Trump made us No. 1 — in the spread of a deadly disease

Jaxson66's Avatar
Why do the disciples of the great leader continue to compare the H1N1 pandemic to the current COVID19 crisis?

I can’t recall being advised to stay at home for my own safety

I must have forgotten the collapse of the stock market, but then the economy was already in the crapper.

I must have missed the signs on the door of markets, drug stores, banks, and restaurants reminding me to practice social distancing.

Obviously I wasn’t paying attention when the hospitals didn’t have enough proper PPE to protect the healthcare workers and makeshift hospitals were being erected across the country.

I must have missed the lie by Obama calling the Pandemic a Hoax.

I must have ignored the sign on the door of my favorite Bar informing me their closed until further notice. A bar that operated 7 days a week for 20 years.

From my personal experience it’s easy for me to conclude the disciples of the fat lying bastard are full of shit.
  • oeb11
  • 04-03-2020, 08:20 AM
Poor j666 - understands nothing of the military and chain of command.

Hypocrisy- rightly called.

Get some professional help for your hatred before it takes One down, j666!!
Jaxson66's Avatar
An outbreak of incompetence

White House adviser Jared Kushner broke the irony meter as he — not someone qualified, such as Anthony S. Fauci — took over the daily coronavirus briefing on Thursday to inform us: “What a lot of the voters are seeing now is that when you elect somebody ... think about who will be a competent manager during the time of crisis.”

Yes, President Trump’s voters, along with those who elected the similarly ignorant and slothful Republican governors in Florida and Georgia who failed to act promptly to stem the coronavirus, should remember that next time. Better to elect someone like California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) or Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine (R) rather than someone continually pandering to Trump, resisting readily available scientific advice and attacking the media.

One has the sinking feeling that things are going from bad to worse. Trump and the feds declined to act swiftly, in particular failing to get widespread testing up and running. Now they are failing to remedy the dire medical crisis that their negligence brought on. Kushner said the federal stockpile of medical equipment is for the feds to use, not the states. His father-in-law seems allergic to implementing fully the Defense Production Act, so the bidding war among the states for critical equipment continues.

But, but, but Hunter Biden, the secret server, the whistleblower, the prefect call, Crowdstrike and impeachment cries the fat lying bastard.
So you got the Captain tried and convicted eh?
...maybe it was another Dem conspiracy by the entire crew. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Well, your own source said the military had "evidence". That's pretty much all you need to be relieved of command while an investigation takes place.

From your source.

Military officials said there was evidence that Capt. Crozier had leaked the memo to his hometown newspaper Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Do you even read your own references(maybe it's just that you don't understand them) as you copy and paste them.
  • oeb11
  • 04-03-2020, 08:40 AM
EL - just a shill for WaPo - what a waste of a life.
such a shame.
HoeHummer's Avatar
Someone tell oebsy that he’s not qualified to judge anybody...especially since he’s a deserter in the war against the Orange Fever.
But, but, but Originally Posted by Jaxson66
More total bullshit WAPO opinion piece totally ignoring the actions of the likes of Cuomo and his health chief, as well as Deblasio, all downplaying it and urging New Yorkers to go about their business, enjoy the city, see a parade, etc. Or those in Lousiania, urging people to continue with Mardi Gras. Or one Speaker of the House urging people out and about in Chinatown.

And funny they mention Newsome as he had spoken highly of Trumps actions as well.

Do you actually have opinions Jax, or are you simply so TDS enraged that you are simply drug around by the nose by WAPO opinion pieces?

There is help out there for the likes of you, even during this crisis.
  • oeb11
  • 04-03-2020, 08:51 AM
The answer to the question is " Obvious."
Thank you - EL.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Why do the disciples of the great leader continue to compare the H1N1 pandemic to the current COVID19 crisis? ... Originally Posted by Jaxson66

Well... that right there seems like a multiple choice question to me:
  1. He was not supplied with any accurate or useful data from China in a timely manner
  2. He still is not receiving any accurate or useful data from China in a timely manner
  3. The Chinese virus is particularly deadly to people with underlying conditions
  4. Flu viruses kill a lot of Americans nearly every year
  5. He does not want to see Americans die needlessly
  6. He knows that the dead always vote Demonicrat
  7. The Chinese virus spreads very rapidly
  8. Dead people don't pay taxes
  9. Maybe he just likes us
  10. All of the above

Imma go with #10
  • oeb11
  • 04-03-2020, 11:18 AM
Thanks - WYID. Agreed!
Jaxson66's Avatar

There is help out there for the likes of you, even during this crisis. Originally Posted by eccielover
Are you implying your therapist is available since the great white leader was crowned?

You and obsey should stop the stupid medical internet insight, you both look like fools.

Enjoy kissing the fat ass of your messiah his time will soon end.
Jaxson66's Avatar
U.S. coronavirus deaths top 1,000 in single day, White House expected to recommend wearing of masks

Thats odd, I don’t recall being advised to wear a surgical mask during the H1N1 pandemic.
Are you implying your therapist is available since the great white leader was crowned? Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Nope, no therapist for me, just that it's painfully obvious to all that you need serious help of some sort. Whether it's a therapist or just good old fashioned shock treatments, well that's up to a medical professional of your choice.

Please seek one out. TDS is curable.

U.S. coronavirus deaths top 1,000 in single day, White House expected to recommend wearing of masks

Thats odd, I don’t recall being advised to wear a surgical mask during the H1N1 pandemic. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Yeah, I always thought Obama didn't take it very seriously at all.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
I don’t remember being advised of anything during h1n1.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...Please seek one out. TDS is curable.. Originally Posted by eccielover