
bambino's Avatar
Yes, I think overall the major media outlets are way more honest the your Lord and savior DJT.

Originally Posted by WTF
Of course you do. That’s pretty obvious. You go guy.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Originally Posted by WTF

that's the best proof you've ever posted. maybe you should quit while you are ahead?


i know what you are thinking. How could anyone read your link to lawfare and not know for CERTAIN Trump is bent towards them russkies?

let me suggest a more relevant title ...

The Steele Dossier: An Op-Ed on why Trump must be guilty of everything.

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  • WTF
  • 01-23-2019, 06:46 PM
Of course you do. That’s pretty obvious. You go guy. Originally Posted by bambino
Quit flirting this is a thread about Flynn.
bambino's Avatar
Quit flirting this is a thread about Flynn. Originally Posted by WTF
Huh? You should take a breather. You’re losing it.
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  • WTF
  • 01-24-2019, 09:20 AM
Huh? You should take a breather. You’re losing it. Originally Posted by bambino
Aren't you the one that started a thread about Flynn changing his plea?
LexusLover's Avatar
Huh? You should take a breather. You’re losing it. Originally Posted by bambino
Did he just say this was a thread about Flynn after posting about Trump?

He really can't stay focused on the topic once he starts losing.

bambino's Avatar
Did he just say this was a thread about Flynn after posting about Trump?

He really can't stay focused on the topic once he starts losing.

Pelosiosis Originally Posted by LexusLover
Yeah, he has a tough time keeping on track. But he’s been beating the Russian collusion thing into the ground. Just like the MSM. That bubble will burst soon. Oh well.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
This one isn't risky at all to call. He will not walk free unless pardoned. No one has said he won't get a pardon. This one won't have DNA to free him.
How about one example of someone someone who pled guilty and after ten years they were exonerated without the use of DNA?
Plus, if you come up
With proof of an alternate sequence of events during the judge's statements, please share it.

No, this is about as cut and dried as it gets.

You guys just don't want to admit it. An example like I requested goes a long way towards credibility.

A lot of people who post on here and don't post on here would have preferred the election be called when HillariousNoMore was ahead ..... well ...... close to being ahead ....... but elections, like criminal prosecutions, have some concluding procedures and details that must be completed before they can be called FINAL!

Occasionally (too often in my opinion) the news will report that some poor soul who had been locked up for a decade or two challenged his conviction (some a "guilty plea") and it was set aside, and they ended up walking out of prison with restitution being paid to them via legislative action.

And, of course, as has been the case regularly, there are those who received a "pardon" by the sitting President ... often just before he walks out the door. It's risky to "call" a prosecution in the "first quarter," just like the Super Bowl. In the past some posters have done that and then they had to run and hide from their "call" .... I look forward to the day Flynn walks!

BTW: Are there any posters who were sitting in the courtroom when the Judge started his rant, and heard the Judge's rant? Or is EVERYONE just accepting the MEDIA's report of what he said and in what order he said it!!! It can very well be the case that the Judge was merely trying to scare the shit out of Flynn, so Flynn wouldn't "take any points off the board" and try for another bite at the apple! Apparently it worked .... at least temporarily.

There was a quote regarding the AUSA correcting the Judge regarding the charges against Flynn ... for instance ... was the Judge's rant based on his erroneous belief regarding the charges pending against him or the charges that could have been filed against Flynn?

"The Fat Lady Hasn't Sung Yet!" And Judge Swamp Rat Sullivan hasn't either!

There are places to go when overly biased Judge's overstep their bounds. Originally Posted by LexusLover
themystic's Avatar
Did the traitor change his plea? Or is this just more lies?
bambino's Avatar
Did the traitor change his plea? Or is this just more lies? Originally Posted by themystic
No traitors are presently under indictment. Not even Hillary, Bergdalh and Manning.
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  • WTF
  • 01-24-2019, 01:45 PM
No traitors are presently under indictment. Not even Hillary, Bergdalh and Manning. Originally Posted by bambino
J7dge Sullivan sure thought Flynn was walkinv a thin line.

Of course you're one who thought he'd change his plea because Judge Sullivan was assigned the case!

Talk about being wrong...

But will you admit it?
bambino's Avatar
J7dge Sullivan sure thought Flynn was walkinv a thin line.

Of course you're one who thought he'd change his plea because Judge Sullivan was assigned the case!

Talk about being wrong...

But will you admit it? Originally Posted by WTF
And the Mueller team sure did set the Judge straight. Didn’t they? Presently, Flynn has not been sentenced. Mueller recommended NO jail time. Makes one wonder why Mueller was wasting his time on Flynn to begin with. So tell me, who’s under indictment for treason???
themystic's Avatar
And the Mueller team sure did set the Judge straight. Didn’t they? Presently, Flynn has not been sentenced. Mueller recommended NO jail time. Makes one wonder why Mueller was wasting his time on Flynn to begin with. So tell me, who’s under indictment for treason??? Originally Posted by bambino
Why not admit you were your wrong Bambino?
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  • WTF
  • 01-24-2019, 02:19 PM
Why not admit you were your wrong Bambino? Originally Posted by themystic
All Trump lovers are mini trumps.

They will never admit their lies.

It is a childhood insecurities from shitty in their diaper and not wanting to admit it.
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  • WTF
  • 01-24-2019, 02:24 PM
And the Mueller team sure did set the Judge straight. Didn’t they? Presently, Flynn has not been sentenced. Mueller recommended NO jail time. Makes one wonder why Mueller was wasting his time on Flynn to begin with. So tell me, who’s under indictment for treason??? Originally Posted by bambino
The Judge made a damn good point and set Flynn, his attorney and the prosecution straight.

He made Flynn he lied. He made him admit he was not tricked into lying. He set the prosecution straight that the Judge will sentence the defendant and right then and there he did not think Flynn had done enough to deserve probation.

You might need to catch up on the facts instead of lying about Flynn changing his plea...