Please STFU with this ignorant AF energy independence bullshit

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Look junior having a few energy stocks bundled in your 401k making you a few bucks... Originally Posted by WTF
Suddenly, through a blinding flash of light, you can now tell what my holdings are and in what vessel?!? And you wonder why people fling your pooh back at you all the time. To be fair, I see why you fling so much pooh. You would suffocate under a mountain of it you didn't every 30 minutes or so. What ever you do, do NOT take a laxative - you would end up drowning.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-10-2022, 11:20 AM
It does not take a professional poker player to know your hand.
lustylad's Avatar
To be fair, I see why you fling so much pooh. You would suffocate under a mountain of it you didn't every 30 minutes or so. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
WTF doesn't like it when we say "Drill, Baby, Drill!"

But it does respond to "Fling, Baby, Fling!"
lustylad's Avatar
You've demonstrated zero knowledge of how the world wide energy market works. Originally Posted by WTF
Ok folks... if you think Daniel Yergin knows a fuck of a lot more about the "world wide energy market" than WTF can ever pretend to grasp, please vote by LIKING THIS POST!

I recently started another thread with this article. WTF hijacked and ruined it. He knows nothing about oil & gas. He is a partisan hack whose primary motivation is to run interference for Biden's disastrous energy policies. He can't stand it when someone like Yergin speaks with clarity and facts:

As usual, Daniel Yergin lays it all out brilliantly. Is anyone in the Biden administration listening? Or capable of using our global energy leverage wisely? Or would they rather kill the goose that lays the golden eggs?

Last month our LNG exports to Europe exceeded Russia's pipeline gas deliveries! I didn't know that... did you?

America Takes Pole Position on Oil and Gas

U.S. exports limit price increases and help check disruptive behavior by the likes of Russia and Iran.

By Daniel Yergin
Feb. 14, 2022 6:24 pm ET

While the Ukraine crisis was raising anxiety about Europe’s dependence on Russian natural gas, something remarkable happened. Last month, for the first time ever, U.S. exports of liquefied natural gas to Europe exceeded Russia’s pipeline deliveries. Russian exports, which normally account for about 30% of Europe’s gas use, dropped substantially because of Russian pricing. And with European gas prices about four times as high as normal, U.S. exports surged to fill the gap.

The extraordinary growth in U.S. oil and gas production is a geopolitical and economic asset for the U.S. that contributes to global energy security. As the domestic oil-and-gas industry continues to rebound from the spring 2020 price collapse caused by the onset of Covid, the U.S. is again the world’s top oil producer—almost 20% above the other two largest producers, Saudi Arabia and Russia—and the world’s top natural-gas producer.

The global oil market, which was drowning in oversupply less than two years ago, has tightened dramatically as the world emerges from Covid shutdowns. That makes the market vulnerable to crisis. Russia’s push on Ukraine, a rebounding global economy, major weather events, or a surprise event could send prices soaring.

That is what oil prices above $90 a barrel are signaling. If there is a new nuclear agreement with Iran that brings its oil back to market, that could moderate prices some. But unless a new virulent Covid wave causes more shutdowns (or the Omicron variant slows China’s economy), prices will remain high.

The shock absorber for averting crisis is “spare capacity,” the sum of the potential output from wells that is currently not produced but can be turned on during a disruption. Spare capacity has shrunk as the rebounding world economy has pushed demand up and some oil-exporting countries, because of underinvestment, haven’t been able to return to former production levels. Almost all the spare capacity that now exists—about three million to 3.5 million barrels a day—is concentrated in two countries: Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.

One critical offset to the tightening market is the current upswing in shale output from the U.S., which could add more than 900,000 barrels a day this year. Without the resurgence in U.S. supply, oil prices would likely be even higher.

With new export capacity coming this year, the U.S. will become the world’s largest LNG exporter, ahead of Australia and Qatar. In a tight global gas market, U.S. LNG is critical to avoid a world-wide shortage and keep the lights on in Europe, as demonstrated by the flotilla of tankers headed to Europe.

In the coming months, even if all Russian pipeline exports through Ukraine were cut off, U.S. exports could make up the deficit. But in the unlikely event that Russia cuts off all gas exports to Europe, U.S. exports wouldn’t be enough. Europe would have to scramble, using gas from already-thin storage and restarting coal and nuclear facilities to generate electricity.

America’s position as a top energy producer has provided new influence and greater flexibility. The U.S. imposed sanctions in 2012, for example, that prevented Iranian oil exports to push Iran to negotiate during the runup to the 2015 nuclear agreement. Iran initially scoffed, convinced that keeping its oil out of the market would cause shortages and price spikes that would undermine the restrictions. But Iran was wrong. The rapid growth in U.S. oil production quickly replaced, then exceeded, the bottled-up Iranian oil, forcing Iran to negotiate.

U.S. exports of LNG and oil have been welcomed by countries like Japan and South Korea and have bolstered their energy security and deepened their relationship with America. U.S. exports also have become one of the foundations of Washington’s improved and expanded relationship with India.

But there are limits. Like all assets, this new position needs to be managed wisely. To use the oil and gas supply as a tool or weapon would undermine its reliability and could devalue it.

Today there is no doubting the geopolitical importance of America’s new oil-and-gas position. The Ukraine crisis and Europe’s energy crisis shine a light on the global impact of U.S. oil-and-gas production.

Some saw this significance much sooner than others. At the 2013 St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, Vladimir Putin was on stage with German Chancellor Angela Merkel in front of several thousand people. I asked Mr. Putin how Russia planned to diversify its economy from its dependence on oil and gas export revenues. In the course of asking my question, I mentioned the word “shale.” Before I finished, Mr. Putin reacted sharply, denouncing shale gas as a grave threat that should be stopped.

Reflecting afterward, I realized he had two strong reasons to oppose U.S. shale gas. First, it would compete with Russian gas in Europe. Second, shale gas and oil would enhance America’s global strategic position. Given how events are unfolding in Europe today, one would have to say he was prescient.

Mr. Yergin, vice chairman of IHS Markit, is author of “The New Map: Energy, Climate, and the Clash of Nations.” Originally Posted by lustylad

Meanwhile, our clueless Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm is currently stitting on a half-dozen permit applications to build additional US LNG facilities and ramp up our gas exports to Europe. She is waiting for the fucking greenies to submit their grossly inflated estimates of the "social cost of carbon". She doesn't care that there is a war raging in Europe and they need our help NOW!!!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-10-2022, 12:35 PM
Ok folks... if you think Daniel Yergin knows a fuck of a lot more about the "world wide energy market" than WTF can ever pretend to grasp, please vote by LIKING THIS POST!

I recently started a thread with this article. WTF hijacked and ruined it. He knows nothing about oil & gas. He is a partisan hack whose primary motivation is to run interference for Biden's disastrous energy policies. He can't stand it when someone like Yergin speaks with clarity and facts:

Meanwhile, our clueless Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm is currently stitting on a half-dozen permit applications to build additional US LNG facilities and ramp up our gas exports to Europe. She is waiting for the fucking greenies to submit their grossly inflated estimates of the "social cost of carbon". She doesn't care that there is a war raging in Europe and they need our help NOW!!! Originally Posted by lustylad
I actually have a pretty significant position in a midstream that is in the final permitting stage to develope a large LNG shipping port off the Texas Gulf Coast. But it will take 3-4 years to you are talking out your ass mate.

As to your Chicken Little claim that you somehow think that if we approve LNG terminals has any effect on the price of LNG's NOW.

Unless you think there is some Terminal Fairy that assembles one in a day.

God...stfu and save face. Wipe the caca off first though.

And please dear God explain how that will drop the price of LNG IN THIS COUNTRY.
bambino's Avatar
How is it that the liberal trolls here are all independently wealthy?

I bet WTF is a real Jed Clampett with his “significant” energy holdings!!!

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-10-2022, 03:11 PM
I actually have a pretty significant position in a midstream that is in the final permitting stage to develope a large LNG shipping port off the Texas Gulf Coast. But it will take 3-4 years to you are talking out your ass mate.

As to your Chicken Little claim that you somehow think that if we approve LNG terminals has any effect on the price of LNG's NOW.

Unless you think there is some Terminal Fairy that assembles one in a day.

God...stfu and save face. Wipe the caca off first though.

And please dear God explain how that will drop the price of LNG IN THIS COUNTRY. Originally Posted by WTF
[QUOTE=lustylad;1062774957]WTF doesn't like it when we say "Drill, Baby, Drill!"

But it does respond to "Fling, Baby, Fling!"

I love drill baby must not understand wtf a midstream company is.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-10-2022, 03:17 PM
How is it that the liberal trolls here are all independently wealthy?

I bet WTF is a real Jed Clampett with his “significant” energy holdings!!!

Originally Posted by bambino
Significant is is over 70% of what I have invested. Probably not much to a rich man like you but the position is heavily loaded towards energy.

And I'm not a fucking liberal....liberals cheer someone like Trump , Reagan or BushII when they run huge deficits. You you have...
winn dixie's Avatar
WTF doesn't like it when we say "Drill, Baby, Drill!"

But it does respond to "Fling, Baby, Fling!"

Reagan built America back to prominence! He also built our military back to world power status. Reagan had that to show for his spending! Which was worth it!
Deficits mean nothing now. Just a number!

I just paid over a hunert dollars to fill my truck. Thats a good economy?

Fuck that...........

The speculators and the big oil folks can fuck themselves!
... Best Election advice I surely been giving Republicans
- the Dems want more drop boxes?? ... How 'bout putting
them at petrol gas stations - and we'll see WHO gets more votes.

#### Salty
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-10-2022, 04:33 PM

I just paid over a hunert dollars to fill my truck. Thats a good economy?

Fuck that...........

The speculators and the big oil folks can fuck themselves! Originally Posted by winn dixie
Why would they fuck themselves?????....when they can take your money and pay a hottie to fuck'em!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-10-2022, 04:35 PM
... Best Election advice I surely been giving Republicans
- the Dems want more drop boxes?? ... How 'bout putting
them at petrol gas stations - and we'll see WHO gets more votes.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Prices will be down soon enough...calm the fuc down Alice.
LexusLover's Avatar
... WTF hijacked .... it. He knows nothing about oil & gas. Originally Posted by lustylad
Well, I beg to differ with you, and regret it. But I have every reason to believe he knows a WHOLE LOT about baby OIL and passing GAS! Here's his "source"!

in which he also gets his criminal jury trial and voter fraud in Texas info!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-10-2022, 04:42 PM
Well, I beg to differ with you, and regret it. But I have every reason to believe he knows a WHOLE LOT about baby OIL and passing GAS! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Stick to your day job counselor... and leave the comedy to the pros.

Prices will be down soon enough...calm the fuc down Alice. Originally Posted by WTF
... They'll be dropping next year - with a Republican Congress.

No worrys there, Gwendolyn.

#### Salty