Odds on Trump's Impeachment

The Republicans control everything & they are getting a supreme court justice thats a conservative so they are willing to do anything that Trump tells them to do so I don't think he will get impeached.....in the words of Trump "SAD" hahahah lol Originally Posted by Miiya

Miiya, it's so nice to see a pretty woman chime in, in the middle of all this bitter sausage fest.
you have a very nice showcase.

  • grean
  • 03-08-2017, 07:07 AM
The Republicans control everything & they are getting a supreme court justice thats a conservative so they are willing to do anything that Trump tells them to do so I don't think he will get impeached.....in the words of Trump "SAD" hahahah lol Originally Posted by Miiya
This past week I think was a turning point. The Republicans do control everything. If they wish to maintain that control, they are going to have to stop this nonsense. At this rate they will lose seats in the mid terms. Trumpcare so far is a bust. It covers less and cost more....

Trump is making a fool of himself too and the Republicans are finding it harder and harder to back him.
The joint address should have been a turning point in his administration. It wasn't.
...newsflash, he lost the popular vote by over 3 million votes.... Originally Posted by Look-at-Stupid

Newsflash: and you, ma'am, are maybe the 3 millionth libtard who's screamed that out...today alone. bwahahahaha

By the way, in case you've not heard, (whispers softly) there's something called the Twelfth Amendment you might want to familiarize yourself with.

Oh, and straight from the Dems Facebook page....



(okay....I fess up, I lied....its not off the Dems Facebook page. But even you would agree...it oughta be! bwahahaha...!)
  • Miiya
  • 03-08-2017, 10:51 AM
Miiya, it's so nice to see a pretty woman chime in, in the middle of all this bitter sausage fest.
you have a very nice showcase.

CG Originally Posted by Copierguy0
Awww thank you so much hon! I love politics I think it's something we should all be involved in cuz it impacts each & everyone of us. I wish more people would educate themselves on policies & actually pay attention to what their government is doing cuz we are all impacted by the actions of our gov't.
  • Miiya
  • 03-08-2017, 10:54 AM
This past week I think was a turning point. The Republicans do control everything. If they wish to maintain that control, they are going to have to stop this nonsense. At this rate they will lose seats in the mid terms. Trumpcare so far is a bust. It covers less and cost more....

Trump is making a fool of himself too and the Republicans are finding it harder and harder to back him.
The joint address should have been a turning point in his administration. It wasn't. Originally Posted by grean
True! I see some of them stepping up! Especially in regards to the Russia investigation some Republicans do want to get to the truth in regards to that. I also was impressed by their reaction to Trump's twitter meltdown on Saturday accusing Obama of wiretapping him! That's so ridiculous even I know that a president can not order the FBI to wiretap someone that's not how it works. You have to have probable cause & a judge has to actually approve it! OMG he knows what he said was total BS that's why he has been in hiding ever since that crazy accusation!
Ya know luv, I believe the Pres is allowed to order surveillance without a judge's order if he links it to terrorism threats, etc. FISA law (aahhh spelling). Benadryl and the pollen 'y'all' have her are killing me.

Not being a citizen, I have an outsiders perspective. Not illegal either. lol

Question, why would Putin want Trump in control and not another extension of Obama, who decimated the military and nuke arsenal? I would think he would be on the 'weaker' side of things and not someone who wants to increase the military.

I am not taking sides, just curious.

Ya know luv, I believe the Pres is allowed to order surveillance without a judge's order if he links it to terrorism threats, etc. FISA law (aahhh spelling). Benadryl and the pollen 'y'all' have her are killing me.

Not being a citizen, I have an outsiders perspective. Not illegal either. lol

Question, why would Putin want Trump in control and not another extension of Obama, who decimated the military and nuke arsenal? I would think he would be on the 'weaker' side of things and not someone who wants to increase the military.

I am not taking sides, just curious.

Cheers Originally Posted by Sig9er
There is zero evidence Trump colluded with the Russians. Zero! The Democratic Party is full of the biggest shit talkers in the country. They ran their mouths all the way up until November 8th at about 8 pm. Then we got to see what happens when the rubber hits the pavement. Once they lost Obama and the democrats needed a distraction from their loss. They needed to find anything that could explain away the defeat. There was another huge
Leak at the CIA yesterday. We found out from those leaks that the CIA and probably most experienced hackers can cover their tracks and make it appear the hack came from a foreign country. We don't know who hacked the Democratic Party or Hillary Clinton. All we know is the dirt that it exposed on them and hence many people voted for Trump over Hillary. Never a good thing for their to be leakers in the CIA. This is a big problem. Clearly there is rogue agents doing things they should not on many levels. Just one more reason for Trump to crack down on the surveillance state.
THE STATE OF THE UNION/ joint session address has been called one of the best speeches at a joint session ever. The day after the democrats released a supposed bombshell about Jeff sessions meeting with a Russian diplomat while acting on a foreign relations committee and also at a group session where he met diplomats from all over the world. It should have been a non story. Obama and democrats are determined as hell to make sure Trump doesn't succeed at making America great again. If you think Valerie Jarrett just moved into the Obama mansion for An L3 session in Washington D.C. then think again. Obama didn't leave because he still has a few tricks up his sleave and he set some land mines for Trump to fall into.

What this entire thing has exposed is the depths the Democratic Party is willing to go to in order to maintain power and control. They want Russia as the scapegoat and will even aggravate them to the point of war if need be to maintain control. The people biting on this lie are SUCKERS. All this hate for Russia is only a facade for deep deep shame in the Democratic loss on NoVember 8th. SAD!!
Vivienne Rey's Avatar
There is zero evidence Trump colluded with the Russians. Zero! The Democratic Party is full of the biggest shit talkers in the country. They ran their mouths all the way up until November 8th at about 8 pm. Then we got to see what happens when the rubber hits the pavement. Once they lost Obama and the democrats needed a distraction from their loss. They needed to find anything that could explain away the defeat. Originally Posted by Fishy2
I'm pretty fortunate to know some pretty intelligent and epistemologically driven Democrats. You sure this isn't just your limited processing talking? Please tell me you're not one of those "crybaby" "snowflake" parrots. Because the election wasn't a sport. It's not all ego and locker room talk for a lot of people. They take it very seriously.
I'm pretty fortunate to know some pretty intelligent and epistemologically driven Democrats. You sure this isn't just your limited processing talking? Please tell me you're not one of those "crybaby" "snowflake" parrots. Because the election wasn't a sport. It's not all ego and locker room talk for a lot of people. They take it very seriously. Originally Posted by Vivienne Rey
It's politics and politics is spin. I didn't say they weren't intelligent. Crybaby snowflakes?? Not sure what you are talking about. Usually snowflakes or crybabies are referenced on the left.
We are both watching the same circus though. You may interpret it different than I do. I can respect that.
Vivienne Rey's Avatar
It's politics and politics is spin. Crybaby snowflakes?? Not sure what you are talking about. Usually snowflakes or crybabies are referenced on the left. Originally Posted by Fishy2
Human decency is not politics. There is no spin there. But I'm aware it's a reference to the left. My point is it takes no real effort to parrot what everyone else is saying. If the most one can come up with is that they're sore losers, it's an intellectually lazy argument. The election isn't a Cowboys game full of people in cute colors cheering on their team and sulking when they lose. It's a pretty big deal. And it requires a hefty amount of respect for the truth to do it honorably, no matter what side you're on.
Human decency is not politics. There is no spin there. But I'm aware it's a reference to the left. My point is it takes no real effort to parrot what everyone else is saying. If the most one can come up with is that they're sore losers, it's an intellectually lazy argument. The election isn't a Cowboys game full of people in cute colors cheering on their team and sulking when they lose. It's a pretty big deal. And it requires a hefty amount of respect for the truth to do it honorably, no matter what side you're on. Originally Posted by Vivienne Rey
It is a big deal to both sides. Tell the left to quit spinning then. It has turned into almost open war. I agree with you there. I understand what you are saying though. It's a big deal. Not
Just something they are bitter over. It looks like a big distraction though. Usually the most obvious answer is also the correct answer.
Vivienne Rey's Avatar
It is a big deal to both sides. Tell the left to quit spinning then. It has turned into almost open war. I agree with you there. I understand what you are saying though. It's a big deal. Not
Just something they are bitter over. It looks like a big distraction though. Usually the most obvious answer is also the correct answer. Originally Posted by Fishy2
It's a big deal to both sides, sure, but on what basis? Because if it is rooted in anything less than the truth, logic and reason, it's a lie. And if one's position is based on a lie, it's time to examine your motives. It's certainly not in the best interests of your country or your fellow Americans.
What's not in Americas best interest? What are you referring to?
I could say the same to you
And I say again... the idea that Trump won the election because of the Russians is a LIE. Have some dignity and accept the loss with some grace. Help the country move forward in a new direction. Believing the lie the left is spewing is not helpful to America.
We can watch the administration jump through these hoops the left has created though. No big deal
Vivienne Rey's Avatar
What's not in Americas best interest? What are you referring to? Originally Posted by Fishy2
Denying and dismissing the truth. What is happening right now is disgraceful. That's not a political view. It's cognizance.

Anyone else remember the Russians cheering when a U. S. President was elected?