Please STFU with this ignorant AF energy independence bullshit

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  • 03-09-2022, 09:59 PM

Sure, no problem... here it is again...

Alberta’s Premier Jason Kenney said... “We could discuss how to ship nearly 1 million barrels a day of responsibly produced energy every day from the USA’s closest friend and ally! All it would take is his approval for Keystone XL. Easy.”

So... now that you have re-read (and hopefully this time comprehended) wtf he said, please explain why you think it's a good idea to spurn the Alberta Premier's offer in favor of groveling for oil from the tin-pot dictators of Venezuela and Iran, whose crude we had until recently banned (and sanctioned anyone else who bought it). Originally Posted by lustylad
I thought the pipeline was a good is the most efficient way to transport it.

That said...I was talking about how it is not having any effect on the present price. I doubt it would have little to any effect on any future price of gasoline.

The reason I say that is because I have a better understanding of the world wide oil market. That oil will be sold somewhere. The only way it would have a long term effect was if there was an embargo on Russian oil where it could not go to ANY market.

Reread the title of this thread. Then either educate yourself and hush until you do or continue to comment on something you seem to be having trouble grasping.
lustylad's Avatar
How many times will you duck the question?

Should we replace Russian oil with supplies from Canada, as the Alberta Premier is offering us?

Or should we beg tin-pot dictators in Caracas and Tehran (against whom we were enforcing embargoes until very recently) to open up their "spickets" to us?

You can put your "better understanding of the world wide oil market" to work by answering the fucking question!

Keep in mind those tin-pot dictators are Putin pals. They're laughing at us as Biden humiliates the US. Are you cool with that?
LexusLover's Avatar
How many times will you duck the question? Originally Posted by lustylad
He's enjoying the $4.50 a gallon in gasoline and the $7 a gallon coming up, and allowing the killing of women and children by his President. His bible:

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
I thought the pipeline was a good is the most efficient way to transport it...The reason I say that is because I have a better understanding of the world wide oil market... Originally Posted by WTF
Agree on the pipeline as most efficient and cleanest way to transport the oil from Oh Canada. But I remain unclear about your understanding or the world wide oil market. Does your understanding take in to account government meddling, for example?

Democrats Met With Oil Execs Last Year And Pressured Them To Decrease Output Over Climate Change

Democrats are not trying to fix the problem of high gas prices, they’re trying to transform the country to green energy.

They’re so obsessed with climate change that they even had a meeting with oil executives last year and pressured them to decrease output.

Imagine how different things might be now if they had not done this.

The Washington Free Beacon reports:
How Dems Helped Spike Gas Prices

Despite reassurances from the White House that it is doing nothing to discourage oil companies from opening new drill sites, President Joe Biden’s allies in Congress just months ago pressured oil executives to decrease outputs because of climate change, raising questions about the Democratic Party’s strategy to lower prices for consumers.

In late October, for example, the House Oversight and Reform Committee called in the CEOs of Exxon, BP, Shell, and Chevron to explain what steps they are taking to produce less oil and gas, with Rep. Hank Johnson (D., Ga.) alleging that “the world can’t wait” any longer. At the time, gas prices were hovering around a 10-year high.

The hearing has gained new relevance as a global gas shortage has pushed prices to an all-time high. Prices are rising even more due to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, with no sign of falling after Biden’s announcement that the United States will no longer accept Russian oil imports. Those facts have left Democrats scrambling for a solution before the November midterms as Republicans demand that the White House encourage domestic oil drilling operations...
Asking for a few (330M) friends
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-10-2022, 05:23 AM
But I remain unclear about your understanding or the world wide oil market. Does your understanding take in to account government meddling, for example?

[/I][/INDENT]Asking for a few (330M) friends Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
First and foremost, you do not speak for 330 million

And yes I understood actions vs words. If you did, you'd know that energy companies have been drilling more wells not less since Trump shut down the economy.

You can see that by both production and rig count in this country.

If you understood energy here in this country and'd be making money instead of asking numbnutted questions on a hooker board.
bambino's Avatar
You know what’s absolutely ridiculous…that it has taken, of all things, damn gas prices to wake a lot of people up!

-P********* hasn’t done it.
-Biden laptops proving corruption didn’t do it.
-Democrats instigating attacks on conservatives (or anyone they don’t agree with) didn’t do it.
-Biden leaving thousands of Americans in Taliban controlled Afghanistan didn’t do it, nor did Hillary Clinton leaving Americans to die in Benghazi.
-Hillary’s illegal and fake Steele Dossier used to gain FISA warrants to spy on another candidate’s campaign didn’t do it.
-Big Tech and MSM censorship of anyone questioning their narrative didn’t do it.
-2 years of bs on COVID with ever changing advice, anti science measures that have been proven so by thousands of upright doctors and scientists didn’t do it.
-Fauci’s emails showing he lied to us about the origins of C-19 and that he knew masks were ineffective didn’t do it.
-2 bogus impeachments based on proven lies about Trump didn’t do it.
-Multiple state legislative hearings documenting hundreds of thousands of fraudulent votes in 2020 didn’t do it.
-Full denial of thousands upon thousands of military religious exemptions for vaccine mandates didn’t do it.
-Months of encouraging “mostly peaceful protests” that destroyed cities and livelihoods of many Americans didn’t do it

Damn GAS PRICES is what it has taken to wake a lot of people up!

The absurdity of that in the face of all the other unbelievable atrocities these evil ass people have been shown to be doing can not be overstated!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-10-2022, 06:26 AM
Hee Hee! I surely believe that YOU are
bitching about the price of oil! ... That's plain enough.

### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Yeah, we get it. Originally Posted by lustylad
What have you gotten....besides an ass fucking from Trump?

You've demonstrated zero knowledge of how the world wide energy market works.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-10-2022, 06:28 AM
The absurdity of that in the face of all the other unbelievable atrocities these evil ass people have been shown to be doing can not be overstated! Originally Posted by bambino
It's the economy, stupid.

When are you going to join reality?
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...If you understood energy here in this country and'd be making money instead of asking numbnutted questions on a hooker board. Originally Posted by WTF
And just how in the holy royal f*uck did you erroneously divine that I am NOT making $$ in the markets?!?

The wisest rule in investment is: when others are selling, buy. When others are buying, sell. Usually, of course, we do the opposite. When everyone else is buying, we assume they know something we don't, so we buy. Then people start selling, panic sets in, and we sell too. -- Jonathan Sacks

Not my problem that you are, at best, a one trick pony. Probably learned nothing from Enron...
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-10-2022, 07:18 AM
And just how in the holy royal f*uck did you divine that I am NOT making $$ in the markets?!?

The wisest rule in investment is: when others are selling, buy. When others are buying, sell. Usually, of course, we do the opposite. When everyone else is buying, we assume they know something we don't, so we buy. Then people start selling, panic sets in, and we sell too. -- Jonathan Sacks

Not my problem that you are, at best, a one trick pony. Probably learned nothing from Enron... Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Look junior having a few energy stocks bundled in your 401k making you a few bucks like TWK is not making any money to speak of....

Enron was like Russia, a bastion of misinformation.

You're the one who seems to have learned nothing with your pro Russian posts.
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  • WTF
  • 03-10-2022, 07:24 AM
The short answer is that America benefits greatly from domestic oil and gas production—but the nation is also dependent on foreign energy in ways no president can undo. In terms of all energy, combined—fossil fuels, nuclear power, renewables and so on—the United States began producing more than it consumes in 2012, as the first chart below shows. If you consider “energy independence” to be a net surplus of primary energy, from all sources, then sure, the United States is energy independent.
... Lemme explain this to you, WTF.

... In the simplest of terms - so you'll surely understand:


### Salty
wtf might say (or copy and paste) something that may be true every now and again

its just that his understanding of what he pastes is suspect
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Look junior having a few energy stocks bundled in your 401k making you a few bucks like TWK is not making any money to speak of....

Enron was like Russia, a bastion of misinformation.

You're the one who seems to have learned nothing with your pro Russian posts. Originally Posted by WTF

i didn't say anything about my 401k. i said i own Kinder Morgan and Valero and it's in my IRA.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
First and foremost, you do not speak for 330 million ... Originally Posted by WTF
Well, then Bucky. How many people do you suspect do NOT appreciate losing money in the stock market because others are manipulating it? I'm assuming most politicians and stock brokers are OK with it, so long as they are in on the con.