Last time I checked this is a Houston forum and we're talking football here. H-Town has 2 great teams this year. BTW Cougars are now 10-0 and may have a Case for Heisman.. That's kind of a BIG DEAL. It's great for the college and great for the city. Hell, their offense is GREAT FOR THE COUNTRY. As it is re-writing record books and we're only at 10 games... Yeah man!, you know that little college football record book you keep in your sock drawer?? Throw it away!! It's no good anymore. There is a new one coming out and it's going to have Case Keenum's dome right on the cover with little UH stamps all over it... and No!, not UH as in Hawaii, those are going to be erased and replaced with the the other UH,,, You know,,, The UH right here!! HOUSTON ...
I've got friends that went to A&M and UT that live in H-Town and they're all proud of the homeboyz, so whats with guys around here and their long faces???
U go to Rice??.... If so,,, sorry for wearing my bright red RUCK FICE T-Shirt to our games. I mean no offence, I just think the shits funny... And I'm sorry that offence looks like offense... I know you guys had enough of that...But don't get me wrong, Rice is a great college too. Hell, I even love that jogging track you got around campus.,,, So ya know,, if I really wanted to be ass,,, I'd wear my bright red RUCK FICE T-Shirt and jog around all day at your campus.. But I don't. As that's just wrong.. If you so happen see any other Coogs joggin around your campus with those T-Shirts on, do what your Athletic Department did at our own home games,,, tell us to stop wearing them because its disrespectful and all that other stuff. Don't be too harsh or call them names though,,, they might just show up in full force next time... I'm sure you don't want to look at 50,000+ RUCK FICE T-Shirts running around the campus... BTW don't be mad bout us gettin the Bayou Cup back. You guys just had no chance. Why did your defense keep boxin up anyway?? If Keenum sees that, he's going to do what he always does,,, call a pass play... And if your in man coverage, we have some fast recievers with sure hands,,, He'll just through one right over the top every time... WTF? Did you guys think that just because it was pouring down rain that we quit throwing? I mean after he throws for 4TD's you'd should have figured it out. But instead you let Keenum throw for 9TD's? And he sat out the 4th quarter?? ... Please explain to me how the hell that happened??
A&M fan?? If so, I feel ur pain bro, I thought they would have a run at the title this year too. They sure got the talent. How disappointing..MAYBE nxt yr??? Wait a minute.... I just realized something... This being eccie and all,, ain't a little funny that ATM also means ass to mouth??.. Well I never gave a chick ATM before but I've banged an ATM chick before... hehehe
UT??? Shit man they're good, just a little young though. I'm sure next year they'll have their old place back in the top ten. That's nothing to worry about...
Coogs aren't playing any good teams?? Well, were 10-0 no one has been good enough to beat us yet.
BTW Coogs did beat #5 OSU back in '09 and a good Texas Tech team. Although Case was not as good as he is now--and the same could be said about our team-- they were still a pretty damn good team. The rest of the country thought so too, they were also BCS ranked that year. Hell, in fact there was even a UTR campaign for Case to be Heisman. This aint his first rodeo. He's had national attention before. However, In 2010, both Keenum and Turner(our back up) suffered season ending injuries IN THE SAME GAME, well that sucked. Dr.'s even told Keenum he would no longer be able to play football (could be why he wanted another shot instead of entering NFL Draft). But how close were we to being BCS ranked 3yrs in a row??
B4 we had Case as our QB, we had Kevin Kolb, you know him right?? Yeah, I know he ain't doin so good in the dessert thus far.. Right now he sits behind #18 Sanchez and #19 McCoy at #20 Kolb in the NFL QB rankings. I have been rooting for the Coog though... and was happy for him gettin that big contract.. He was awesome at UH as well. Hell, he led us to a C-USA Championship.. After that, He and Coach Briles both moved on.. And I admit it, was guilty with the rest of them and thought my Coog's were done...
...Enter Case Keenum, Coach Kevin Sumlin, and a shit load of FAST motherfuckers in the WR/RB/DB positions... They funny thing about it is that the defense don't seem all that bad either. Their total defensive #'s don't show it, but that's probably because the offense scores so damn fast... Shit, they can hardly get a cup of gatorade before they're called back to the field again.. UH, this year, has the best offense in football that I have seen in my entire life time. They put up 73pts in only 3 Qts tonight!! This is a FOOTBALL team that looks capable of 1,000yds of offense and scoring 100pts... Don't believe it??? WATCH SOME GAMES or if you were lucky enough to score tickes on Groupon....GO TO SOME GAMES..
Hell, the pages of college football history are being re-written RIGHT NOW!!! IN YOUR OWN BACK YARD!! YOUR GOT DAMN RIGHT US COOGS ARE GOING TO EAT THAT SHIT UP!!!! LMMAO

I guess my point is Coogs football has been pretty decent for a little while now.. They are gettin better and better at recruiting.. As for next year, I think we will be fine.. Austin and College station of course have their benefits, but so does H-Town. Some guys gettin offered scholarships to each one might just choose UH. Who knows, maybe they just want to go to the big city.. Biggest draw back might be the Conference. But looks like that is bout to change.. Word on the street is we may be going
BIG East.