Nobody on this board thinks it's ok for a foreign power to "interfere" in our election. You toss around vague words like "interfere" and "collude" because you want to avoid talking about facts or specifics. When most people hear the word "interfere" they think it means hacking into the election machines and changing the vote count. That didn't happen, but you don't mind letting people think it did.
Originally Posted by lustylad
Thats where your wrong lusty. IB said it was Obama and Hillary's fault that Putin hacked/interfered or whatever the fuck you want to call it. He basically inferred that "we" deserved. Yeah pal, thats fucking Anti American, no matter how many fuck yous Trump, IB, his wife Gary, Garkhal, Lexus and any of the rest of you throw out
Trump never admits being wrong or apologizes. You think thats a great quality. Most people don't. Most people would call that narcissism
Everything the Trump people in this thread posts has a fuck you, faggot, libtard, etc attached. I'm just returning the favor
My apology to you stands, but anyone who thinks its ok to deal with the Russians concerning our election, I send a Giant Fuck You Traitor.
I jumped the gun on labeling you and apologized. Your online pals think that makes me a pussy. Thats because they non Christian according to Jesus teachings. Bunch of fucking hypocrites
Keep chopping them keyboards boys, in the RW I would wear your asses out