OH SHIT!!! Even Chicago Tribune says Obamacare is a Shit Law and Obama is acting like a Communist!

But stupidity isn't covered by Odumbocare, WE. Whatever will I do, WE? Originally Posted by I B Hankering

Just stay stupid.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Just stay stupid. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
You'd need to evolve to achieve "stupid", Ekim the Inbred Chimp.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Wow, gonad. You've,broken it down into the parts that everybody was for versus the parts everybody is against.

I'm calling bullshit on your simplistic analysis.

You don't back up any of your bullshit with evidence, only opinion. and you're quite far off the mark.

Oh well... Now we know what YOU know.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
you need to prove anything you assert, you shit-wallowing Hypocrite!

I am totally enrolled and saving nearly a grand a month, UNSUBSIDIZED.

Go fuck yourself...LIAR!
I B Hankering's Avatar
you need to prove anything you assert, you shit-wallowing Hypocrite!

I am totally enrolled and saving nearly a grand a month, UNSUBSIDIZED.

Go fuck yourself...LIAR! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
To quote your lying, dumb-fuck golem ass, you dumb-fuck golem jackass, "you need to prove anything you assert." So prove it, you dumb-fuck golem jackass!
What do you call Medicare? The young and healthy playing for the old and sick?

You really DONT get this, do you? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
No, Medicare is not funded by only the young and healthy taxpayers. Medicare is primarily financed through employment taxes. So you can be 60, with cancer, and as long as you are still working, you are still financing Medicare. It's indiscriminate of age or health. Look at your paycheck stub for FICA, oh wait, can't believe I'm actually having to explain this to you. I bet you were kidding when you posted, right?
Wow, gonad. You've,broken it down into the parts that everybody was for versus the parts everybody is against.

I'm calling bullshit on your simplistic analysis.

You don't back up any of your bullshit with evidence, only opinion. and you're quite far off the mark.

Oh well... Now we know what YOU know. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I'm calling BULL SHIT that you said your insurance is alot cheaper under Obozocare...You are a FUCKING liar, Chad Rider...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mv4_lDu10-w
OK.. Read it.. And it doesnt change the facts.
In its current state, the healthcare law DOES NOT force you or I to drop coverage we currently have. To say that it does is a flat out lie that people like Dennis Prager are more than willing to propagate it across the country (for a fee of course).

As I stated in a another thread, Insurance companies are projecting a vast profit suck in the very near future and they are doing all they can to stop the implementation of this law. Originally Posted by GentleGiant2467
No, that is completely false. Obamacare requires insurance companies to cover everything that they want you to have, or in other words, everything the sick and the old need. For example, before Obamacare, a young, healthy person could get what is generically called "catastrophic coverage" , meaning they paid out of pocket for the sniffles and check ups, but if they got in a serious accident or got a life threatening illness they would be covered. As you can imagine, a policy of this nature, was extremely cheap for young people. It didn't take a genius actuary to figure out that most 22 year olds do not get cancer so the premiums were super cheap, yet they were covered in a rare, catastrophic event. It also didn't take a genius (even the politicians did) to figure out that if the government did not ban the insurance companies from selling these plans, young people would not sign up for these "full coverage plans", that are only needed by the sick and the old. Under Obamacare, millions are forced to drop the coverage they already had. Period.

And really, that is one of the main reason I am opposed, I just don't like the government in charge of designing my healthcare insurance and forcing me to purchase something I do not need, based on what they think is best for me.
A large part of the problem is insurance companies not being able to compete across state lines. It keeps prices high because of lack of competition. The United States needs a new healthcare system. People shouldn't die because they're poor, but I don't know if Obamacare is the answer. I do think it's fine for now, but sure it'll evolve as time goes on. Originally Posted by Magnuson
Yea, like the fines/tax for not having Obozocare will sky rocket. You can count on that...
Death panels???

This is a NOT true. As a matter of FACT the Affordable Care Act makes it illegal for insurance provider to cancel coverage when a subscriber gets sick and has provisions for long term care.

The Good Doctor referenced in this thread is a GREAT surgeon. He graduated with honors from John Hopkins University and was (or still is) chief of Neurosurgery at the John Hopkins Medical School

His credentials are impeccable but his opinion regarding THIS subject is just that...

What was passed into law is written and can be read by all that have an interest but most of us are too lazy and rely on others for the "truth". Originally Posted by GentleGiant2467
The death panels are not as cut and dry as cutting off care or cutting off heads. For further reading you can google "obamacare mammography death panel" and make your own decision on the hundreds of articles out there. Basically, an alleged "hand picked" panel of independent experts, that coincidentally had no breast cancer specialist on it, recommended and therefore able to adopt by the insurance companies, to not pay for mammography's for women under the age of 50 as part of their yearly wellness coverage. Before Obamacare the age was 40 when insurance would pay for regular mammography's. So if no woman goes undiagnosed from the age of 40-50 and die from breast cancer because it was not caught, then there is no death panel. If one does, then perhaps you can understand why people consider these independent researchers "death panels.

This is just one example, every illness and disease, and how the insurance companies must react to these, is being decided upon indirectly by the gov. Before, if you didn't like that your insurance company raised the limit or whatever, you could go get another policy custom tailored to your specific health. Under Obamacare, you can't.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
I'm inviting "Dr." Carson, over to my house to experience some up close and personal slavery in order for him to properly shoot off his mouth.
The death panels are not as cut and dry as cutting off care or cutting off heads. For further reading you can google "obamacare mammography death panel" and make your own decision on the hundreds of articles out there. Basically, an alleged "hand picked" panel of independent experts, that coincidentally had no breast cancer specialist on it, recommended and therefore able to adopt by the insurance companies, to not pay for mammography's for women under the age of 50 as part of their yearly wellness coverage. Before Obamacare the age was 40 when insurance would pay for regular mammography's. So if no woman goes undiagnosed from the age of 40-50 and die from breast cancer because it was not caught, then there is no death panel. If one does, then perhaps you can understand why people consider these independent researchers "death panels. Originally Posted by nwarounder
That sounds like a WAR on women.
Thanks for your admission that you don't think! Explains a lot. Originally Posted by therock18

Didn't think you would know . How much did you and In Bred Hankering get to make the "Better than Craigslist " ad that shows up on the bottom of each thread?
Democrat Congresswoman: “Not my Responsibility” to Read Obamacare Regulations

Responsibility is an ugly word to Congressional Democrats. They like to vote for bills that shift wealth from those who earned it to those who envy them. And, they want to take care of millions of “underprivileged” Americans and thereby create lifelong dependents (and thus supporters). There’s no greater example of this than Obamacare, which narrowly passed in the House with 219 votes coming entirely from the Democratic Party.

But, when it comes time to do a little thing like read the regulations of the most significant healthcare overhaul in U.S. history, that’s a different story.

According to CNS News, Representative Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-TX) hasn’t read the entire 10,500+ pages of Obamacare regulations. After all, as she stated, “I haven’t had the time to do it.”

It’s hard to blame her, since, as noted in the story, the regulations are eight times as long as the Gutenberg Bible. But, her rationale is troubling.

As mentioned in the report, Johnson claimed that she doesn’t plan to read the entire set of regulations. She stated, “I don’t think that that’s my responsibility to do it.”

Well, if she voted for and continues to support a massive change to something as important as healthcare, she should at least have her staffers read and summarize the regulations for her. And, she should question why there are so many regulations that she doesn’t have the time to read them in the first place. But then again, that would be the responsible thing to do.