Cowboy season predictions

Figure out how to win? That ship has sailed. He isn't John Elway.

Rombo had good stats a times in the regular season, but when he had opportunities in the playoffs or a must will game to get into the playoffs he played poorly, look up those stats. When a defining moment comes along, you define the moment or the moment defines you.

Maybe one of Jerry's wings will break in mid flight. Can you imagine the place going wild.

Ya gotta admit, this evening's game was tuff to watch at times. Never easy to win on the road, let alone a divisional game. Defense looked / played well for the most part.....kuddos.

Footnote: Sean Lee (when healthy) is pretty damned good. After the game, the guys on NFL Network nicknamed him The Waterboy. Lol.....fitting.

Oh....and Dan Bailey? Clutch.

4-8 (3 of those wins in the division). Should be buried with that sorry record (But!) only one game outa first. Can't wait to hear JJ's spin on things this week as the Boys prepare to head to Green Bay next Sunday.
Boltfan's Avatar
I can't wait to hear fake Jerry with the musers.
Chung Tran's Avatar
Ya gotta admit, this evening's game was tuff to watch at times. 4-8 (3 of those wins in the division). Should be buried with that sorry record (But!) only one game outa first. Originally Posted by Chateau Becot
tough to watch at times? yeah, the first 58 and 1/2 minutes were tough.. final 90 seconds was as thrilling as football gets!

the Boys had no business winning.. the Redskins had no business folding the game after their dramatic touchdown pass to the dipshit who had just fumbled away the game.. so it seemed at that time.

yeah, the Boys are only a game out of first.. but they are still ALONE in last place.. let's not get too giddy.
daty/o's Avatar
Nothing worse than false hope. Don't get me wrong; Dallas is my team, but the only reason we won was because they sucked worse than we did. I wouldn't count on GB to be as sloppy. Our defense did play better; the line that is. A lot fewer missed tackles. The secondary was still atrocious. Our offense was ugly, but there are playmakers there and Cassel needs to grow a pair and dial it in.
Cowboys won't be making the playoffs this year. Even if they do, they won't advance very far. It's still good to see them win they have nothing to lose at this point.
Chung Tran's Avatar
It's still good to see them win they have nothing to lose at this point. Originally Posted by ithyphallicus
well.. except for a higher draft pick.
Heavyiron999's Avatar
Draft picks are their best option at this point. They remind me of the 1989 Cowboys, they are really terrible.
Draft picks are their best option at this point. They remind me of the 1989 Cowboys, they are really terrible. Originally Posted by MSteele

Hoo Boy.....if this current team reminds you of the '89 squad then your memory is partially (or completely) shot or you're simply another Revisionist of Football History.

After cleaning house on a truckload of past-their-prime veterans (from Landry's last days), Jimmy drafted Troy (Aikman), Daryl Johnston, Mark Stepnoski and Tony Tolbert earlier that spring. He kept Bill Bates and Michael Irvin (who went down game 6 that season to a knee injury) and Herschel Walker (who was traded later that season). Other than that, the '89 team was pretty much void of talent worthy of NFL competetion.

This year's team has plenty of talent throughout it's roster, make no mistake about that. Had they (the Jones Boys) planned better in the off season (ie: starting running back, back up QB) this year's team would have a much better record (12 and 4 teams usually don't become "terrible" the following year. The Indy Colts a few years ago come to mind the season they lost Peyton to neck surgery but that's not the norm).

For your own edification, check the '89 season out once again......that team was blown out game after game. Other than the Pats and Panthers games, this team has been in in (albeit, their lack of offensive punch) for the most part.
pyramider's Avatar
The sheeple are losing their faith ...
Chung Tran's Avatar
time for my weekly prediction.. if I am significantly wrong today, I will cease further predictions for the remainder of this season.

Cowboys 20

Green Bay 17

the Boys will continue their sudden love of the blitz, carried over from last week.. Rodgers will have a poor game, McFadden will top 100 yards rushing.
Oh please don't stop now. I've made a shit load of money betting exactly the opposite of your predictions.
Chung Tran's Avatar
Oh please don't stop now. I've made a shit load of money betting exactly the opposite of your predictions. Originally Posted by atf searcher
Ha! your post would have been meaningful earlier, before the Boys were down 28-7.. it's easy to come behind me and boast after the fact.. besides, this call was a fluke, I've bet against the Cowboys almost all year, so take that Mr. Sunday Evening Quarterback, LOL
Cassell looked completely baffled and totally out of place. Cowboys as a team are playing in a different league. They might be competitive if games lasted 2 or 3 quarters instead of 4.
pyramider's Avatar
The sheeple are still following jerry.