Flynn reverses guilty plea!

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  • 03-06-2018, 01:26 PM
We understand, limpdick. It's ok. The most commonly diagnosed cause of Trump Derangement Syndrome is losing an ELECTION. In your case, the major factor was losing an

Hurry up, snitchfuck! If you sign up now, you can go through REHAB with Maxine Waters! Originally Posted by lustylad
I neither voted for Trump or Clinton . Both are crooked as fuck and nothing either has done has xhanged my mind.
lustylad's Avatar
I neither voted for Trump or Clinton... Originally Posted by WTF
That's why I said in your case it was due to losing an ERECTION.

Oh wait... you can't lose something you never had, can you limpdick?
LexusLover's Avatar
I neither voted for Trump or Clinton Originally Posted by WTF
Which means he voted for Clinton.

He just can't admit to losing.
themystic's Avatar
Which means he voted for Clinton.

He just can't admit to losing. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Did Flynn change his plea?
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  • 03-06-2018, 03:34 PM
Which means he voted for Clinton.

He just can't admit to losing. Originally Posted by LexusLover
No I consistently said I was voting Libertarian before the election.

I said the Clinton Foundation was an albatross around her neck....and I've said Trump not disinvesting from his business fully with his kids running in and out of the WH will be an albatross around his neck.

Trump bragged about draining the swamp and forgot to tell you suckers he was replacing it with Goldman Sachs men!

Lookee at that - Little Nazi boy is baaaack... with a new avatar but the same old dim-retarded bullshit.

I have read some extremely dumb analyses of the situation in Syria, but your link contains the most colossally stupid essay ever written, little Nazi boy! Where do you find this fucking garbage? Are you colluding with the Russians? It sounds like Kremlin propaganda!

"the USA and Israel are still reeling in humiliation and impotent rage over their defeat in Syria..."

The only people "reeling in humiliation" in Syria right now are ISIS and those Russian mercenaries. Oh wait... most of them are dead! Ok, maybe the ones still alive then (see previous post). The rest of the country is too busy trying to survive Assad's relentless genocide to feel much of anything. Originally Posted by lustylad
Of course it will be a "reeling humiliation" in that old-school, fucked-up neocon bonehead of yours if after all the sacrifices we made in Syria, all we got is "thank you very much, job well done, now let's go home to enjoy life and let the Syrians rebuild Syria." Because that's exactly what is transpiring right now that Assad and his foreign allies are recapturing large swaths of territories from the ISIS and other terrorist organizations. But no worries, you have enough Repube hawks who share your subconscious fear. All they need to do is upping the ante on Assad so we can fuck around there indefinitely. Finishing off the ISIS? You go fuck yourself!
LexusLover's Avatar
Of course it will be a "reeling humiliation" in that old-school, fucked-up neocon bonehead of yours if after all the sacrifices we made in Syria, all we got is "thank you very much, job well done, now let's go home to enjoy life and let the Syrians rebuild Syria." Because that's exactly what is transpiring right now that Assad and his foreign allies are recapturing large swaths of territories from the ISIS and other terrorist organizations. But no worries, you have enough Repube hawks who share your subconscious fear. All they need to do is upping the ante on Assad so we can fuck around there indefinitely. Finishing off the ISIS? You go fuck yourself!
Originally Posted by andymarksman
So you want the "status quo"?

"CBS notes... that some Turkish forces were present at the SDF headquarters alongside the Americans, even as tensions between the U.S. and Turkey are mounting near the Turkish border." Originally Posted by lustylad
The Breitbart was quoting the CBS, and the CBS supposedly acquired this piece of info from an official "statement" made by the "U.S. coalition." The problem is that no such "statement from the U.S. Coalition" ever existed. Fake news!
themystic's Avatar
So you want the "status quo"?

Originally Posted by LexusLover
LOL Lex. You are a spreader of Fake News. Pull your head out of Trumps ass Sir KIA
As for your question about the Turks, they actually helped us and our Kurdish allies wipe out those Russian mercenaries near Deir el-Zour, which is 250 miles east of Afrin. So it's complicated, little Nazi boy. Originally Posted by lustylad

Now seriously please answer my question: Why are you OK with Trump allowing Erdogan to commit war crimes against our Kurdish allies but when some Russian mercenaries equipped with light infantry weapons accompanied by antiquated tanks made probing advances on the disputed oilfield with the Kurds, we had to slaughter them right in the open without even firing one warning shot?
LexusLover's Avatar
LOL Lex. You are a spreader of Fake News. Pull your head out of Trumps ass Sir KIA Originally Posted by themystic
Fake news? Kerry meeting with ASAD?

Have you ever enjoyed one of this "green slushes"?

Ask John-John next time you see him. He's had plenty of them!

Colluding with a mass murderer!

themystic's Avatar
Fake news? Kerry meeting with ASAD?

Have you ever enjoyed one of this "green slushes"?

Ask John-John next time you see him. He's had plenty of them!

Colluding with a mass murderer!

Originally Posted by LexusLover
You're President is in bed with Russia and letting him have free reign in Syria
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  • WTF
  • 03-07-2018, 06:59 PM
Fake news? Kerry meeting with ASAD?

Have you ever enjoyed one of this "green slushes"?

Ask John-John next time you see him. He's had plenty of them!

Colluding with a mass murderer!

Originally Posted by LexusLover
LexusLover's Avatar
You're President is in bed with Russia and letting him have free reign in Syria Originally Posted by themystic
That's Fake News. Or do you really believe it? Keep harvesting.
themystic's Avatar
That's Fake News. Or do you really believe it? Keep harvesting. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Do I believe that Trump is in bed with Russia and Putin? Yes and apparently so does Mueller and millions of Americans, in fact at least half of Americans do.

To call the Russian probe a nothing burger is delusional. The nothing burger is whats between your ears if you really believe there is "No Connection"

Love you Idiot