It's still very laughable, Eatkum the Inbred Chimp. Of course, it's the natural consequence of your pansy-assed brain cell being being forced to submit to an emoticon; thus, leaving you a non-sentient, mindless shell of a human being, Eatkum the Inbred Chimp.
But as before, Eatkum the Inbred Chimp, your latest emoticon is still mum on the subject at hand, because just like your stupid ass, the emoticons have not intelligently advanced your defense or justification for Odumbo's current hypocritical Ebola policy or for your delusional belief that Cuomo is a Republican, Eatkum the Inbred Chimp. You continue to publicly display your mental defectiveness which serves to underscore the magnitude of your idiocy, Eatkum the Inbred Chimp. You remain the personification of how sucking on Odumbo's cock for Odumbo's Kool Aid tainted goofy-juice jiz leaves one mentally incompetent, Eatkum the Inbred Chimp. Originally Posted by I B Hankering