President Trump is a Liar.

j666... your spleen is obviously giving you trouble.... proctologist time! Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
I don't think proctologist do much for spleens, but one might be able to help an asshole like Jaxson666, lol
Jaxson66's Avatar
Here's my drift. You're a show off and a big mouth. If it was up to me, I would make you swallow that Keyboard. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Tuffy you’re back, what’s next? You plan on threatening my life?

Because I’ll tell ya something, you won’t be getting a fucking cherry.
Jaxson66's Avatar
Coronavirus turmoil widens as U.S. death toll mounts

The United States confirmed its 11th death from the outbreak on Wednesday, along with more than 150 confirmed cases. Health experts have warned that the country may struggle to rapidly test thousands of Americans. President Trump downplayed worries on Wednesday evening, telling Fox News that a 3.4 percent mortality rate announced by the World Health Organization was “false” and suggesting it was under 1 percent. “This is really my hunch,” Trump said.

it was just last week when the fat lying bastard claimed a miracle was on the way. Now he wants to get ahead of what...the death count?

  • oeb11
  • 03-05-2020, 09:02 AM
J666 - now going the ftw "religiosity" way of trying to impugn Trump.
did your two week education qualify U to misquote and Lie - ???

Show the source Where Trump predicted a "miracle"!

The only miracle would be if j666 developed some common sense to see how outlandish his claims are.

Foolish Fascist DPST - the TDS is very strong in this one.

fact of the matter - the DPST have been trying eveything they can to blame the coronvirus problem on Trump - and foment a recession - they see it as their only chance to win in Nov. 2020.
Trump and administration have responded reasonably and promptly to a new medical issue - with the appropriate medical personnel and experts.

for once, the DPST led idiots in congress voted for money to deal with this issue - recognizing the intellectual suicide of opposing medical care - which they did initially - only to be brought to heel by their handlers.

Poor j666 - cannot understand the "facts" of life - all he has is delusions of competency in a medical field and Trump hate. such a shame to waste a life in such a way.

Get a real education - if you can j666.
Jaxson66's Avatar
But Trump has never been one to embrace expert opinion, whether on climate change or on windmill cancer.

“By the way, the virus,” Trump told supporters at a political rally this week. “Looks like by April, you know, in theory, when it gets a little warmer, it miraculously goes away.”

Im thinking the trump piss boy application has a question about the Candidates willingness to lie for the fat lying bastard ...Obsey checked box “ every fucking day”
Tuffy you’re back, what’s next? You plan on threatening my life?

Because I’ll tell ya something, you won’t be getting a fucking cherry. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
I don't threaten retards. You never make any sense and you're never right. You're a typical Liberal who walks around with his shoes untied and when you trip you look for someone else to blame, lol.
  • oeb11
  • 03-05-2020, 11:10 AM
J666 - also clinging to the discredited "Putin pissed on Trump" Scenario.
Poor deluded DPST's - in for a rude awakening come Nov 2020!
Nothing but NYT and WaPo propaganda.

Poor deluded souls!
Jaxson66's Avatar
I don't threaten retards. You never make any sense and you're never right. You're a typical Liberal who walks around with his shoes untied and when you trip you look for someone else to blame, lol. Originally Posted by Levianon17
I didn’t expect anything less from a devout trump piss boy.

Obsey and deb will be happy you’re on the team. Neither had the balls to back their Fuhrer with my bet, how about you Tuffy, you wanna put your membership up.
Jaxson66's Avatar
J666 - also clinging to the discredited "Putin pissed on Trump" Scenario.
Poor deluded DPST's - in for a rude awakening come Nov 2020!
Nothing but NYT and WaPo propaganda.

Poor deluded souls! Originally Posted by oeb11
Take your dumbass to Utube and search ...Mel Brooks, History of the world part one, piss boy. We covered this a month ago...didn’t we?

It’s you carrying the homosexual visions in your head.
  • oeb11
  • 03-05-2020, 12:01 PM
Now now, j666- using aspersions about homosexuality - which is a Fascist DPST Preferred Plantation group Minority - is Verboten in your ranks.

shame, shame. shame - not acceptable for you to use that scurrilous allusion.

Chucky Schumer will come for you - be careful!!
I didn’t expect anything less from a devout trump piss boy.

Obsey and deb will be happy you’re on the team. Neither had the balls to back their Fuhrer with my bet, how about you Tuffy, you wanna put your membership up. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
I don't make bets. That's child's play.
Jaxson66's Avatar
Trump’s habit of fudging inconvenient numbers enters dangerous territory

There is a world that President Trump sees when he closes his eyes, and it is to him a better world than this one.

It is a world in which more than half the country consistently views his job performance with approval, though polls understate his approval by 10 or 20 points. Where the only news from Wall Street is when stocks are going up, and one in which voters constantly gush over Trump because their retirement accounts are up by “60, 70, 80, 90 and 100 percent.” Where the jobs numbers under President Barack Obama were horrible and fake and the same numbers during Trump’s presidency a sign of his success. A world in which the proper point at which to measure economic expansion is before taking office and in which bad economic news can be blamed on his possible successor.

As far as facts go, numbers are the stubbornest of things, hard measures of reality. But the thing about numbers is that there are a lot of them, and Trump has learned that sprinkling numbers on top of other numbers can create a mist of uncertainty and, by extension, some political breathing room. He uses numbers the way others use emoji, as approximations of how he feels or he wants you to feel.
  • oeb11
  • 03-05-2020, 04:29 PM
More WaPo propaganda - poor j666 has no life outside the cnn NYT and WaPo propaganda.

It warps minds to the point One is unable to comprehend "Facts' - and can only spout the Fascist DPST narrative!
Let's all offer a Christian Prayer for poor j666.
Jaxson66's Avatar
Fox News got the cover-up that it was built to get
The right-wing propaganda network did its job and helped acquit an impeached GOP president
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Fox News got the cover-up that it was built to get
The right-wing propaganda network did its job and helped acquit an impeached GOP president Originally Posted by Jaxson66


media matters .. as an unbiased source ... okay .. yous asked for it. yous gonna get it..

the author for media matters is married .. to a WaPo opinion writer!

Matt Gertz

Senior Fellow
Matt Gertz is a senior fellow at Media Matters, which he joined in 2007. His work focuses on the relationship between Fox News and the Trump administration, news coverage of politics and elections, and media ethics. Matt's writing on the Trump-Fox feedback loop has appeared in The Daily Beast, HuffPost, and Politico Magazine, and he has discussed his analysis on MSNBC, NPR, and Comedy Central. He holds a bachelor's degree in political science from Columbia University. Matt is married to Washington Post opinion writer Alyssa Rosenberg.