You just like ass...
Oh yeah, science trumps religious dogma every day. Evidence versus belief.
I know, being a dipshit is your constitutional right. And we have no obligation to educate your young ... That's the Church's job. YOW!
Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I plan to have my church paid quite handsomely for it as well!
Hey, Assup! Did I take a side in the debate? Did I say Intelligent Design defeats evolution? Did I make ANY religious statement at all? That's right, no I did not. So you continue to lie about me.
Genesis is a myth. I am not a religionist. But you are . . .
Hell, everyone knows what goes here anyway.
Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Damn unbeliever
You will rot, be flayed, quartered and burnt anew each day in my special eleventy seventh ring of hell (I've got to come up with a new more ominous name for mine so it doesn't seem quite so derivative)!
joe just because you can't understand it does not mean all of us are that dumb!
Sounds like you are saying that dumb folks look to God for things they can't understand and the rest of us turn to science to figure it out for you dipshits!
Originally Posted by WTF
Nuh, uh to all of you. My imaginary invisible buddy is stronger and righter than all your imaginary invisible buddies (unless you sit in my pews and give me money and agree with me) and can beat them all up so I know everything here was created when this universe and all that is in it in his seventh daze. "So God so loved the world that when he saw it was not good he put it in his pipe and smoked it and it
*forbidden topic removed by poster* him. After the seventh daze he saw it was finished and it was all good so he rested and had some munchies and a brew because creationism is hard and thirsty work".
Of course nothing any of you could say, especially if facts and science are involved, will sway my certain belief in this truth!
BTW, is satirical
*forbidden topic* use by deities even being mentioned also actually forbidden too? How about fiction? I realize this isn't a book club, but we basically couldn't have a discussion about "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas" if that is the case. Just sayin'