NFL and Houston Texans Superthread: Are we ready for some football?

The Texans lost early in the day.

The Cowgirlz lost late in the day.

At least the day ended well!

Go Texans, Beat Cincy!
Wakeup's Avatar
I just love the fact that if we, by some miracle, beat Cincinnati, we get to go play the Patriots in Foxboro...and we know how that turned out last time...

I'm actually hoping we go one and done to save ourselves the ass whipping...
bbkid's Avatar
  • bbkid
  • 12-31-2012, 07:13 AM

I'm actually hoping we go one and done to save ourselves the ass whipping... Originally Posted by Wakeuр
Yup. I feel the same way.
Don't worry WU.

We'll get our asses kicked by the Bungles on Sunday
kerwil62's Avatar
More shit talk from the NFL QB's. Poor Romo.......LMAO!!!!!
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 12-31-2012, 01:07 PM
Kerwil, that shit is fucking hilarious......LMMFAO...!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!
My prediction for this years Super Bowl, Denver by 3 over Seattle.
TheDon's Avatar
Agree with WU and Gator, not just that, I don't see us winning, we are 5 point favorites, take Cinci in that game, easy cover for them.

I don't see us playing a good game against their defense, our offense is in disarray, and we have to block that D-line with Geno Atkins? I don't think so. On top of that, they have Dre Kirkpatrick and Leon Hall, and we only have one receiving threat. I don't like the match up, and our team sucks.

Honestly, I agree 100% with what Spear said on the last page, this team has reached their ceiling and peaked, but the only way that we are going to see change is if we get blown the Fuck out this Saturday, and that's exactly what I'll be rooting for. If we do win, we will be double digit dogs against the Pats, and they will crush us just like they did a month ago. And it won't be a situation like the Jets and Ravens had a few years ago where they pulled of the big upsets, those teams had great defenses, and right now, we just have a great player on defense, that is all.

I'm already looking at the off-season. This team has some talent, more talent than any of the other teams looking for a coach, so I really hope if Kubs gets let go we can get someone good. I'd love to have a hot college coach come in (Sabin, Chip Kelly) just run in, take over, and do their thing, but that is unlikely....Hopefully we can find a good QB, either by trade, fee agency, or draft.

And I'll feel happy for Cinci if they win, Dalton is from here, had a great career at TCU, played many big games here, a playoff win would be nice for him. I'll be rooting for Bob Griffin and the Skins from here on out.
Relax guys, we could be the Cowboys!
Satin's Avatar
  • Satin
  • 01-01-2013, 11:32 AM
Damn boys, it looks like we're just throwing in the towel, waving the white flag huh?

From the looks of it, I see no need to even bother playing the game. Let's just give it to the Bengals and be done with it. Wow...

Don, I'm surprised at you. You're normally the "glass half full" dude, the one who finds a "silver lining" in eveything. Shit, after what you just said, I don't think I should even go to the game, and if I do, I should wear a paper bag on my
TheDon's Avatar
Damn boys, it looks like we're just throwing in the towel, waving the white flag huh?

From the looks of it, I see no need to even bother playing the game. Let's just give it to the Bengals and be done with it. Wow...

Don, I'm surprised at you. You're normally the "glass half full" dude, the one who finds a "silver lining" in eveything. Shit, after what you just said, I don't think I should even go to the game, and if I do, I should wear a paper bag on my Originally Posted by Satin
Brother, against the Pats and Broncos, we do not stand a chance.

We can probably beat the Bengals, that wouldn't be a shocker, but that would just give McNair the easy out in not firing Kubs because we won a playoff game... But I think the best thing that can happen to this team right now is change, because as it looks right now, the Colts are probably going to be better than us from here on out. And this wouldn't be a "re-building" process, but a "Re-loading" process, what colleges teams do pretty much. Big difference, but this can only happen if we have a terrible game, unfortunately.

We have a good majority of the pieces in place as far as talent, all we need is a QB and new play-callers, and we are set. We ended this year as bad as you can script it, but I am very optimistic about the future with this team if it heads in the right direction.

The question is, to me, would you rather sacrifice a playoff game (which is the season for us, obviously) for the benefit for our future? I vote yes. A lot of teams have done the same (like Indy), and they are set for many years of greatness. Obviously, with us, it's weird and different, because we are a playoff team that should be wanting to stick with our team....but with Schaub and Kubs, we are just going to be mediocre, and I don't want that. And if we win on Saturday, they will have another year....Do we really want another year with theses guys?

But this post season will be fun to watch, don't let our team discourage you from not having a good time. I'm very much looking forward to watching AD and the Packs go at it again, and RG3 vs Russell Wilson will be amazing, just pop open a cold one, and enjoy
Satin's Avatar
  • Satin
  • 01-01-2013, 01:59 PM
Well my brother I understand your logic but strongly disagree. Are there any undefeated teams this year? Nope. So that means they all got beat right? It's the NFL bro, "any given Sunday"...come on playa, you know

We already beat the Broncs...remember? (yea I know it was early in the season, but we still beat them). The Pats? Man, they are good, but not invincible. They lost 4 games this year right? Right?

All I'm saying is this. I'm down and disappointed about the Texans too. But I'm not ready to say we will "automatically" lose against the Pats, Broncs or anyone else. If we go out and play a good game, we can win.....

Aight, have at it fellas.....
macksback's Avatar
You know next year is the last year on Tony Romos' contract I bet he would fit in well in the Houston offense. Plus Romo is better than Schaub. Also Norv Turner is out of work and he would make a huge difference in the offense.
TheDon's Avatar
Well my brother I understand your logic but strongly disagree. Are there any undefeated teams this year? Nope. So that means they all got beat right? It's the NFL bro, "any given Sunday"...come on playa, you know

We already beat the Broncs...remember? (yea I know it was early in the season, but we still beat them). The Pats? Man, they are good, but not invincible. They lost 4 games this year right? Right?

All I'm saying is this. I'm down and disappointed about the Texans too. But I'm not ready to say we will "automatically" lose against the Pats, Broncs or anyone else. If we go out and play a good game, we can win.....

Aight, have at it fellas..... Originally Posted by Satin
Totally understand this perspective/standpoint. But at this point, after watching this horrendous offensive effort from the last two weeks, from what was already an underwhelming year for this offense, I'm not convinced that they can turn this around. And I'm disappointed in Kubs and Schaub, we did a lot of great things this year, but we blew a golden opportunity these last two weeks. They have done a great job at managing the games this season, but with our defense taking major steps back, they did not step up and get the job done.

Maybe if we run Cinci out of our building, I'm sure I'll have a different mindset, but with what I've seen the last two weeks, I just don't see that happening. I just don't believe it is "our time" yet.
Hey Kubiak you're Fired!! Said like the Jerry Reed th guy that fires the water boy!

Hey Dopey your fired too!!!

I fucking wish!

I had considered selling my First round playooff tickets to make some serious jack then enjoy the afc championship game. After all McNair made me pay for both sets of tickets.
Now tickets are only going for $125 or so per ticket and there are over 6500 tickets available. Fuck kubs, fuck dopey, and fuck McNair. They can choke on my fat cock like ikeTaylor did for the tittsburg stealer fan in another thread.

I will be there to cheer or most likely boo these mother fuckers out of the stadium to send McNair a message. Cowher, Gruden, Whisenhunt, anybody but another year of this bullshit!