If the forum for all posters or just a few?

I don't know.

This girl did Charlie Sheen bareback.

How much do you think it costs to clean up that kind of mess?

Mazo. Originally Posted by Mazomaniac
I'm thinking Chernobyl.
"Lemme sea" Denise, me, and Nina. A perfect SRO sandwich! Originally Posted by SR Only
sounds lovely... ....so who`s in the middle? ....Me Me Me please!!!
sounds lovely... ....so who`s in the middle? ....Me Me Me please!!! Originally Posted by ninasastri
We can trade places, but I was thinking you and Denise being the "bread" and I would (logically) be the "meat."

Of course you could be the meat, too. I love eating meat!

Nina, I happen to have the utmost respect for you. Originally Posted by London Rayne
So do i for you, London! It is great to have met you on here! We shall continue in real life once i am here. Big hugs
We can trade places, but I was thinking you and Denise being the "bread" and I would (logically) be the "meat."

Of course you could be the meat, too. I love eating meat! Originally Posted by SR Only
Oh .... your logic is flawed its testosterone biased.... me is the meat. I love to share hot women with men .... But to find a consensual solution - we can trade places :-))))) you are right ......
Naomi4u's Avatar
You two get a room!

Oh .... your logic is flawed its testosterone biased.... me is the meat. I love to share hot women with men .... But to find a consensual solution - we can trade places :-))))) you are right ...... Originally Posted by ninasastri
Our parents always told us to share. How right they were. So we can just mix it up.
You two get a room! Originally Posted by Naomi4u
Only if you'll join us.

It'll be a Euro, Ebony, Caucasian salad!!!
Naomi4u's Avatar
Only if you'll join us.

It'll be a Euro, Ebony, Caucasian salad!!! Originally Posted by SR Only
Of course.
You mean Euro, African, American Salad..Ha!
That would be HOT!
Only if you'll join us.

It'll be a Euro, Ebony, Caucasian salad!!! Originally Posted by SR Only
oh definetely
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-15-2011, 08:27 AM
.' who's to say who is or isn't?
. Originally Posted by Sydneyb
Each person does that with his or her choices.

I saw nothing in London's post where she picked out any one person.

You might have a really good point had she.

.So lets just step away from being ugly to people. Night all. Originally Posted by Sydneyb

That is a two way street Syd.

That is why there is so much drama going on, people are not acknowledging their part in the ugliness

One side is recruiting people to throw barbs at the other side, the other side responds in kind.

IMHO both sides need to stop with the ugliness but that has to include your side too.

When I say your....I mean the side that you are defending. I like both sides and am objective enough to spread the blame.
Naomi4u's Avatar
Each person does that with his or her choices.

I saw nothing in London's post where she picked out any one person.

You might have a really good point had she.
Originally Posted by WTF
London Rayne's Avatar
I'm not going to read the 11 other pages after this and I'm not going to respond to a rant: but lets stop here.

You say "too many who proclaim to be ....Just aren't.' who's to say who is or isn't? Its just life and everyone is trying to find a place to feel safe - either by getting a little something on the side or to make a livin'. I'd like to think that at its best, one can be had via the other. I think when we're truly honest, we'd all agree that life at its VERY best probably doesn't include P4P. But to paraphrase Mr. Allen, while you're waiting for love, sex is a great pastime....

Lets be nicer to one another Why? Because when it comes down to it, every person is just as fragile and scared and brave and all things in between. I think this applies to people who are learning the business, those jaded by it and those who are on their way out to live other lives. Hey - And who the hell cares how old or young or sexy or not everyone is? Everyone is here to better their lives - being mean or judgmental isn't facilitating that. Its not about what you look like, its about who you've been and how you treat others (its called customer service and basic kindness to other women in p4p, but really - it applies anywhere).

People tend to say these kinds of things when they're older, partly because its a protective measure and self serving, but also because when people have lived a long enough life, they see that sweating the small stuff just makes you small.

So lets just step away from being ugly to people. Night all. Originally Posted by Sydneyb
I don't make the rules....I just call out the bs. Don't know why you picked this post, but it was certainly not referring to you. As for who is or who is not, I guess I couldn't really care less as I am not much for labels. I just find it beyond humurous when people profess to be sooooo mature, reserved, and discreet, then that image is blown all to hell by their own actions lol. So you see, THEY say who is and who is not by their own conviction. It makes for superb commentary.

I am nice to those who are the same in return, and I don't owe anyone a thing who wants to talk out of their azz. It's really quite elementary in how people can avoid ugliness.....simply stay out of things that have nothing to do with them.
I just find it beyond humurous when people profess to be sooooo mature, reserved, and discreet, then that image is blown all to hell by their own actions lol. Originally Posted by London Rayne