2000 miles will be aired tonight.

Of note, states’ standard election security procedures would detect exploitation of these vulnerabilities and in many cases would prevent attempts entirely. This makes it very unlikely that these vulnerabilities could affect an election.”

The above is from CISA. Now, given the supportive status of the states in question to Drump, and all of the audits, if there had been any chance of foul play don't you think Mr ex-president might, just maybe, have been able to win some of his lawsuits?

There was a huge scam in 2020...but it was ran by Donnie, Rudy, and a host of others. That my friends is not "alternative-fact" it is fact. He lost, move on and find someone qualified for 2024.

According to Bambi Sparkles most of us won't have to worry about it because our bodies will have been burned by then. I've got a few months left before I hit my 2 year vaccination date and die.
... GOOD LUCK! ...

#### Salty
VitaMan's Avatar
The fraud about a possible election fraud is the biggest fraud.
Do you understand the difference between mass voter fraud and isolated incidents?

Let me explain in terms you may understand...say a gunman kills a bunch of people. You don't then make it so difficult that hardly anyone can buy a gun because of isolated incidents.

Now you and bam bam are cheering on millions and millions of dollars spent and all you have to show for it is 4 votes in a PRIMARY....not the General election but 4 votes in the PRIMARY!

You two silly fucks think the whole game should be played over because say a referee missed one offsides call in a 35-0 blowout.

Do you understand the statically insignificance of 4 votes in 155 million cast? Or even 4 votes in difference of 10k?

Gawd damn....you two need some Jethro Bodine basic math course revisited. Originally Posted by WTF
This just in, the 4 votes were for trump. lolololol