Off the Clock

I also had a regular text message me.

He wrote: I would like to take you to dinner. No compensation. This is merely dinner off the clock. I will buy you dinner but I will not give you money for your time.

I wrote: no.
You were being damned diplomatic saying just "no." I would have spiced it up with "you wet weed; you are a syphilitic pimple on the prick of humanity: no!" Okay, I am not going to be working at the UN anytime soon (I did once apply for a job there).
phatdaty's Avatar
Really? Gibberish, gibberish, babble babble. . . Originally Posted by WTF
WTF, as usual you have proven you know even less about the business world than you do about politics. You should stick to copying and pasting the original ideas of others. In the end you will find it less messy, and embarrassing for yourself. Leave the heavy mental lifting to others more qualified.

And will you please quit using all those sissy smiley icons? Those are for the women to play with. Kind of like balls and I ain't talking about the ones you play sports with.

As to you point about the roofing scenario, if the product and service is fairly comparable, which merchant do you shop with? The one that offers something more or does a better job securing your business with free upgrades, rewards, or discounts.

....mechanic take ya to the Indy 500?
Originally Posted by WTF
My mechanic, of 25 years, is taking me to the Quaker State 400 in July.

Naomi (and your friend Isis who is most likely really London Rayne), I know it confuses your very pretty little head about how giving away any of the time you normally get paid for might in the long run actually increase your profits, but here it goes:

It is called a loss leader. You offer a reward, premium or discount to generate new sales, more sales and repeat sales. It doesn't matter what you are selling. Ask yourself these:

Why do bars have happy hours?

Why does McDonald's offer 2 for 1 fish fillet sandwiches during lent in Catholic cities?

Why do credit cards, hotels, airlines and rental car companies have loyalty reward programs where they (you guessed it) give away a portion of the services they normally get paid for?

We could go on ad nauseum, but hopefully you see the point. I am not saying providers have to do this, I am just explaining why some of them might be doing it. There could be a method to this thing you see as madness.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-27-2011, 09:40 AM
WTF, as usual you are brilliant Originally Posted by phatbastard
Thank you

My mechanic, of 25 years, is taking me to the Quaker State 400 in July. Originally Posted by phatdaty
OK some gay mechanic is taking you to a car race...WTF does that prove? My point was that most mechanics do not , nor do most dentist. Lawyers mingle with judge's and the like but not as much with clients. Though I would guess more so that a dentist or mechanic.

I never said it did not happen, my point was it rarely happens. Ask you dentist out to lunch next time he makes you an extra set of dentures. Make it a threesome with your mechanic to the Quaker State Piston Pump 400 and come back and do a review.

We could go on ad nauseum, but hopefully you see the point. I am not saying providers have to do this, I am just explaining why some of them might be doing it. There could be a method to this thing you see as madness. Originally Posted by phatdaty
You do not have to explain shit to me, especially in this business. I do not see it as madness, I said I see it for WTF it is MARKETING.

I said I see nothing wrong with it.

WTF is your problem? Some provider turn you down when you tried to brow beat them into some OTC loving?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-27-2011, 10:01 AM

As to you point about the roofing scenario, if the product and service is fairly comparable, which merchant do you shop with? The one that offers something more or does a better job securing your business with free upgrades, rewards, or discounts.

. Originally Posted by phatdaty
I happen to deal with roofing contractors....once I find a contractor that I am happy with , I stick with him/her. I do not want them taking me to lunch or dinner. I want them to do the job I pay them to do.

That is my business model. I do not want to accept trips hunting or fishing or going to motor race. I have plenty of friends to do that shit with, again there is nothing wrong with folks that do things differently. I could discuss where I think it should not be tax deductable but that might go over your head.
OneHotMale's Avatar
I happen to deal with roofing contractors....once I find a contractor that I am happy with , I stick with him/her. I do not want them taking me to lunch or dinner. I want them to do the job I pay them to do.

That is my business model. I do not want to accept trips hunting or fishing or going to motor race. I have plenty of friends to do that shit with, again there is nothing wrong with folks that do things differently. I could discuss where I think it should not be tax deductable but that might go over your head. Originally Posted by WTF

Holy chit tell us how you really feel WTF. I tell you what just venture on over to our fair city one day with your clubs and some folding $$ in your pocket and we will play a game. I will pick up the green fee tab and won't even write it off of my taxes as entertainment as long as you don't write off your losses as gambling losses. Deal?
phatdaty's Avatar
Geeze, didn't I read something about stalking, spamming the board and personal attacks being pointable offenses in that one thread before it got shut down this morning?

Seems to me that WTF might need a timeout to think things over. It sure seems like somebody has been sharing private communication with him as well.

Not cool.

PS: That part about marketing and such was addressed to somebody else not you. Go back and read the post you butchered and bastardized in your clever blender quoting.

The first part to you, second part to the other gal that I won't mention any longer as I have received my first warning on this board and am doing my best to comply.

Please do me a favor though, if somebody does share PM's with you, don't hint at those contents on the board publicly. I think the Forum Guidelines are pretty specific about how serious "outing" is.

Of course, maybe I have had too many drinks while watching the Frozen Four. Maybe I am just overly paranoid and sensitive, but that last little stab you made sure sounds like somebody has been sharing private info with you.
WTF, as usual you have proven you know even less about the business world than you do about politics. You should stick to copying and pasting the original ideas of others. In the end you will find it less messy, and embarrassing for yourself. Leave the heavy mental lifting to others more qualified.

And will you please quit using all those sissy smiley icons? Those are for the women to play with. Kind of like balls and I ain't talking about the ones you play sports with.

As to you point about the roofing scenario, if the product and service is fairly comparable, which merchant do you shop with? The one that offers something more or does a better job securing your business with free upgrades, rewards, or discounts.

My mechanic, of 25 years, is taking me to the Quaker State 400 in July.

Naomi (and your friend Isis who is most likely really London Rayne), I know it confuses your very pretty little head about how giving away any of the time you normally get paid for might in the long run actually increase your profits, but here it goes:

It is called a loss leader. You offer a reward, premium or discount to generate new sales, more sales and repeat sales. It doesn't matter what you are selling. Ask yourself these:

Why do bars have happy hours?

Why does McDonald's offer 2 for 1 fish fillet sandwiches during lent in Catholic cities?

Why do credit cards, hotels, airlines and rental car companies have loyalty reward programs where they (you guessed it) give away a portion of the services they normally get paid for?

We could go on ad nauseum, but hopefully you see the point. I am not saying providers have to do this, I am just explaining why some of them might be doing it. There could be a method to this thing you see as madness. Originally Posted by phatdaty
There is a difference between specials/sales and Off The Clock time. Specials and sales are still business, off the clock time becomes personal.
It's one thing to offer an extra 1/2 hour of time if someone books 2 hours etc, it's another when it's not part of the original business arrangement.

Personally the lowest price, giveaways, sales, etc has never been how I select who gets my business. I am always about quality and service. Penny wise, pound foolish.
chicagoboy's Avatar
Of course, maybe I have had too many drinks while watching the Frozen Four. Originally Posted by phatdaty
Frozen Four? I seem to recall somebody posting about that once before. Who was it? Oh, yeah, now I remember: t=8

Great minds think alike, I guess.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-27-2011, 06:01 PM
Geeze, didn't I read something about stalking, spamming the board and personal attacks being pointable offenses in that one thread before it got shut down this morning?

. Originally Posted by phatdaty
WTF does that have to do with me? I don't know you personally and sure as heck haven't taken anything you have said personal.

Seems to me that WTF might need a timeout to think things over. It sure seems like somebody has been sharing private communication with him as well.

Not cool.

Please do me a favor though, if somebody does share PM's with you, don't hint at those contents on the board publicly. I think the Forum Guidelines are pretty specific about how serious "outing" is.

Of course, maybe I have had too many drinks while watching the Frozen Four. Maybe I am just overly paranoid and sensitive, but that last little stab you made sure sounds like somebody has been sharing private info with you. Originally Posted by phatdaty
Nobody pm'd me anything about you.

btw You can never have to many drinks watching that shit with a bracket like mine!

...and your secret I know nothing about is safe with me!

PS: That part about marketing and such was addressed to somebody else not you. Go back and read the post you butchered and bastardized in your clever blender quoting.

The first part to you, second part to the other gal that I won't mention any longer as I have received my first warning on this board and am doing my best to comply.

. Originally Posted by phatdaty
I was only saying that I agreed then. I was wondering why you quoted me and then preceded to basically say the exact same thing I had said a few posts earlier.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 03-27-2011, 06:45 PM
Please do me a favor though, if somebody does share PM's with you, don't hint at those contents on the board publicly. I think the Forum Guidelines are pretty specific about how serious "outing" is. Originally Posted by phatdaty
I have no idea what info you're referring to, but i would doubt it's any more personal than mentioning that your mechanic, of 25 years, is taking you to the Quaker State 400 in July. So i wouldn't worry too much.
phatdaty's Avatar
Frozen Four? Originally Posted by chicagoboy
Basketball is a sport for pussies.
phatdaty's Avatar
I have no idea what info you're referring to, but I would doubt it's any more personal than mentioning that your mechanic, of 25 years, is taking you to the Quaker State 400 in July. So i wouldn't worry too much. Originally Posted by Doove
Yeah%2C because somebody can pick me out of a crowd of about 120,000 people or so, as opposed to WTF leaking shit a provider has revealed to him.

But it is time to move back on to the topic.

I wasn't suggesting ladies had to provide any off clock time as bonuses, I was simply explaining why some ladies might choose to do it. They would have to explain whether it actually works in this sector of the service industry.

I have never felt the need for much social time beyond the first session of getting comfortable and trusting one another during the first few visits. After a few moments of chatting, it is pretty easy to determine if you connect well or not. You either have chemistry or you don't.

I can't speak for other guys, but I am not looking to fall in love with any of these women, I just want to enjoy them for a little while.

I don't really need to date them. If they want to hangout in the same bar and have a few drinks, I'll buy, but that is never sought or expected as part of my idea of a GFE. But that is just my idea of what a GFE is.

Now if a gal throws me an occasional 90 minutes for the price of 60, will I be appreciative and probably loyal?

You betcha! So I guess you should sue me for admitting to that publicly. Perks and premiums always work on me--especially if the product and service is already pretty damn good.

More directly with regards to off time:

If we both wanted to see Battle LA (or some other movie or concert or play) before we do our session I am not going to turn her down if she offers, and I doubt we would go dutch unless she insisted for her own reason. I am an old guy with old values, I would pay her way, but not a another 300 or 400 bucks unless I was really looking for the total seduction companionship package and experience of social fun followed by awesome sex, or at least the illusion of awesome sex, but that would be negotiated up front. Every once in a while I meet a lady that looks REALLY good in that little black cocktail dress and I get in one of those bravado moods where I do get off on other guys looking at us and wondering how in the fuck an old hobbit like me has this beautiful, classy woman hanging on my every word. That game of seduction and illusion is fun every once in a while and if I have the extra cash, I might splurge.

I have been doing this for a while. I have regulars in some cities, and do see traveling ladies that visit my town. Some of these folks I have become friends with over the years or as much friends as we can be in the hobby. It doesn't happen all the time, but sometimes we (both men and women) get bored staring at the walls of a hotel room, and yes sometimes we do go out and just have fun. It doesn't happen often, but it happens and I am not going to apologize for it just because it does not line up with somebody's idea of what the hobby ought to be or match the parameter of some lady's business plan that I probably wouldn't see anyway.

While we are on the subject, can I just say it is a real buzz kill when you talk about your business plan so vehemently. It is your business and you have a right to it. Just don't share it with me. It kind of ruins the thrill and makes harder for me to pretend I am not paying for the sex (or companionship, or both) I am on this board cruising for.

To put it more bluntly, people don't get to tell me how to hobby unless my cock has been in one of their orifices.
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But it is time to move back on to the topic. Originally Posted by phatdaty
Umm, why?
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 03-27-2011, 07:24 PM
Yeah, because somebody can pick me out of a crowd of about 120,000 people or so, as opposed to you leaking shit a provider has revealed to you. Originally Posted by phatdaty
You're drunk. And i wasn't talking about someone picking you out of a crowd. I was talking about your mechanic possibly reading this board. Or anyone who knows your mechanic. Or anyone who knows someone whose mechanic is taking him to the race.