NFL and Houston Texans Superthread: Are we ready for some football?

What effort? Field goals are not going to beat New England. Field goals will not beat Denver. Originally Posted by macksback
It wasn't a pretty win but it was a win. Over and above that it was a playoff win. The D played very well. The O moved the ball and controlled the clock but continued with problems in the Red Zone! They need to fix it and quick! In any event, I will gladly take the win!

As for the Pats and the Broncos, the Texans did not need to play well enough today to beat either team. All they had to do was play well enough to beat the Bengals. One day at a time!!!!!

We will worry about playing well enough to beat the Pats next week!

Go Texans, beat the Pats!
Satin's Avatar
  • Satin
  • 01-05-2013, 07:24 PM
Excellent post BT, I fully agree, some guys are never happy...

In post number 2527, I predicted a ugly win...well, guess what?

Again, the Pats are tough no doubt, but they lost 4 games this year fellas....they can be beat.....

I'm just gonna enjoy this one while others predict how bad we lose against the
macksback's Avatar
I bet on football every Sunday, love it. I may pick the Texans to cover the points against the Pats but I wouldn't pick Houston on a moneyline bet over the Pats! Would you?
The stadium was loud today. Strike that, make it very loud!

Go Texans, beat the Pats!
Satin's Avatar
  • Satin
  • 01-05-2013, 08:16 PM
Yea, BT we yelled our asses off today bro. Once they called timeout cause they couldn't hear the

Mac, yes I would...Arizona, Baltimore, Seattle and San Francisco all kicked their we can't?
carkido45's Avatar
I am a Texans Fan, from day one..........

Next week, is their last game of the season, and probably, Kubs, last day too.

I hope I am wrong.... But that is the feeling I get after the game today, and the past month. Originally Posted by lookn4boobies
You're no fan . fans don't give up on their team win or lose .
I hope they carry this momentum to next weekend. they need to keep offense like it was today and keep D on point as well. GO TEXANS!!!
Fishpie's Avatar
I don't know about you guys but that broadcaster got under my skin when he said it was okay to play conservatively in the red zone. Kubiak has no marbles.

I said in another post in this thread: I am looking through the windshield, not the rear view mirror.

To hell with the haters!

Go Texans, beat the Pats!
Good game today. The stadium was very loud!! Might have been the loudest I have heard it on the 4th down when Keo was called for PI.

Glad Dopey got his first playoff win! He tried to fuck it up but managed to get it done. Foster had a helluva game. Controlled the time of possession and chewed it up pretty well on the ground.

The D was outstanding!!!

Bring it next week boys!! It could happen. Will be tough to keep up with the Pats O but it could happen. Go texans!!
TheDon's Avatar
I bet on football every Sunday, love it. I may pick the Texans to cover the points against the Pats but I wouldn't pick Houston on a moneyline bet over the Pats! Would you? Originally Posted by macksback
I had the under breh, gonna probably take it again next week.

Under will also hit in the Bama/ND game...
kerwil62's Avatar
They WON, gotdammit!!!!

Offense still concerns the fuck outta me. They don't seem to move fast enough. Schaub holds on to the ball too gotdamn long. Not being able to get more touchdowns in the red zone is a big issue. At least Foster had a great day running the ball. Props to the defense for stepping up big!!

They're gonna have a long day in Foxboro next week. 10-point underdogs against the Pats. Belichick and Brady are gonna take them to school once again. I just hope that this time it will be more of a game and the offense will be more in sync.
Go Texans, beat the Pats!
The Texans problems were expoused big time yesterday. Yes, they won.........But, New England doesn't lose at home in the playoffs..........Period. And the Texans is not the team that will give them their first lost.

Hell Brady runs a 5.20, 40yr dash.........One of the slowest QB's in the league. One reason he doens't run much. So when he ran for a first down against the Texans in their last game. That was like throwing mud in their faces. He even joked about that run after the game.

I like the Texans......But, lets face it......yesterday was the last game of the season bascially..........They are going to get blown out worse than the last game.

New England and San Francisco will be in the Superbowl. Only team that can throw a monkey wrench in all of this is the Seahawks.......They are truly the only real wildcard in the playoffs.
Fishpie's Avatar
NE lost back to back @ home to Baltimore ('09) and NY Jets('10).