Place your bets here - Electoral College and Senate

matchingmole's Avatar
A "judge" has just ordered the usps to scour facilities to look for "lost" ballots!
Folks the election is being stolen right before our eyes! Originally Posted by winn dixie
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
A "judge" has just ordered the usps to scour facilities to look for "lost" ballots!
Folks the election is being stolen right before our eyes! Originally Posted by winn dixie
you know its not necessary to post that in every god damn thread!!!
you know its not necessary to post that in every god damn thread!!! Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
A big +1 there Dilbert. Thank you very much.
Look at that Trixie. Even those on your side of the fence think your posts are lame and repetitive
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-06-2020, 06:26 AM
Well, you're going to be closer than me, that's for sure.

What's ironic, my guess was straight off of's web site. In other words, the collective wisdom of the Eccie Brain Trust was much better than the collective wisdom of punters risking their money on the elections, on the date we made our guesses. Originally Posted by Tiny
We might not be as far off as we thought.....who'd thunk Georgia would flip?

  • Tiny
  • 11-06-2020, 09:56 AM
If nothing changes as additional votes roll in, recounts occur and lawsuits are waged, Biden will win 306 electoral votes, and adav8s28 will be the winner with his prediction of 307.

There will be 50, 51 or 52 Republicans in the Senate depending on the Georgia runoffs, so it's too early to guess who the winner(s) will be on that one.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
If nothing changes as additional votes roll in, recounts occur and lawsuits are waged, Biden will win 306 electoral votes, and adav8s28 will be the winner with his prediction of 307.

There will be 50, 51 or 52 Republicans in the Senate depending on the Georgia runoffs, so it's too early to guess who the winner(s) will be on that one. Originally Posted by Tiny

Stop the count! ( I hope the rest go to the Dump(ster).

We made America Great Again
eccieuser9500's Avatar

It was a close race.

Too close for comfort.
matchingmole's Avatar
dilbert firestorm's Avatar

House (218 for majority)
Current .: D 233 R 201 I 1
Projected: D 228 R 207 D -5 R +6

I see that California is projected to lose 3 house seats.

House (218 for majority)
Current .: D 233 R 201 I 1
Projected: D 225 R 210 D -8 R +9

hope this new projection holds.

Peelosi and other dempissy has to be crying about that. lol!!!
matchingmole's Avatar
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I tried to find the latest information on House projections and was unable to do so. So let's assume your numbers are correct.

Democrats now control the Executive branch.
Democrats still control the House.
Democrats gain between 1 and 3 Senate seats.

Even if the gain in the Senate is only 1, I'll take that any day of the week. Could have been better but could have been far worse.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
[QUOTE=dilbert firestorm;1062261636]
Senate (51 for majority)
Current .: R 53 D 45 I 2
Projected: R 52 D 46 I 2 R -1 D +1

the count is now at R 50 D 46 I 2 TBD 2

2 GA seats are in play.

House (218 for majority)
Current .: D 233 R 201 I 1
Projected: D 225 R 210 D -8 R +9

House (218 for majority)
Current .: D 233 R 201 I 1
Projected: D 224 R 211 D -9 R +10

is there another house district in play that can add to the House Dem's misery???? I predicted Dems would lose 10 seats in the House.

I see that California is projected to lose 3 house seats.

looks like a seat in a Utah district is in play.
this was Mia Love's seat that McAdams won in 2018. Owens is another black republican and he is currently leading.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
House (218 for majority)
Current .: D 233 R 201 I 1
Projected: D 224 R 211 D -9 R +10

Real Clear Politics Projection
Projected: D 223 R 212 D -10 R +11
Projected: D 220 R 215 D -13 R +14

Washington Post Projection
Projected: D 218 R 217 D -15 R +16

Real Clear Politics says Republicans may get 10 - 13 seats.

however, Washington Post has a graph indicating 15 vulnerable Democrat seats (8 flipped to republican, 7 leading as compared to 3 republican seats flipped to democrat.)
winn dixie's Avatar
Hadnt kept up with the House races too closely. This is clearly a rejection of pelosi and the biased impeachment witch trials.