Jackie our girl Condalisa

R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 05-15-2017, 06:51 PM
Wait just a minute! This guy is posting on here he's a retired Sgt Major? You DO understand what a Sgt Major is?
I'll call the DOD over this one.
BTW.. here is a list with photos of Army Sgt Majors from 1969-2017.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sergea...or_of_the_Army Originally Posted by Av8R
You gonna try to ignore this FATTY? I don't think this will end well for you.
Sounds like Fat Bastard is going to have Karma calling. Originally Posted by R.M.
Good luck.
You can't stop thinking of me your trailer park fake boob sugar daddy loving CUNT- you wonder why you have little business - how many times are you going to change your avatar ?
No one wants to pay 300 dollars to fuck an over the hill stank big twat skank like you when there's ladies twice younger and hotter than your trailer park photoshopped ass. Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
Do you realize how stupid you look right now?
Wow. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Are YOU A-FEERED for YOUR protégé assup ? !
herfacechair's Avatar

MT Cranial Cavity: Man you are really a fucking idiot.

Yup, pissed you off with my last series of replies, didn't I? Like I told you earlier, there's a purpose behind every word that I use when I debate with you guys. I don't just destroy your argument, I destroy your credibility, and say things to get you to react the way intend for you to react... Exposing more of your psychological profile. This is you trying to "regain control" in a debate you could sense you've lost control in.

MT Cranial Cavity: You must have nothing better to do than beat the keyboard to death.

Do you not read the comments that you're responding to? What part of this statement, that I've made on this thread, do you not understand?

"Don't assume that I'm doing this on a phone, or tablet, and don't assume that I'm typing these posts. Even if I were to type this, I'm a speed typist, a skillset that I learned and used before coming across Dragon Naturally Speaking speech to text software." -- herfacechair

If you knew anything about keyboarding, you'd know that rapid typing doesn't involve destroying the keyboard, even when a lot of noise is generated. However, I'm generating the vast majority of these replies using speech-to-text software. If you thoroughly read my replies on this thread, you wouldn't have assumed that I had plenty of time, or that I had nothing better to do, something you would've gathered by reading this statement that I made earlier in this thread:

"I WISH that I had too much time on my hands. I'd be well underway on completing my doctoral dissertation, and I wouldn't be retiring from the Army if I had "too much time" in my hands." -- herfacechair

Like the other liberals that I've debated against, over the past 13 years, you're so consumed by emotion, caused by your sense of loss of control, that you overlook the facts and automatically assume that because I'm destroying your argument this way, I must not "have anything better to do".

What I'm seeing with your replies is that you're so emotionally unhinged, upon seeing my destroying you, that your narcissism and emotion drive you to attempt to regain that control... Your screeds in response to me show me that you have anger and control issues.

MT Cranial Cavity: I am excited to meet a real life Megalomaniac though. (DEFLECTING YOUR OWN TRAITS)

Like other liberals, you deflect your traits onto the one that's destroying you in debate. I noticed that you've consistently ignored the questions that I've asked you, and you've consistently ignored the evidence that I presented. Together with my commentary, even you're seeing that you're getting destroyed, and that I'm refusing to back down in the face of your verbal tantrums... the ones that you're pulling in an attempt to regain control. The fact that you're still attempting to argue an argument that you've lost speaks volumes to your narcissism.

MT Cranial Cavity: Keep up the good fight brother.

Just like the liberals elsewhere, resort to referring to me as "brother" or "bro" when I've gotten you hard in the jugular. Definitely, I'll keep up the good fight, just as I've been keeping it up for the past 13 years of destroying liberals.

MT Cranial Cavity: The keyboard is the new frontier!

Actually, speech to text, along with voice to computer interaction, is the new frontier. Even if I use the keyboard, it's with keyboarding skills where I'm not even looking at the keyboard. But, I notice that your meltdown continues with this comment.

MT Cranial Cavity: Hey I noticed you responded to several post that were directed at other members while telling me you never get mixed up on who is who. Sounds like you forgot what handle you were signed on under.

False. Again, if you were to research my posting history, you'll know that I'll address people that weren't addressing me in the first place. Again, from what you quoted above:

"During the last decade,
I'd jump into a thread, dominated by liberals, and take them on as the sole conservative. I didn't have problems knowing who said what, I attributed the right statement to the right retard... Something that got easier as the debate rolled along and the opposition dwindled to one, then none." -- herfacechair

This was in response to you. Now, do you see where I have that quote bolded in red text? Let me know if you can't see it, perhaps one of your allies could point it out to you. But, if you pay attention to what it says, you'd notice the following:

1. I find a thread dominated by liberals

2. I jump onto said thread... This should clue you into the fact that I haven't previously posted on this thread mentioned in the statement.

What should this tell you? That I respond to people who originally weren't responding to me maybe? Look at my first reply to you. I said this:

"I was going to ignore all of your posts until you decided to grace me with your ignorance." -- herfacechair

Notice that I said POSTS in my first reply to you. If my reply to you was just my first post, what were the other posts that I was talking about? The posts where you addressed others maybe?

Are you that stupid that I have to point this out to you? Or, is this a situation that you can't read English generated so that 5th grader could understand what I'm saying?

MT Cranial Cavity: I also like your save on the Army - Marines / bullshit. If you're so fucking smart why did you not pick up on it to start with?

That's not a "save" as in trying to BS you. It's me telling you as it is regarding how the real military works. This is something you'd know if you actually served. What I said is fact. You have to know your audience, you can't assume that I'm going to be familiar with how the Air Force or Marines are going to name their units, how they're designated, etc. I'll be familiar with the Navy and the Army's, as I've been in both.

It's like expecting someone in the Air Force to be familiar with the Navy's rating designations, and expecting Sailors to know the Army's MOSs. Different terms, different methods, different branches. Asking me why I didn't pick up on it in the first place dismisses the fact that you didn't communicate something in a way that someone in my branch of the military would understand. Got it, "Brain"? The fact that you won't acknowledge the differences in the way the services do things, or admit to you being wrong in your approach, speaks volumes to your narcissism.

I'm sorry, "part of the 1/9" is not how we see things. Had you said, "First Battalion Ninth Marines", or "1st Battalion 9th Marines", my Army mind would've understood precisely what you were getting at. Heck, had you mentioned "1-9 Marines", I would've understood what you were getting at. Without that, someone outside of gary5912's old unit, definitely someone that wasn't in the Marines, isn't going to make the connection if you just throw a fraction out there, which is what you did. This isn't a "reader error" but an operator error on your part.

MT Cranial Cavity: Look I will give you a nod that you are a good bullshitter (NARCISSISM DISPLAYED HERE)

What you dismiss as my being a "good bullshitter" is your narcissistic ego protecting itself from a valid, logical, factual explanation destroying your arguments, and destroying what you assumed was the case. In the face of the facts and logic that I used to destroy your arguments... And expose you as the liberal windbag that doesn't know WTF he's talking about... your fragile ego sets up stress shields and identify these facts as "BS". Your narcissism is doing a good job preventing you from admitting that not only are you wrong, you're also getting destroyed in a way that even your intellect is recognizing but your arrogance is refusing to accept.

MT Cranial Cavity: but you are no mastermind.

Your reaction here indicates that you're doing exactly as I expect you to do... Given the choice of words, and sentences, that I use in my replies. Again, there's a purpose behind how I put my replies together. Not only do I destroy your arguments with a fact based, reasoned, logical argument, I capitalize on your psychological makeup to say things that'll get you increasingly unhinged. You've reacted just the way I expected you to react. This is part of the joy I get in destroying arguments like yours.

MT Cranial Cavity: So keep on entertaining your minions.

I take sadistic pleasure in destroying your arguments, and seeing your reactions to what I do. This is part of the reason to why I've been doing this for a long time... the fun is addictive. If my allies, who happen to be your betters, are entertained by this, that's gravy. I've done more than what I set out to accomplished if that's the case.

MT Cranial Cavity: And until you have something constructive to say, bye Felicia!

Apparently, I've whopped you so bad that I've stirred up memories of a previous severe arse whopping that you received in the hands of someone called "Felicia". But, I doubt that you meant this. I predict that you're going to see my reply, get even more unhinged, react to losing control, then move to try to regain that control by posting more of your meltdowns here. Which one of us is going to be right about what you'll do?

MT Cranial Cavity: And you are the fluffer for a face sitter.

Take it away MT Cranial Cavity:

"Man you are really a fucking idiot." -- MT Cranial Cavity

Why? Let's take my username apart like this:

Her... Face... Chair

Do you see it now? Her what? Face chair maybe? If my face is a "chair" for a "her", wouldn't that make me the one who gets his face sat on, and the woman being a face sitter? Heck, just look at my signature:

"As long as I have a face, beautiful women have a place to sit." -- herfacechair

Why, after these pieces of information, would I be the face sitter? Because you can't read something that a 5th grader would be able to understand? Or, I got you so good that you're seething with emotion?

MT Cranial Cavity: At least HFS has a little game

Yes, you're almost right about the "game". I take sadistic pleasure in destroying your arguments and watching you melt down as a result of this. It's even sweeter when you react the way I get you to react based on the words that I use in response to you.

MT Cranial Cavity: or likes to type a lot. LOL!

You've been here since June last year, and, in less than a year, have 500 posts. I've been here since August 2010, and you already have well more than half the posts that I have. Who likes to type again? Also, keep in mind, I'm using speech-to-text software. If you knew how to read, or had the capability to understand something that a 5th grader could understand, you'd know that.

MT Cranial Cavity: I admit that is mighty chivalrous of old facesitter to stand up for you.

Says the guy that jumped on here to WK for a stolen valor phony retired sergeant major. Keep in mind what I'm focusing on... Destroying your arguments as well as that of those on your side of the argument.

Now, compare and contrast these two words:

1. facesitter.

2. herfacechair

If these look, and mean, the same to you, you need to go back to the education system that pushed you to graduation and sue them for your money back.

Better yet, write our usernames on a piece of paper, and tape that paper to your bathroom mirror. Then, clench your fist and put it on top of your head, knuckles facing up. Widen your eyes, and say this:

"Dhem Sthrong!"

Then, while keeping your fist on your head, knuckles facing up,
nod your head in agreement and then say this:

"Dhem Schmart!"
herfacechair's Avatar
Private Luke_Wyatt, he's speaking to you! Here's your chance to prove your creds, face to face! You could establish a base for the meeting by answering my questions.

You know.. I NEVER post on here however this "Sgt" fellow is such a vile POS I'll happily call him out. I'll be in San Antonio on Thursday 5/19 arriving at airport Stinson Municipal(SSF) at approx 11:00 AM. What about 210 Sports Cantina & Grill located at 1946 SW Military Dr at say... 6:00 PM?You won't have a bit of trouble finding me. Ask for Douglas. Message me for # needed Originally Posted by Av8R
Here you go Luke_Wyatt. You know.. I NEVER post on here however, you, Luke_Wyatt, are such a vile POS I'll happily call you out. I'll be in San Antonio on Thursday 5/19 arriving at airport Stinson Municipal(SSF) at approx 11:00 AM. What about 210 Sports Cantina & Grill located at 1946 SW Military Dr at say... 6:00 PM?You won't have a bit of trouble finding me. Ask for Douglas. Message me for # needed. Originally Posted by Av8R
Excuse me.. that is Thursday the 18th not the 19th! However, I will be available until Saturday AM. No excuses! Message me for my cell # if you need to.Be sure to bring your CAC card.. I want to see it. I always have mine.

I'll be the 1st to tell you good people I have no dog in this hunt other than this poser making my military look bad. This Internet big mouth is no more ex military than his name is "Luke Wyatt".Stolen valor ranks right along side child molesters and women beaters in my book and keyboard tough guys just below them. I figure "Miss Luke" for at least two of those.

Now tough guy.. the ball is in your court (even though none reside in your scrotum).Are you going to belly crawl with the world watching or meet? There are no excuses. You can message me for my cell # at any time. Originally Posted by Av8R
Wait just a minute! This guy is posting on here he's a retired Sgt Major? You DO understand what a Sgt Major is?
I'll call the DOD over this one.
BTW.. here is a list with photos of Army Sgt Majors from 1969-2017.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sergea...or_of_the_Army Originally Posted by Av8R
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Wait just a minute! This guy is posting on here he's a retired Sgt Major? You DO understand what a Sgt Major is?
I'll call the DOD over this one.
BTW.. here is a list with photos of Army Sgt Majors from 1969-2017.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sergea...or_of_the_Army Originally Posted by Av8R
interesting... so there is only one sergeant major serving at any time?
MT Cranial Cavity...

Private Luke_Wyatt, he's speaking to you! Here's your chance to prove your creds, face to face! You could establish a base for the meeting by answering my questions. Originally Posted by herfacechair
Come on, Lewd...

Your balls are shriveling like the Wicked Witch of the West...

  • Av8R
  • 05-15-2017, 08:54 PM
That cretin has claimed to be a Sgt Major.Trust me,DOD WILL find him and have a talk with his mommy and get the lap top pried from under his sausage fingers. I'm pretty much banking on a 21 day mental eval from what I have see here he's posted. It's coming!
That cretin has claimed to be a Sgt Major.Trust me,DOD WILL find him and have a talk with his mommy and get the lap top pried from under his sausage fingers. I'm pretty much banking on a 21 day mental eval from what I have see here he's posted. It's coming! Originally Posted by Av8R
I also claim to have screwed your mother now what ?
  • Av8R
  • 05-15-2017, 09:15 PM
Now what is you're a simpering coward.A housebound blob. They all see it. You don't like the place I picked in San Antonio? Pick another. Better believe it's all going to You Tube when you don't show, you pathetic,cowardly,waste of flesh. See, fat boy.. ALL that matters is these people know and YOU know. And YOU KNOW.
Now what is you're a simpering coward.A housebound blob. They all see it. You don't like the place I picked in San Antonio? Pick another. Better believe it's all going to You Tube when you don't show, you pathetic,cowardly,waste of flesh. See, fat boy.. ALL that matters is these people know and YOU know. And YOU KNOW. Originally Posted by Av8R
Your poor old dead mother knows fuck face - come to San Antonio- I won't be responsible for whatever happens to you and take that however you like it. I blind man could see you are a multi handle troll - do you really think anyone believes you were simply minding your business and happened to land in the political forum you gay fuck ? You have less than 30 post in 7 years you fucking troll - I will shit on your mothers grave cock sucker
  • Av8R
  • 05-15-2017, 09:49 PM
Let's exchange phone numbers right now,Lardo! You're scared to because you're a worthless beached whale on an oxygen machine that ate itself to DEATH on my tax dollar. Your whole life consist of posting lies on forums.Man up Jabba the Gut or forever be known as a yellow bellied coward.

Shit on my mother's grave? You can't even shit on your own, Pigboy.. you have a caretaker. What are you going to do, fat boy? Have your full Depends shipped to her grave? Save up some of your disability check for postage?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Let's exchange phone numbers right now,Lardo! You're scared to because you're a worthless beached whale on an oxygen machine that ate itself to DEATH on my tax dollar. Your whole life consist of posting lies on forums.Man up Jabba the Gut or forever be known as a yellow bellied coward.

Shit on my mother's grave? You can't even shit on your own, Pigboy.. you have a caretaker. What are you going to do, fat boy? Have your full Depends shipped to her grave? Save up some of your disability check for postage? Originally Posted by Av8R
you can call Luke's obsolete phone booth at the corner of cornhole and cocksucker at 1 800 FATASS


Let's exchange phone numbers right now,Lardo! You're scared to because you're a worthless beached whale on an oxygen machine that ate itself to DEATH on my tax dollar. Your whole life consist of posting lies on forums.Man up Jabba the Gut or forever be known as a yellow bellied coward.

Shit on my mother's grave? You can't even shit on your own, Pigboy.. you have a caretaker. What are you going to do, fat boy? Have your full Depends shipped to her grave? Save up some of your disability check for postage? Originally Posted by Av8R
You are a sick individual that needs to be banned - you threatened to get my name and address - do you realize this is a discreet whore site ? Now you are asking for my phone number ? What the hell is your malfunction ? Go get laid -
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 05-15-2017, 10:04 PM
Pussy Pussy Pussy. That's funny he got you. Bang Bang. Bang...