Tucker Carlson reports

  • oeb11
  • 08-15-2020, 01:41 PM
9500 - dos love his totalitarian marxists - perhaps more than he /she wants to admit.

Or is it just old, dead white guys - including now che'!
che' can be visited - Che Guevara Mausoleum, Santa Clara, Cuba
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
9500 - dos love his totalitarian marxists - perhaps more than he /she wants to admit.

Or is it just old, dead white guys - including now che'!
che' can be visited - Che Guevara Mausoleum, Santa Clara, Cuba Originally Posted by oeb11

that tells you all you need to know that e9500 is racist. he supports che and he was racist!.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
adav8s28's Avatar
Biologists who've studied the virus say it was not genetically engineered. The laboratory at Wuhan could have been studying a naturally occurring bat coronavirus, trying to develop vaccines and the like, and it somehow escaped. Supposedly U.S. intelligence is looking into this and view it as unlikely but possible. Originally Posted by Tiny

Good post Tiny. It's not Trumps fault that it got to the USA. However, Trump has made it worse by totally mishandling the pandemic. When asked about the 160,000 deaths, his "it is what it is" reply is totally unacceptable. Trump must go. If Mich, Penn and Wisc stay the way the are in the polls, Trump will be a one term president.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar

Good post Tiny. It's not Trumps fault that it got to the USA. However, Trump has made it worse by totally mishandling the pandemic. When asked about the 160,000 deaths, his "it is what it is" reply is totally unacceptable. Trump must go. If Mich, Penn and Wisc stay the way the are in the polls, Trump will be a one term president. Originally Posted by adav8s28

are you gonna claim Biden would have prevented those deaths? in one his latest idiotic rants he said he'd make mask wearing mandatory across the Nation. seems he doesn't realize he can't do that any more than Trump could. unless Biden intends to become a dictator if he's elected.

Biden, Seizing on Masks as a Campaign Issue, Calls for a Mandate


Mr. Biden, addressing reporters after receiving a briefing from public health experts, said every American should wear a mask while outside for at least the next three months and that all governors should mandate mask wearing.

it's not a mandate if it can't be enforced, Joey ..

but he's not going to get elected.
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The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
HoeHummer's Avatar
Takes one to know one, eh, Wacksy.

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
waco, did you watch that ET Canada video?? sure tucker was in it but as a clip along with 2 other topics.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
waco, did you watch that ET Canada video?? sure tucker was in it but as a clip along with 2 other topics. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
while i am all but omnipotent even i cannot scour the webs totally!

so you post it. i'm sure i'll find it amusing

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
while i am all but omnipotent even i cannot scour the webs totally!

so you post it. i'm sure i'll find it amusing

BAHHAHAAAAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
heres a run down. run time is 32 minutes.

3 canadian libs talked about Tucker's comment about Sesame Street racist segment. they sided with sesame street as they do this "sensitive", "difficult" topics thats hard to explain to children (isn't this a parent's job? yeah, talked about that part too). they sided with sesame st.

Nascar confederate flag removal. they say business has rules and they were shocked that the flag displayed went on for so long. they sided with NASCAR. they showed clips of bubba.

JK Rowling on transgender. they threw her under the bus for her lack of support for transgender issues.

Wendy Williams not making new episodes of "At Home" series. no comment on their responses about her. I lost interest and did not really follow it.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
so take a moment and actually look at the video and check to make sure tucker is in it and doesn't include shit that's not about Tucker.

it was nauseating to watch 3 "woke" and "PC" Canadian libs pontificate on what the Americans are doing.

too bad I can't rate a single post, that video deserves 1 star
  • oeb11
  • 08-24-2020, 04:33 AM
so take a moment and actually look at the video and check to make sure tucker is in it and doesn't include shit that's not about Tucker.

it was nauseating to watch 3 "woke" and "PC" Canadian libs pontificate on what the Americans are doing.

too bad I can't rate a single post, that video deserves 1 star Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

Reminds me of the feeling I used to get before hh/YR fake Canuck was placed on Ignore!!!
That did help.