site, one threAD you won't hurt me lol

Did not try and hurt you. If you would do any kind of research at all you'd know how I feel about ThreADS. This being one of the worst I've seen in a while! Allow? LOL your response which I'm sure is noted by both your clients and other providers "ruined" you. Buy sadly unbeknownst to you it was ruined some time ago.

I know exactly why you're doing this but go ahead and keep it up for another year if you wish.

Well thank you! Not sure I needed your permission but thank you! But why wait a year? The way you're going it might be less any way.

I'll just keep updating when I choose and pass by all your sad post.

You mean scroll past all the hot beautiful ladies that follow the AD guidelines and don't feel they need to start "LOOK AT ME" ThreADS? Or refuse to lower them selves to your level? Where are the "WELCOME TO THE WORLD OF"... Kendra Clarkson? Alpa? Sonya Playmate? Kori? Ms Francesca? Klassy Kekki Ann? Purrsia? Lady V? Do you see any of those here in COED? Your selfish, desperate and lazy.

Dear owner of board or mods isn't it against rules to post pictures of ladies not verified ??

Hey sugar britches if you like I'll be happy to re-post my review of most all those ladies. I'm sure they would love it. Well the ones who retired not so much but say the words. But wait a minute.... if what I do has ZERO effect on you or your business why would you care?

Or shouldn't SL or whomever is using SL handle start their own thread???

Any one can post in any ones thread in Coed. Surely you are bright enough to know that. Heck when ever another lady posts something interesting there you are trying to steal a minute in the sunshine! Pathetic! NO ONE uses my handle! Who would want to? LMFAO

If I block SL will his pictures of little girls still be visible ?

Try it see what happens!? Little girls? Yeah your not very friendly towards young new providers or any provider you view as a threat to you. Very sad!

Any way doesn't matter really just like Slave oops I mean SL DOESN'T MATTER

Once again... I don't matter. Gotcha. I can't hurt you or your business. You won't "allow" it! Gotcha

Slave? What the hell does Slave have to do with me or any of this? You need to blame some one? I seldom even see her post these days. I'm sure its because of people like YOU! I don't do social meadia. But other board members and your clients sure do. I've been both PM'D and emailed your comments attacking Slave on social media. You sure are fixated on her and her age!? You have a real problem. I can assure you that Slave has NOTHING to do with me and all the crazy stuff I might do. I have met her 3 times social but never behind closed doors. Years ago when she was dating a well know board member we all know and love! At first Slave had a problem with me. She sent me a PM. She was very nice and asked if I could do her a favor. I agreed and from that point on we were on line buddies. Once again I have no horse in this race. You hate Slave you blame her for everything. Global warming? I mean after all she sure has raised a few guys blood pressures! LOL Are you guys competing for the same client base? Why would you hate so much as to accuse her of something she has no knowledge. I already pm'd her and apologized on your behalf. She had no idea what I was talking about but told me not to worry about it. What a classy lady!

I mean isn't it shocking how SL got so angry in his last post.

Angry? Who is angry? I'm all but giggling my ass off watching you destroy your self.

Doing the best he/she can to ruin my business ?

I can only speak for myself.

1) Your OLD. I don't fancy OLD chicks. So you lost me at 37 if you really are 37.
2) But if 37 was okay the bearded clam is discusting! Not my thing. Hygienically speaking. A little very trimmed bush is okay but having a Chewbacca between your legs...? Really? Are you just trying to save guys money who DATY on dental floss? When you go down on a hobbyist do you like a bunch of hair in your mouth? Get rid of the 70's birds nest or at least trim that boy to the quick. I'm picturing what Al Bundy's face might look like after getting a look at that thing!
3) And even if the Howard Cosell Toupee between your legs was okay, your mean spirited desperate ghetto demeanor would be the final straw. Or pubic hair that broke the camels back!

You're really trying hard lol

I do the best I can.

Why did you pick little me to fuck with ??

I posted in a COED ThreAD you started shit! Read your second post. And then you blame another provider for what I've done! What a total loser.

Answered already. Your a mean desperate hooker that hates every one and thincks her shit don't stink. You are allowed to post a ThreAD and I am allowed to share with you how I feel about it! Mokoa has posted a Sticky just for you Darlin.

What have I done to you for you to hate me ??

Hate you? I don't even know you. I gave you THREE reasons why! But if I did it would be for blaming Slave for all your problems and mistakes! You very well might be a sweet person but after ready what you say about other people..... WOW!


I don't use that word! Never have! I use escort, provider or hooker!

WOW! Aren't you just wonderful. You owe that lady an apology. She has NOTHING to do with me or my actions. And I don't get involved in her stuff either. She can most certainly take care of herself! In this case ignoring you and NOT lowering herself to your level is a classy move!

Who likes coffee with their pussy

I love my coffee in the am. But I don't mix my pleasures!

There are THREE "Fifty Shades Of Gray" movies. I'm going to write the producers and suggest a forth. "Fifty Shades Of Bat Shit Crazy!" Should be a money maker. Italia there may be a part in it for you.

For the record there are two people here that know being nice works! Both Slave & SKF! Both classy people! I'm sure there are others.

Here Italia listen to this while your thincking of your snappy come back!

Would it be fair to call all your clients "BUSH PILOTS"?

Opps one more.... If you're Mexican why Italia? Italia makes me thinck pasta. Mexican makes me thinck buritto. And you know what that means...

Lot's of unanswered questions Italia! Do the right thing!
Originally Posted by italia
Still Looking's Avatar
Originally Posted by italia
italia's Avatar
I am so flattered he's kept my threAD up all day and gentlemen I am sorry for his floods but jeez SL

Didn't you do an awesome job today of keeping this wonderful men of eccie entertained on my thread lol

Ty sweetheart for the entertainment

Now on with MUAH
Your all natural full bush petite spinner

Check out my latest ad in the weekend section Originally Posted by italia

Don't forget snap chat... Some of you already viewing

Thanks for the love and attention

I love the way my name runs thru you and lingers on your tongue

Still Looking's Avatar
A Few Things You'll Need Before You Meet Italia

If some one shaved down a BIG FOOT and made her a provider what would she look like?

Originally Posted by Still Looking
Still Looking's Avatar
The Marketing Staff At Italia "Bushy" The Big Foot has hired none other than... you guessed it!

Spin Doctor’s & Image Consultant’s
Open 24 /7

"We Don't Just Want To Fuck You, We Want To Help"

We in turn have come up with a new marketing plan just in time for summer! I'll let out new spokesman tell you about it! Here he is none other than...

Crocodile Dundee

(Paul Hogan)

Good day. We've ordered a large lot of these bush trimmers for you blokes that want to see Sheila's like this Italia just in time for summer. Yeah the wife thincks your trimming the back yard but your really going to do a 30 minute bush cutting safari with Italia. So get that 1/2 hour scheduled.

That's not all folks... as an added bonus BSC Products will be tossing in some of their best deodorizer. Just one squirt and that nasty fish and dick along with burnt rubber smell is all but gone!

So here's what you get... a 30 minute session, the hedge trimmers and the BSC deodorizer / douche all for $149.95

Operators are standing by...

We are working on a commercial for Italia. Watch the Crock Hunter take care of Italia's Pimp Boyfriend. How can you not love this guy.

Originally Posted by Still Looking
Still Looking's Avatar
Still NOT one person has come forward that is paying for the Italia Bush Safari Viewing? No White Knights? I wonder what that means?

Originally Posted by Still Looking
Still Looking's Avatar
Italia me thincks I'm going to do you a BIG FAVOR! I'm going to change this BITCH into a SLAVE G threAD. At least until you apologize to the lady. Originally Posted by Still Looking
Still Looking's Avatar
I wasn't going to reply to this threAD anymore because it was getting boring and I have short attention span unless I'm sucking dick.

But I had to address the above comments because they were completely uncalled for, ignorant, completely and utterly FALSE and to use YOUR OWN WORDS: RUDE AND EVIL.

First of all I have met BCD with HedonisticFool regularly for many visits for years.

I am crazy strict OCD about hygiene and have turned people away for anything less than immaculate hygiene. One thing I can say for HF is that he is ALWAYS clean and freshly showered. He does not have any disgusting smells or filth going on anywhere.

Secondly, he is NOT fat. He is NOT ugly. He is a normal average looking kinda guy and has the sweetest demeanor and easy going personality. He is very respectful and never been shitty towards this woman or others I know that have met with him over the years. His references will tell you the same.

For you to stoop to this level and stray off topic to attack him in this personAl way and to MAKE UP BULLSHIT out of thin air BECAUSE you have no DEFENSE AND because you have no dirt on him otherwise is obvious "rude and evil" behaviour.

Fuck, girl. I do hope your clients are watching. Who knows whom you will throw under the bus tomorrow.

You know you're lying. I know you are because everything you've said about him is totally one hundred percent the opposite of what and who he is. And NO ONE talks about my KKA Klub clients like this, ESPECIALLY when there isn't a modicum of truth to it. No wonder you have to make a threAD like this to get business, with the way you treat your clients, it's a no mystery.

And for the record, If you do post private PMs, you will be banned.

Thoroughly Disgusted,
KKA Originally Posted by KlassyKelliAnn
Still Looking's Avatar
[QUOTE=Still Looking;1059616777][QUOTE=Still Looking;1059611850][QUOTE=italia;1059609121]
When I first read this my knee jerk reaction was hummmm maybe all the terrible things they say about this lady is all BS. But then the real ITALIA came out to play.

You're such a pathetic excuse but then you already know that

I do? Pathetic excuse for what? Did you lose your thrend of thought?

This is one of my reasons for exiting, it's so sad that the owner of this boards allows you and people like you to ruin the whole purpose for it.

I bet they are going to be heart broken when you leave.

You think you're ruining something for me

How do you know what I thinck? Your having trouble explaining what you thinck. Ruin? Ruin what?

Think again , you cannot ruin that which I do not allow. This is only one site, one threAD you won't hurt me lol

Did not try and hurt you. If you would do any kind of research at all you'd know how I feel about ThreADS. This being one of the worst I've seen in a while! Allow? LOL your response which I'm sure is noted by both your clients and other providers "ruined" you. Buy sadly unbeknownst to you it was ruined some time ago.

I know exactly why you're doing this but go ahead and keep it up for another year if you wish.

Well thank you! Not sure I needed your permission but thank you! But why wait a year? The way you're going it might be less any way.

I'll just keep updating when I choose and pass by all your sad post.

You mean scroll past all the hot beautiful ladies that follow the AD guidelines and don't feel they need to start "LOOK AT ME" ThreADS? Or refuse to lower them selves to your level? Where are the "WELCOME TO THE WORLD OF"... Kendra Clarkson? Alpa? Sonya Playmate? Kori? Ms Francesca? Klassy Kekki Ann? Purrsia? Lady V? Do you see any of those here in COED? Your selfish, desperate and lazy.

Dear owner of board or mods isn't it against rules to post pictures of ladies not verified ??

Hey sugar britches if you like I'll be happy to re-post my review of most all those ladies. I'm sure they would love it. Well the ones who retired not so much but say the words. But wait a minute.... if what I do has ZERO effect on you or your business why would you care?

Or shouldn't SL or whomever is using SL handle start their own thread???

Any one can post in any ones thread in Coed. Surely you are bright enough to know that. Heck when ever another lady posts something interesting there you are trying to steal a minute in the sunshine! Pathetic! NO ONE uses my handle! Who would want to? LMFAO

If I block SL will his pictures of little girls still be visible ?

Try it see what happens!? Little girls? Yeah your not very friendly towards young new providers or any provider you view as a threat to you. Very sad!

Any way doesn't matter really just like Slave oops I mean SL DOESN'T MATTER

Once again... I don't matter. Gotcha. I can't hurt you or your business. You won't "allow" it! Gotcha

Slave? What the hell does Slave have to do with me or any of this? You need to blame some one? I seldom even see her post these days. I'm sure its because of people like YOU! I don't do social meadia. But other board members and your clients sure do. I've been both PM'D and emailed your comments attacking Slave on social media. You sure are fixated on her and her age!? You have a real problem. I can assure you that Slave has NOTHING to do with me and all the crazy stuff I might do. I have met her 3 times social but never behind closed doors. Years ago when she was dating a well know board member we all know and love! At first Slave had a problem with me. She sent me a PM. She was very nice and asked if I could do her a favor. I agreed and from that point on we were on line buddies. Once again I have no horse in this race. You hate Slave you blame her for everything. Global warming? I mean after all she sure has raised a few guys blood pressures! LOL Are you guys competing for the same client base? Why would you hate so much as to accuse her of something she has no knowledge. I already pm'd her and apologized on your behalf. She had no idea what I was talking about but told me not to worry about it. What a classy lady!

I mean isn't it shocking how SL got so angry in his last post.

Angry? Who is angry? I'm all but giggling my ass off watching you destroy your self.

Doing the best he/she can to ruin my business ?

I can only speak for myself.

1) Your OLD. I don't fancy OLD chicks. So you lost me at 37 if you really are 37.
2) But if 37 was okay the bearded clam is discusting! Not my thing. Hygienically speaking. A little very trimmed bush is okay but having a Chewbacca between your legs...? Really? Are you just trying to save guys money who DATY on dental floss? When you go down on a hobbyist do you like a bunch of hair in your mouth? Get rid of the 70's birds nest or at least trim that boy to the quick. I'm picturing what Al Bundy's face might look like after getting a look at that thing!
3) And even if the Howard Cosell Toupee between your legs was okay, your mean spirited desperate ghetto demeanor would be the final straw. Or pubic hair that broke the camels back!

You're really trying hard lol

I do the best I can.

Why did you pick little me to fuck with ??

I posted in a COED ThreAD you started shit! Read your second post. And then you blame another provider for what I've done! What a total loser.

Answered already. Your a mean desperate hooker that hates every one and thincks her shit don't stink. You are allowed to post a ThreAD and I am allowed to share with you how I feel about it! Mokoa has posted a Sticky just for you Darlin.

What have I done to you for you to hate me ??

Hate you? I don't even know you. I gave you THREE reasons why! But if I did it would be for blaming Slave for all your problems and mistakes! You very well might be a sweet person but after ready what you say about other people..... WOW!


I don't use that word! Never have! I use escort, provider or hooker!

WOW! Aren't you just wonderful. You owe that lady an apology. She has NOTHING to do with me or my actions. And I don't get involved in her stuff either. She can most certainly take care of herself! In this case ignoring you and NOT lowering herself to your level is a classy move!

Who likes coffee with their pussy

I love my coffee in the am. But I don't mix my pleasures!

There are THREE "Fifty Shades Of Gray" movies. I'm going to write the producers and suggest a forth. "Fifty Shades Of Bat Shit Crazy!" Should be a money maker. Italia there may be a part in it for you.

For the record there are two people here that know being nice works! Both Slave & SKF! Both classy people! I'm sure there are others.

Here Italia listen to this while your thincking of your snappy come back!

Would it be fair to call all your clients "BUSH PILOTS"?

Opps one more.... If you're Mexican why Italia? Italia makes me thinck pasta. Mexican makes me thinck buritto. And you know what that means...

Originally Posted by italia
The Marketing Staff At Italia "Bushy" The Big Foot has hired none other than... you guessed it!

Spin Doctor’s & Image Consultant’s
Open 24 /7

"We Don't Just Want To Fuck You, We Want To Help"

We in turn have come up with a new marketing plan just in time for summer! I'll let out new spokesman tell you about it! Here he is none other than...

Crocodile Dundee

(Paul Hogan)

Good day. We've ordered a large lot of these bush trimmers for you blokes that want to see Sheila's like this Italia just in time for summer. Yeah the wife thincks your trimming the back yard but your really going to do a 30 minute bush cutting safari with Italia. So get that 1/2 hour scheduled.

That's not all folks... as an added bonus BSC Products will be tossing in some of their best deodorizer. Just one squirt and that nasty fish and dick along with burnt rubber smell is all but gone!

So here's what you get... a 30 minute session, the hedge trimmers and the BSC deodorizer / douche all for $149.95

Operators are standing by...

We are working on a commercial for Italia. Watch the Crock Hunter take care of Italia's Pimp Boyfriend. How can you not love this guy.

Originally Posted by Still Looking
Now that's funny!!!
