NFL and Houston Texans Superthread: Are we ready for some football?

Satin's Avatar
  • Satin
  • 01-12-2013, 01:16 AM
I've already hit that several times fellas!!!! Lol

Nice snatch pics Cat-Man, now you've gotten Daddio fired up....

The more I think, read and hear about it...the more I think they can do it...

The keys...

Will Dopey step up and have a big day and not throw picks?
Will Foster get 25-30 touches and get over 100 yards?
Can anyone not named JJ get pressure on Brady?
Can our secondary limit big plays and get turnovers?
Can our LB slow down Kronk and Hernandez?
Can we get Brady off the field on 3rd down?
Can we limit stupid penalties that gives them easy first downs?
Can our special teams give us a big play?
Will any key NE players get the flu at the last minute?

Stay tuned folks.....
TheDon's Avatar
Well, that's a lot of shit that needs to go our way.... the first thing I think we need to focus on in order to win is....Denver, yes, DENVER. They better Fucking win tomorrow, as everyone is expecting them to play the Pats, if the Pats see them win, they can overlook us and that is an advantage for us, but if Denver loses, than NE will go like hell to make sure that two 10 point favs do not lose on the same weekend.

Just an observation.
This game is pretty nuts with the scoring. 14-14 with 4 min left in the 1Q?! Flashy plays all sick of watching FG after FG lately.
Satin's Avatar
  • Satin
  • 01-12-2013, 04:27 PM
Trindon-motherfucking-Holliday again??!!! WTF?!!!!

Good move Texans.....:-(
TheDon's Avatar
I knew it was a mistake for the Texans to let Holliday go. The problem was not Holliday it was our fucking bad kickoff blocking.

Funny that we had both of these two returners on our team and they didn't do shit with us.
Making Kubes Look like well Kubes!! Holiday was pissing me off tho earlier when we had him. Mfer wouldn't even catch a punt, he would just let them go. Hind sight is allways 20/20, but sure looks like no risk no reward Kubes is getting what he deserves. Coaches are paid to make the tough calls, nut up and do it. Kubes can't find his nuts cause they aint on the Denny's menu!!
Hey One Eye(or some other super fan)help me out with this, it goes back to Kubes talent evaluation ability. Who was the awesome running back that kept Arian Foster on the bench for all but a few games a couple of seasons ago? Was it Slaton? If it was, good thing he got hurt or we might have never seen Arian Foster. Seems like a few guys went
down to open the door or Foster. Thanks in advance for the response.
DickEmDown's Avatar
Those Ex-Houston Texans are.....

Satin's Avatar
  • Satin
  • 01-12-2013, 06:11 PM
Now it's Jacobi-motherfucking- Jones!!!!!
Looked up Kubes talent evaluation in 2009.

1st String RB - Steve Slaton
2nd String RB - Ryan Moats
3rd String RB- Chris Brown
4th String RB - Arian Foster

I knew it had to be some "Real Superstrs" ahead of Arian Foster for Kubes to keep him on the bench!!!

Kubes is awesome!!!!!!
Satin's Avatar
  • Satin
  • 01-12-2013, 06:48 PM
Ravens win!!!!!!
DickEmDown's Avatar
Ravens WIN!!!!

Go Texans.....

Fuck Tom Brady & Peyton Manning
This is getting interesting.
macksback's Avatar
Weekend of the upset? We shall see green bay and san fran are still playing.