Jackie our girl Condalisa

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
You are a sick individual that needs to be banned - you threatened to get my name and address - do you realize this is a discreet whore site ? Now you are asking for my phone number ? What the hell is your malfunction ? Go get laid - Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
you once threatened to shut down this entire discreet whore board. you of course can't do that even if you tried .. and it's been tried before.

i already posted your personal phone number .. 1 800 FATASS


Pussy Pussy Pussy. That's funny he got you. Bang Bang. Bang... Originally Posted by R.M.
Lack of reviews lack of reviews lack of reviews - if he's feeling froggy jump on the next flight and message me when he's in San Antonio - a 10 year old boy can act tough on the Internet- keyboard warrior is what he is
  • Av8R
  • 05-15-2017, 10:17 PM
What I did has nothing to do with this website, Pigboy. I filed a formal, signed, notarized complaint that a John or Jane Doe is perhaps guilty of stolen valor and false impersonation of a non-com officer. (Just for kicks, I included your asinine lies about being a former "mafia" hit man.) It was emailed earlier and the hard copy is in the outbox for the mail in the AM. Should you like a scanned copy of the hard copy, just ask! My name, former rank, address, email and three phone numbers are on the letterhead.

As for this website. I care not what people do with their genitalia or with whom as long as they are legal age and consensual.

Free clue.. " Medication" does not get you to almost 500 lbs. Excess calories do. Gluttony. Well.. unless you are consuming 50 or so "pills" of perhaps 4 oz each made of pure cane sugar.
  • Av8R
  • 05-15-2017, 10:18 PM
I won't be "on the next flight".. I'm coming into the airport as stated as PIC of a King Air 200. I'll be at the location previously stated at the time stated.My # is available. All will be posted on You Tube.
What I did has nothing to do with this website, Pigboy. I filed a formal, signed, notarized complaint that a John or Jane Doe is perhaps guilty of stolen valor and false impersonation of a non-com officer. (Just for kicks, I included your asinine lies about being a former "mafia" hit man.) It was emailed earlier and the hard copy is in the outbox for the mail in the AM. Should you like a scanned copy of the hard copy, just ask! My name, former rank, address, email and three phone numbers are on the letterhead.

As for this website. I care not what people do with their genitalia or with whom as long as they are legal age and consensual.

Free clue.. " Medication" does not get you to almost 500 lbs. Excess calories do. Gluttony. Well.. unless you are consuming 50 or so "pills" of perhaps 4 oz each made of pure cane sugar. Originally Posted by Av8R
You are an idiot - you should be a comedian - you file a formal complaint - you are going to have to reveal your identity and let your attorney know you visit a whore site. Go ahead and file your legal papers I don't know who you are going to send them too I am anonymous you idiot.
There's a guy on here who calls himself the dalilama maybe I should sue legal action because I know he's impersonating the real Dalilama - there's something seriously wrong with you - go read another tranny review and get angry because they are referred to as females ? Didn't you ask the MODs to deactianye your account because you wanted them referred to as "He" rather than "She"?
The bigger question is why were you even reading that review unless you like trannys ?
I won't be "on the next flight".. I'm coming into the airport as stated as PIC of a King Air 200. I'll be at the location previously stated at the time stated.My # is available. All will be posted on You Tube. Originally Posted by Av8R
Isn't it pass your time little boy ? You had fun tonight acting tough - I known you are just a little pimple face boy trying to act like you tough - the gig isn't fooling anyone
  • Av8R
  • 05-15-2017, 10:36 PM
Are you blind as well as fat and defective?
" Should you like a scanned copy of the hard copy, just ask! My name, former rank, address, email and three phone numbers are on the letterhead. "

In fact.. with the moderator's approval, I'll happily post my name, former rank, address, email and three phone numbers right here. Now, would you like a copy of the complaint? I have not a single thing to hide!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Originally Posted by Av8R
I won't be "on the next flight".. I'm coming into the airport as stated as PIC of a King Air 200. I'll be at the location previously stated at the time stated.My # is available. All will be posted on You Tube.

Isn't it pass your time little boy ? You had fun tonight acting tough - I known you are just a little pimple face boy trying to act like you tough - the gig isn't fooling anyone Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt

you don't have any friends do you 1 800 FATASS? that youtube vid will be better than butterbean getting his fatass kicked



butterbean goes down!!!



butterbean the bitch! bahahaaaaaaa
  • Av8R
  • 05-15-2017, 11:02 PM
He's not going to show,Kid. His caretaker called me just now. They can't get a flatbed and forklift on such short notice and Sea World is using the dolphin hoist so they have no ability to transport war hero Sgt Major McLardo. I had no intention of beating the guy's ass. I simply asked for proof he has military ID. I want him to put it in my hand. No big deal for a Sgt Major! The You Tube is to document for your future reference ( and delight) that I was at the location in question at the time stated.
He's not going to show,Kid. His caretaker called me just now. They can't get a flatbed and forklift on such short notice and Sea World is using the dolphin hoist so they have no ability to transport war hero Sgt Major McLardo. I had no intention of beating the guy's ass. I simply asked for proof he has military ID. I want him to put it in my hand. No big deal for a Sgt Major! The You Tube is to document for your future reference ( and delight) that I was at the location in question at the time stated. Originally Posted by Av8R
Tough guy behind a keyboard on a whore board- yeah put it on YouTube so I can shove my DD 214 up your ass - so you suppose to be in the Air Force huh ?
  • Av8R
  • 05-15-2017, 11:21 PM
Look, Jabba the Gut.. you have run out of excuses. Just message me for my # be a man and call.Alternatively, you can send me your #.

Or.. you can take a photo of your DD-214 with your name redacted laying on a sheet of paper with a handwritten note and a US quarter positioned under it saying, "HELLO, HERE IS MY DD-214."I'll happily apologize and even send you a $300.00 gift card for junk food.I'll save you the time with Photoshop. Some boys at Fort Bliss are all over it. You did know Fort Bliss, TX is the United States Army Sergeants Major Academy?

BTW.. took me all of 18 seconds to get a list of every Sergeant Major wounded or being awarded a purple heart while or prior to the rank of Sergeant Major since Sergeant Major Richard W. Corwine, 7th U.S. Cavalry, at Pine Ridge, 1890. Care to guess how long it took to get a list of every living active or inactive Sgt Major in Texas? Less than 3 min. You ain't on the list, Pigboy. Now you sit there and continue your fingernail feast and contemplate what and where your pathological lying has gotten you.

You're a coward that is guilty of stolen valor and you're a sickening liar. Everybody knows it but all that matters is that YOU know everybody knows it.
Stolen Valor *Official Video* Presented by Soldier Hard, Redcon-1

Want to start a bet pool on his next round of excuses and lies?
Just message me for my # be a man and call.You can send me your #. Or.. you can take a photo of your DD-214 with your name redacted laying on a sheet of paper with a handwritten note under it saying, HELLO, HERE IS MY DD-214.I'll happily apologize and even send you a $300.00 gift card for junk food.

BTW.. took me all of 18 seconds to get a list of every Sgt Major wounded in action since Sergeant Major Richard W. Corwine, 7th U.S. Cavalry, at Pine Ridge, 1890. You ain't there, Pigboy.

Everybody knows it but all that matters is that YOU know everybody knows it. Originally Posted by Av8R
You realize you are on a whore board ? A fucking whore board ?
I don't think you have served and first do you know my rank when I was injured ? You really don't think I was injured as SM do you dipshit?
I entered the army as E1 many, many years ago -probably longer than you been alive and over time worked my way up to specialist (E-4). I spent enough time and months I easily qualified for E-5(Sergeant).
If you are in the army you would know once you hit E-4 you have to start collecting points just to make E-5 depending on your MOS. Over the many years my work was assessed by several top ranking NCOS and over time went from staff sergeant to Sergeant first class to master Sergeant and eventually Sergeant Major.
Last I checked from your incorrect wiki link there's over 3000 of us - so unless you know all 3000 SM's you can kiss my ass
  • Av8R
  • 05-15-2017, 11:50 PM
You're a pathetic coward. They are all laughing at you. Now go eat some more.
You're a pathetic coward. They are all laughing at you. Now go eat some more. Originally Posted by Av8R
You are a worthless worm you scum bag - you are the stolen valor
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 05-16-2017, 02:31 AM