Ourhome2 down

KittyLamour's Avatar
I don't know what's going on but they need to fix it. This is super frustrating.
KittyLamour's Avatar
I guess I have forgotten how to use this site. I'm trying to upload pictures and can't get it to work.

NVM...I figured it out. Duh.
pmdelites's Avatar
update from ck. he said that he fully expects the site to be back up and running. He’s still working on it. He just doesn’t know when this will happen. Originally Posted by cage196
there's the kicker!!

kinda reminds me of a friend who asks "are we ever gonna get together for lunch/dinner?"
duh, yes! unless you or i die.
ask me when.
TexTushHog's Avatar
I’m sure running a site is harder than I think it is. But I don’t see how is this damned hard.
winn dixie's Avatar
It was a good run
Rip o2
TalliaThomas's Avatar
I’m sure running a site is harder than I think it is. But I don’t see how is this damned hard. Originally Posted by TexTushHog

Its made considerably harder by using very old board technology and not even using cloud flare after a multitude of Ddos attacks on your site......
I get that he doesnt make much money from the site (ads that Im sure a lot of the techier users block doesnt help) and I do appreciate what it is, I agree with Tallia. He should have done something to help with the DDOS attacks. I am still skeptical on that being the reason (but thats just my nature), but if that is the reason.. theres services out there that would help with that and wouldnt run too much. The ancient board system is another undertaking which I dont blame him not wanting to do.
I am still skeptical on that being the reason ... Originally Posted by RickyG2002
Completely agree. It's a smoke screen for a crumbling application. That version of vbulletin reached end of support in 2017.The ancient hide tag customization inhibits any upgrade.
What alternatives are people using? TNA Board was popular where I lived last.
TinMan's Avatar
This one. None of the other message boards are particularly popular here.
How am I gonna find someone safe and dependable now? My rotation of regulars is getting slim and every time I try someone new I'm disappointed. Not to mention the risks now.