Flynn reverses guilty plea!

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  • 03-06-2018, 09:43 AM

Has General Flynn changed his guilty plea? Originally Posted by themystic
I don't know.

And more importantly, I don't care!

Why do you ... care?
. Originally Posted by LexusLover
You do not care? Below is the title of the thread you now say you do not care about. ...yet you have hundreds of posts in.

[QUOTE=bambino;1060525665]Flynn reverses guilty plea!


bambino does not care enough to bet on it!
themystic's Avatar
I don't know.

And more importantly, I don't care!

Why do you ... care?

Now, if you would like to engage in a discussion of something relevant please proceed.

I hope you have more knowledge than you did on "mental health" issues. Originally Posted by LexusLover

Sir KIA, I know why they call you Lexus Liar now

I still love you Brother
LexusLover's Avatar
Sir KIA, I know why they call you Lexus Liar now. Originally Posted by themystic
Me, too! They don't have a logical, factual response.

You're transparent. But you know that already, I hope!
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  • 03-06-2018, 09:55 AM
Hahahaha... congratulations! You did it! You made yourself look even stupider! WAPO has reported Putin approved the attack, you clueless moron. That's been clear since I started a thread on the topic! Apparently everyone knows it but you.

. Originally Posted by lustylad
We will never know and your link does not work.

Putin did not approve of airstrikes...which would have officially meant that he approved the attack. Sounds like your theory is that he approved a suicide attack against the Kurds in which we have embedded personnel and full air support. That sounds rather stupid.

Now once again tell me how that is Trump doing something to Putin?

Is Trump going to punish Putin for this attack? Or make more excuses.
lustylad's Avatar
We will never know and your link does not work. Originally Posted by WTF
Fixed it for you, dumbass. Read and learn!

You don't have a clue what is happening in Syria, yet you keep popping off your ignorant mouth anyway! You are so thoroughly afflicted with Trump Derangement Syndrome that you have to flip-flop like a weasel and twist like a pretzel (on topics you obviously know nothing about) whenever Trump does anything to contradict your Russian collusion delusion!
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  • 03-06-2018, 10:09 AM
Fixed it for you, dumbass. Read and learn! Originally Posted by lustylad
It said our intelligence community thinks Putin approved. There is no real proof.

They also think Trump colluded with the Russians!

We all know that Trump will not retaliate because it is Putin. That we do know.

Maybe it is all true...maybe Putin colluded with Trump to help elect Trump and maybe Putin attacked this Kurd stronghold to get American influence out of Syria.

Maybe they are turning on each other after Putin helped Trump get elected.
bamscram's Avatar
Fixed it for you, dumbass. Read and learn!

You don't have a clue what is happening in Syria, yet you keep popping off your ignorant mouth anyway! You are so thoroughly afflicted with Trump Derangement Syndrome that you have to flip-flop like a weasel and twist like a pretzel (on topics you obviously know nothing about) whenever Trump does anything to contradict your Russian collusion delusion! Originally Posted by lustylad

Same country, same kids getting bombed why is Trump silent?
lustylad's Avatar
Putin did not approve of airstrikes...which would have officially meant that he approved the attack. Sounds like your theory is that he approved a suicide attack against the Kurds in which we have embedded personnel and full air support. That sounds rather stupid. Originally Posted by WTF
You stupid fuck. Putin approved unofficially. And it's not a theory, according to WAPO. If he had given air support, it would have resulted in an even greater humiliation. We would have shot down his planes and blown his deniability cover - 5 weeks before election day in Russia. But hey, keep giving Putin cover, you flip-flopping clown! You're the real Russian COLLUDER!
lustylad's Avatar
Maybe they are turning on each other after Putin helped Trump get elected. Originally Posted by WTF
Hahahaha.... and maybe you'll get a hard-on the next time you see Olivia Howard. Or maybe, just maybe, there was no fucking collusion.

You just flip-flopped again, you dumb twat! If they are "turning on each other" then you can kiss your delusions about Trump being a Putin puppet/Manchurian candidate good-bye!
bamscram's Avatar
Latest Trump dingbat to wiggle on the hook.
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  • 03-06-2018, 11:24 AM
You stupid fuck. Putin approved unofficially. And it's not a theory, according to WAPO. ! Originally Posted by lustylad
Like Trump approved unofficially Putin's support getting him elected. Got it lustyladyboy. You're good.

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  • 03-06-2018, 11:35 AM
Hahahaha.... and maybe you'll get a hard-on the next time you see Olivia Howard. Or maybe, just maybe, there was no fucking collusion.

Originally Posted by lustylad
Next time I see Oliva? You'll see a gassed Syrian baby in person before I ever see Olivia again!

I bet she couldn't even get your clit hard.

If they are "turning on each other" then you can kiss your delusions about Trump being a Putin puppet/Manchurian candidate good-bye!
Originally Posted by lustylad
Trump was assisted in getting elected by Putin and is having to make a choice between Putin and our military. Our military is not all that game on Putin....well except for Mike Flynn and you see how long he lasted. If it wasn't for our military , Trump would have already let Putin annex us if Putin promised to buy some Trump real estate.

lustylad's Avatar
Next time I see Olivia? You'll see a gassed Syrian baby in person before I ever see Olivia again! Originally Posted by WTF
We understand, limpdick. It's ok. The most commonly diagnosed cause of Trump Derangement Syndrome is losing an ELECTION. In your case, the major factor was losing an ERECTION.

Trump was assisted in getting elected by Putin and is having to make a choice between Putin and our military. Our military is not all that game on Putin.... well except for Mike Flynn and you see how long he lasted. If it wasn't for our military, Trump would have already let Putin annex us if Putin promised to buy some Trump real estate. Originally Posted by WTF

Hurry up, snitchfuck! If you sign up now, you can go through REHAB with Maxine Waters!
LexusLover's Avatar
A new low of derangement ... and delusion ...

Originally Posted by WTF:
Trump was assisted in getting elected by Putin ....
At least 15 months later and NO CREDIBLE EVIDENCE OF ANY SUCH THING!
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  • WTF
  • 03-06-2018, 01:24 PM
A new low of derangement ... and delusion ...

At least 15 months later and NO CREDIBLE EVIDENCE OF ANY SUCH THING! Originally Posted by LexusLover
There is more credible evidence that Putin helped Trump win than there is Putin ordered an attack on Kurdish forces in Syria.

Try and pay more attention.