If the Feds Won't Do It...

your points (?) fall void
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  • 06-29-2010, 02:36 PM
your points (?) fall void Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
You are a Tea Bagger....very few of you folks are logicial.

My problem was getting into a discussion with ya'll. You are like the Global Warming cats. Just a different stripe.

You say you are for smaller government but do NOT want to cut you own GOVERNMENT benifits!

Check out my links below, not sure what happened last time. Nothing to hide on my part.
Originally Posted by WTF

thats how i took RK's comment
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  • 06-29-2010, 02:51 PM
thats how i took RK's comment Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Of course you did...

Tea Party people are like the nuts in the nut house (on this subject). Of course you all think yourself sane.

You two don't want links or logic, you want to harken back to the 1770's when everything was perfect! lol
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  • 06-29-2010, 03:05 PM
Look, I'm like atlcomedy. I think the movement has good intentions. But they are like a drunk trying to tell a cig smoker the evils of smoking. Worse still, that they will not pay for their cancer treatment yet cry like a baby if the cig smoker wants to cut Cirrhosis of the liver funding. In other words, you cats are talking out your ass and don't like when we tell ya your breath stinks!
dirty dog's Avatar
Linear thinking is for simple minds.
In other words, you cats are talking out your ass and don't like when we tell ya your breath stinks! Originally Posted by WTF
Good thing you are first in line.
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  • 06-29-2010, 03:26 PM
Linear thinking is for simple minds. Originally Posted by dirty dog
I agree
I admit that I am not linear at times and am just smart enough to know why. ! Originally Posted by WTF
But not knowing WTF ones thought process or even why one thinks like they do is for even simpler minds!

Good thing you are first in line. Originally Posted by Ansley
Now , now lil lady, we gents are having a discussion on politics. Nutn to worry your pretty little head over!
Rudyard K's Avatar
ATL, I couldn't agree more with your post. There is a finite amount of money. And everything...yes everything...needs to be looked at on a cost/benefit basis. Of course, there will be differences of opinion on the benefits of certian things...and WTF's bitch'n about the war machine should not be excepted. But a reasonable analysis of alternative outcomes for failure to act must also be contained in the discussions.

And IMHO, brash, one conclusion analysis, falls well short of intelligent discussion.

BTW WTF, if you look at the poll...the percentages of "all respondents" related to the "lower tax versus reduce deficit" query were really not much different than the Tea Party. Your blogger and you failed to mention that fact. It would appear, at least in that instance, the Tea baggers are no more idiotic than the general public. Could it be that you and the blogger were trying to sell a position without considering all the facts? Any numbnut can sling mud (you've proven that). It takes a bit more mental acuity to really come to an answer for most everyone.
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  • 06-29-2010, 06:07 PM
. But a reasonable analysis of alternative outcomes for failure to act must also be contained in the discussions.

And IMHO, brash, one conclusion analysis, falls well short of intelligent discussion.

Originally Posted by Rudyard K
RK, you act as if I have never read a reasoned yea or nay on going to war or the cost of keeping up a war machine. Who it benifits the most yadayadayada.

Besides we are not going to change anyones mind with these discussions. We are one upping each other. Let's not forget the purpose of this forum. Don't go getting all uppity on me!

BTW WTF, if you look at the poll...the percentages of "all respondents" related to the "lower tax versus reduce deficit" query were really not much different than the Tea Party. Originally Posted by Rudyard K
And you are missing the point....these Tea Party folks THINK they are some unique breed but upon further review they are just like the normal American. They don't want to pay shit in taxes yet they do not want any services by the government to them cut. Just like ever other ill informed citizen.

Which makes my and the CONSERATIVE bloggers point. The Tea Party folks are the real numbnuts! They freaking think they are special!
""Smaller government , More Benefits to ME!"
Outta be their motto!

. Could it be that you and the blogger were trying to sell a position without considering all the facts? Any numbnut can sling mud (you've proven that). It takes a bit more mental acuity to really come to an answer for most everyone. Originally Posted by Rudyard K
I have come with an answer....across the board cuts. Everyone tighten their belts. You and your ideologue Tea Dumpers can't seem to grasp that concept. Thus you are no different than the people that have bloated government in spending regards. Oh you want to spend on what you think justifiable. Problem is, so does everyone else.
Rudyard K's Avatar
RK, you act as if I have never read a reasoned yea or nay on going to war or the cost of keeping up a war machine. Who it benifits the most yadayadayada. Originally Posted by WTF
Not from you.

Besides we are not going to change anyones mind with these discussions. We are one upping each other. Let's not forget the purpose of this forum. Don't go getting all uppity on me! Originally Posted by WTF
Not uppity WTF. Just because those are your motivations...doesn't mean it is everyones.

And you are missing the point....these Tea Party folks THINK they are some unique breed but upon further review they are just like the normal American. They don't want to pay shit in taxes yet they do not want any services by the government to them cut. Just like ever other ill informed citizen.

Which makes my and the CONSERATIVE bloggers point. The Tea Party folks are the real numbnuts! They freaking think they are special!
""Smaller government , More Benefits to ME!"
Outta be their motto! Originally Posted by WTF
Just because someone does not know how to articulate their position, doesn't make their position wrong. It just means they can't support it. I can't prove how gravity works...but I damn sure know it there. There's plenty of idiots who have been right. Hell, I've seen you be right before.

I have come with an answer....across the board cuts. Everyone tighten their belts. You and your ideologue Tea Dumpers can't seem to grasp that concept. Thus you are no different than the people that have bloated government in spending regards. Oh you want to spend on what you think justifiable. Problem is, so does everyone else. Originally Posted by WTF
No one said you had to please everyone. Just the most good for the most people.

Adding stuff that cant pass on a stand alone basis for the benefit of your base...

WTF...you will attack the basic bill itself for the war funding...at least that benefits this country as a whole...teacher unions..HELL NO

dem/blue states with wild public sector salaries and benefits and $100,000 retirements at the age of 50 for government union members that go broke... because of their politicians giving these special interest groups what they demand for the sake of getting their votes.... and then ultimately they cant tax their poor subjects any more to pay for it all and are about to default on their bonds want obama to bail them out..meaning red states bail out these idiots in the blue states...its actually rather disgusting
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  • 06-30-2010, 10:32 AM
Not from you.

Not uppity WTF. Just because those are your motivations...doesn't mean it is everyones.

. Originally Posted by Rudyard K
LOL....Ok RK, I have no doubt you could sell ice water to Eskimos but you are going to have a hard time convincing me you aren't pissing on my leg while I watch ya piss on my leg.

Just because someone does not know how to articulate their position, doesn't make their position wrong. It just means they can't support it. I can't prove how gravity works...but I damn sure know it there. There's plenty of idiots who have been right. Hell, I've seen you be right before.

. Originally Posted by Rudyard K
It has to do with their action. They protest frank end of life discussions as 'Death Panels'. One can not articulate their position. It makes no sense. Smaller government yet unlimited health care for the elderly. Unlimited military spending. Nobody can articulate those dichotomies at least to anyone who knows what is going on. I happen to know what is going on. Your job as a leader of that movement is to convince people like nevergaveitathought to start giving it some thought. I realize you know what you are talking about but the majority of these folks do not. Why would the other side ever give up any of their pet projects if you guys won't?
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  • 06-30-2010, 10:45 AM

Adding stuff that cant pass on a stand alone basis for the benefit of your base...

WTF...you will attack the basic bill itself for the war funding...at least that benefits this country as a whole...teacher unions..HELL NO

Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
War funding!!!!!!!!!!!!! God Damn man don't you realize that war funding comes out of mine and your pockets? It does nothing for the long term health of a country...maybe a certain sector but not the country as a whole. Shit if you are spending money on war for jobs just build washing machines and then dump them in the ocean!

The Dem's do NOT want to spend money this way but are willing to as long as they get funding for their special interest groups! Fuc Defense contractors support the GOP. WTF you smoking? You are one of those Tea Party folks who has trouble articulating a position because it makes no fucn sense. All this article does is prove what I have been telling you since I joined this thread. Fuc, if you can't understand that have RK take you under his wing.

..meaning red states bail out these idiots in the blue states...its actually rather disgusting Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
And the blue states do not want to bail out the red states with military funding. Look up the word Politics.
somehow or other there is just such a great divide in our thought processes its too diffcult to even comprehend your points

things you say are nonsensical to me