Lol to funny

Mavs fan's Avatar
He Rambro. If she was white or Hispanic would you care? Tell the truth.
Mavs fan's Avatar
"Half of them secretly condone it". said Rambro. Man you are so full of shit, Go be a victim somewhere else you wimp. I know Rambro you are a victim of all of us "white assholes". Bullshit! you are a weak man. deal with that! I am tired of all this victim crap.
Mavs fan's Avatar
I don't judge a man by the color of his skin, but by the content of his/her character.
"Half of them secretly condone it". said Rambro. Man you are so full of shit, Go be a victim somewhere else you wimp. I know Rambro you are a victim of all of us "white assholes". Bullshit! you are a weak man. deal with that! I am tired of all this victim crap. Originally Posted by Mavs fan
true....he's been playing the victim as long as I've been here
Frique-Me's Avatar
Holy shit I think you are actually making me racist. Originally Posted by broes
I'm black but that's some funny shit right there.
blowmypop23's Avatar
I read this whole fucking thing, it took days and it read a lot like Zoe's hocapades.

First- slim, on page one I offered to come bang you, make you forget about this racist Doctor. Somewhere about page 3 I changed my mind. It just hurts my head reading your posts. Don't worry though there are many here who's postings are mostly hard to grasp drivel.

Second- damn did all the racist fucks like Toni have some fun in this thread. Holy hell did some of you really crossed the line, it was like that frat house with all the racist chants they did before ending up on tv and losing their charter.

I knew Toni was a big racist after how he went at that dicknapper hook. You can call someone dumb or some other shit but when you start calling an aa lady a hood rat and talking about gold teeth and all that and how I bet you make "your people" proud that's a clear sign.

Third- you all do not know shit (that includes you slim). Just because you've read posts and reviews you don't know someone. Just because you've shared drinks doesn't mean you know someone. Rapist, murderers, robbers. Someone always claimed to know them and know that they are innocent. Just because someone paid you $$ to fill your pussy with cum doesn't mean you know them.

I've personally witnessed some of these degenerates behind the scenes and some of you ladies and gents would be pretty surprised. Hell so would their wives and husbands and kids and co workers etc... Everyone here is good at lying and hiding their true selves so all you peeps who always say " I know this person and you are way off"


That being said I'm not saying it is him, it could be him or it could be some other joker who read this and threatened her after. It wouldn't shock me either way. Just cuz someone eats buffet style doesn't mean they don't have it in them. Don't believe me, hang out with some of the welcome wagon hooks and see what some of these "high society" gents txt them or pm them.

There is a whole fucking lot of bullying and racism on this here Dallas board
Fort Worth Punk's Avatar
You know, when people do certain things they are going to get called out. And when they keep it up, they'll keep getting called out.

But I have to say that if the rules were enforced evenly that there would be points flying and several bans issued. And you guys can say what you want, but while the original claim may be pointed in the wrong direction, there's a lot of subtle, and not at all subtle, racism in this thread. And you may get away with calling Rambo a victim, but a lot of you know me and I can't play the race card but I'll absolutely call this what it is.

I don't care how "respected" someone is in the "community". If you think it's OK to insult someone based on race then you deserve no respect, and you're not part of any community I want to be a part of.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
OK ladies and gents, in post #203, Slim provides us with a text that she states she received. I'm not sure she understands what he is telling her or maybe she typed it wrong....

Slim's Comment in POST #203
Here is his text he so happy for all the people that defends him for his racist comments here is his message

I just told you that you accused the wrong man now leave me the fuck alone you black girls are so difficult you are ghetto hell you got gold teeth

Ok this will back fire on you I guarantee you got the wrong guy my username isn't Dallas doc you morn I had told you I was a doctor in Dallas

So I hope everybody that the fans the racism is proud. Humans

It's unjust to cast doubt when there has been NO proof given. Puhlease...Take the chips off your shoulders and try, if you can, not to cast doubt upon those you do not know. DallasDoc has a pretty great reputation as evidenced by so many comments. If Slim's reputation preceded her in the same manner, then it would still be he said she said, because nothing she has stated about this hobbyist, and even none of the info provided by whoever did contact her, matches any information anyone has about him. Come to think of it, she is in violation of sharing free world info that someone shared with her, but no one has pointed her for that, regardless of who the person texting her is.
Chung Tran's Avatar
I think we are too quick to gang tackle here.. yes, I was skeptical at first, but I backed off after asking for evidence.. and being supplied with all the communication.. Slim Goddess offered everyone that chance, and after review, while I can't say it was or was not DallasDoc.. no one can.. I can say she had reasonable suspicion..

then LeeBeezy posts an alert, and is also gang-tackled.. because the collective Board decided he jumped to conclusions.. all he said was what he saw.. trying to alert us to possible LE.. once the Provider disagreed, LeeBeezy was marked for derision.

now, while it's true that both DallasDoc and Nicole Cox have stellar reputations dating back years, not everybody is equally informed.. all Beezy and Slim did was make a good faith effort at an alert.. and we shit all over them..
Mavs fan's Avatar
I see your point Fort Worth Punk. But it isn't fair to make a blanket statement that half of the white guys on eccie are racists. Would Rambro like it if I said that half of all black members were ghetto thugs? That wouldn't be a fair statement and I wouldn't make it. He should be held to the same standard that I am. If you want to discredit someone in our society just accuse them of racism. Simple as that and it's getting old.

And I will say again that it isn't right that some guy called a lady the N word. It is also wrong to say that half of white people are racists. That's called racial profiling.

I have nothing personal against Rambro Creed. I just take exception to what he said. I was too passionate in my initial response and I apologize for that Mr. Creed.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
I think we are too quick to gang tackle here.. yes, I was skeptical at first, but I backed off after asking for evidence.. and being supplied with all the communication.. Slim Goddess offered everyone that chance, and after review, while I can't say it was or was not DallasDoc.. no one can.. I can say she had reasonable suspicion..

then LeeBeezy posts an alert, and is also gang-tackled.. because the collective Board decided he jumped to conclusions.. all he said was what he saw.. trying to alert us to possible LE.. once the Provider disagreed, LeeBeezy was marked for derision.

now, while it's true that both DallasDoc and Nicole Cox have stellar reputations dating back years, not everybody is equally informed.. all Beezy and Slim did was make a good faith effort at an alert.. and we shit all over them.. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
I dunno, I have compassion for both parties. Each for different reasons. I wish the lady had made a better case and understood that while you can say anything you like about anyone, you really need to have proof when it's something that would harm another in any type of community. The alleged statements made to her are inflammatory, no doubt. Many of us, males and females, are talked to inappropriately concerning politically correct or incorrect stances. But, a whole forum wouldn't be big enough for all of us to use in order to tattletale on those who make them. If you're going to alert folks to anything you should understand the importance of proof, otherwise, you are responsible for any unwarranted fallout. Karma, she's a B, ya know?

I hope she has also learned the need for discretion concerning sharing personal information as she did in a public forum, no matter how she obtained it or what the situation was. It's not like she was stabbed or shot with an actual weapon. She was verbally assaulted and unfortunately it happens and it will continue to occur in this world. I'm hard pressed to believe anything she said, other than someone used hurtful and inappropriate comments. If we were to take a scale and weigh the info she made available and we could use as proof, I guarantee the weight of truth does not balance in her direction. It's hard to imagine she didn't realize that, even if she does not communicate as effectively as others via the written word.
Boltfan's Avatar
At what point is it the OP, or commenter, or pile-ee to wise up when numerous people were trying to help out said person?

I am not sorry for anything I have said. I commended people for trying, I tried myself, nicely. She wouldn't listen to anything anyone had to say. At what point is it OK to dismiss someone because they are too stupid to realize the error of their assessment?
Chung Tran's Avatar
to be fair, Slim Goddess fueled the flames.. the salient point was that her Textor could have been anyone, and that was said often.. but we made the attacks personal, and derided her apparent lack of education.. initially it did appear she lacked grammar skills, but Slim was using voice text while driving, which helped explain the lack of paragraphs, poor diction, etc..

after she began submitting her evidence to me, via home computer, her grammar skills were much improved.. Slim's reaction to the posts was unwise, she defended herself hopelessly, but that doesn't excuse the second-grade playground piling on posting that we continued.. both sides had made their respective points by page one, where this thread should have died naturally.

and while Slim began the thread remarking about a particular slur directed at her, it's only fair to say that she used equally offensive language in response to the Textor.. not saying that was anymore than a heat-of-the-moment response, but had the situation been reversed, nobody here would exempt the Textor from his use of a racial slur in that moment.

Slim finally got the hint, and stopped responding here.. her education showed itself several pages late.
mansfield's Avatar
Dear God why did I try to read this thread on only one cup of coffee?
Randall Creed's Avatar
I see your point Fort Worth Punk. But it isn't fair to make a blanket statement that half of the white guys on eccie are racists. Would Rambro like it if I said that half of all black members were ghetto thugs? That wouldn't be a fair statement and I wouldn't make it. He should be held to the same standard that I am. If you want to discredit someone in our society just accuse them of racism. Simple as that and it's getting old.

And I will say again that it isn't right that some guy called a lady the N word. It is also wrong to say that half of white people are racists. That's called racial profiling.

I have nothing personal against Rambro Creed. I just take exception to what he said. I was too passionate in my initial response and I apologize for that Mr. Creed. Originally Posted by Mavs fan