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DirkDigglerSanAntonio's Avatar

So who is bringing this up again? all I did was post a picture of her who is the one talking about her kids AGAIN who is the one talking about her medical condition AGAIN oh but let me guess you're not the one stirring up shit AGAIN!!! I still don't see how you talking about her kids and talking about her medical condition is not violating ECCIE guidelines hmmm wonder if the rumors are true of you having dirt on some of the MODS maybe I will have to appeal to higher power.

But I think I know why you are so obssesed with her she showed me a pic of what she was wearing the night she met you and I can now understand it a little but better because from the pics I saw she looked absolutley stunning and while you won't admit to it you wanted her that night and becasue she and Rick both turned your ass down on your "offer" you are now upset kind of like a child who is told they can't have something they want and so you are going to throw a hissy fit until they get what they want which is never going to happen so we will probably have to put up with your BS whining a little longer aren't we Whimpers excuse me "Hobby Savior" hey did you and purpleheadrecepient work out that car pool thing to the next "Hobby Savior" meeting yet? Originally Posted by a10bomb
You Just keep putting more nails in her coffin! You are stating for the record, SHE HAS NO FILTER ON HER MOUTH! THIS PROVIDER IS NOT TO BE TRUSTED! BY ALL MEANS IF YOU SEE THIS PROVIDER, MAKE SURE TO GIVE ZERO PERSONAL DETAILS!!! No details should ever be shared to one hobbyist from another rendezvous with a hobbyist, by a provider, PERIOD! Slave will wake up sooner or later, that her three stooges are making this SO MUCH WORSE FOR HER! Was in Houston this past weekend, and this is the talk of the town on Eccie there too! (and not in a good way, might I add)
DirkDigglerSanAntonio's Avatar
noun historical

noun: slave; plural noun: slaves
a person who is the legal property of another and is forced to obey them. (ROCKER RICK?)
synonyms: historicalserf, vassal, thrall; More archaicbondsman, bondswoman
"the work was done by slaves"

antonyms: freeman, master

  • a person who works very hard without proper remuneration or appreciation. (FUCKING AND SUCKING IS HARD)
    "by the time I was ten, I had become her slave, doing all the housework"
    synonyms: drudge, servant, lackey, minion; More informalgofer
    "Anna was his willing slave"

  • a person who is excessively dependent upon or controlled by something. (ATTENTION?)
    "the poorest people of the world are slaves to the banks"
    synonyms: devotee, worshiper, adherent; More fan, lover, aficionado;
    informalfanatic, freak, nut, addict
    "a fashion slave"

  • a device, or part of one, directly controlled by another.
    "a slave cassette deck"

  • an ant captured in its pupal state by an ant of another species, for which it becomes a worker. (CAPTURED BY THE MEN WHO SEE THROUGH YOUR BS?)

Just thought this was very interesting.
Netx9's Avatar
  • Netx9
  • 04-08-2014, 10:50 AM
@dirk... So should we expect an Ant for your avatar? Just trying to stay on topic

DirkDigglerSanAntonio's Avatar
@dirk... So should we expect an Ant for your avatar? Just trying to stay on topic

Originally Posted by Netx9

Might expect it as much as we could expect Slave to eventually out you and your personal information. That's obviously just a matter of time.

Might expect it as much as we could expect Slave to eventually out you and your personal information. That's obviously just a matter of time.

Highly unlikely but your free to believe whatever you want to believe
Originally Posted by DirkDigglerSanAntonio

Originally Posted by DirkDigglerSanAntonio
DirkDigglerSanAntonio's Avatar
Originally Posted by a10bomb
DirkDigglerSanAntonio's Avatar
Wakeup's Avatar
I'm still wondering why a hooker would say to a trick, "look, here's a pic of what I was wearing the night I met <insert another trick's name here>" if that was the only thing she talked about the other trick...

As if she needed more fuel added to the fire about her lack of discretion...and it's you WK's who are fanning the flames...

Confucius say, pale horse rider on Interwebs who inadvertently bashes his ATF is better off not speaking in the first place..
Originally Posted by DirkDigglerSanAntonio
Beagle's Avatar
Don't mind me, I'm just pimping myself......check out my new sig