Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Hey BigAssSux. I may have changed my mind. Care for a wager? If you can't produce a post by me saying "My Mommie said I had a childhood malady that kept me from being qualified for the Armed Forces" you have to take a 5 year break from the Political Forum. If you find one that says that, I'll do the same. What say you, you fatass lying sack of shit? Do we have a bet? Or are you going to chicken out? C'mon, tough guy. You've been wanting a bet. Now you got one. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Come on BigTex, are you scared to bet with COG? You aren't a coward, are you?
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Odds are the Jewish loser will renege and not leave. Any takers? Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Look ekim008, aka ekim the inbred chimp, how can I not leave? Wouldn't you tattle on me?

Dearhunter has the power to enforce the bet with appropriate action.

I know that you faggot liberals can't handle back and forth discourse with me, so you and bigtex are glad I'm gone so you don't get a verbal bitch slapping everyday.
Come on BigTex, are you scared to bet with COG? You aren't a coward, are you? Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
I told him I would be more than happy to provide the proof, once he proves he didn't say it.

He should be able to understand that. It's your very own, basic Idiot Klan, errr Clan logic.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Old enough to know that COCoward hid under his Mommie's petticoats during the Vietnam War era and it's immediate aftermath.

He told us once that his Mommie said he had a childhood malady that prevented him from being qualified for the Armed Forces.

Or was it a childhood mentality?

One or the other! Originally Posted by bigtex
UnderConstruction bitch slapped your fat ass!!

One day more and you will not have to fight a losing verbal battle against me, you cowardly asshole.
One day more and you will not have to fight a losing verbal battle against me, you cowardly asshole. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Losing? Who was it that lost the bet?

JLLoser, I sincerely hope you enjoy your extended stay in the Dog House.

Look ekim008, aka ekim the inbred chimp, how can I not leave? Wouldn't you tattle on me?

Dearhunter has the power to enforce the bet with appropriate action.

I know that you faggot liberals can't handle back and forth discourse with me, so you and bigtex are glad I'm gone so you don't get a verbal bitch slapping everyday. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Enjoy your last few hours here cocksucker. You are a legend in your mind.
Wouldn't you tattle on me? Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
JLLoser, would that be something similar to when you tattled on me?

How did that work out for you?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
prediction: as the clock winds down to the closet queen's exit from this forum, a massive counteroffensive will be launched by the Idiot Klan, err, Clan, to try and somehow make them feel better about supporting JL's constant hate rants, support for white slavery and Jewish superiority remarks.

Kinda like when Obama kicked the shit out of Mittens, only stupider.

it has already begun.

I would like to express my appreciation to our JCM800 in advance of what promises to be a particularly stupid day.

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You made the claim, BigAssSux. You prove it. Either take the bet or STFU. I knew you were a liar. You just proved it.
You made the claim, BigAssSux. You prove it. Either take the bet or STFU. I knew you were a liar. You just proved it. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
COIdiot, you are suppose to be adhering to your native Idiot Klan, errr Clan logic.

I'm just trying to play the game according to the Idiot Klan's errr Clan's rules!

According to the Idiot Klan, errr Clan Family Rule Book:

Once you prove you didn't say it, it is up to the other party to do the research to prove that you did.

BTW, did you remember to wave goodbye to your kissin' cousin, JLLoser?

If not, feel free to chime in.

This one's for you, JLLoser!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
So you are afraid to take the bet, eh, BigAssSux? Figured as much. Lying, pompous blowhard.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
As predicted.

But Whiny... Did YOU really use the word blowhard? Isn't that the name of your autobiographical movie? Set in Salina?

COMING SOON (sooner than he'd like) TO A THEATER NEAR YOU! BLOW HARD! The "tail" of a man, a plastic seat and his friends, the Hole in the Wall Gang!

BigAssSux, I will never wager with you. You are a lying, overstuffed blowhard. If you're convinced your a winner, more power to you. Enjoy your pathetic delusions. At least they make you happy. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
So you are afraid to take the bet, eh, BigAssSux? Figured as much. Lying, pompous blowhard. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
A libertarian flip flopped?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
This wasn't political, LittleEva. You moron. BigAssSux just had to slander my late mother, just like the low/no class bastard that he is. That changed things. He wanted a bet, now he's got one. But he's too chickenshit to take it. He likes to blowhard, especially for AssupLiar.

So what is it, BigAssLiar? You going to take the bet, or run and hide? Neither one, I'm sure. You're going to blather on about senseless bullshit for three or four paragraphs, and then declare victory. Like any lying chickenshit. But we all know what you are.
This wasn't political, LittleEva. You moron. BigAssSux just had to slander my late mother, just like the low/no class bastard that he is. That changed things. He wanted a bet, now he's got one. But he's too chickenshit to take it. He likes to blowhard, especially for AssupLiar.

So what is it, BigAssLiar? You going to take the bet, or run and hide? Neither one, I'm sure. You're going to blather on about senseless bullshit for three or four paragraphs, and then declare victory. Like any lying chickenshit. But we all know what you are. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
LOL so your changing your position is not relevant because it wasn't political. You funny dull knife.