Trayvon Martin's Gun and Pot photos

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 05-29-2013, 06:52 PM
Uhhhh, yea.

What's your point?

They come with clubs and they come in suits.

When one perceives the world from a perspective of race against race, as you do ...

... that falls within the definition of a "racist." That is your standard. Be judged by it. Originally Posted by LexusLover
My point is that we are all racist to some degree...some are just latent.
Hey Ekim the Inbred, your post about "Martian" the bully was spot on, you inbred-hayseed:

In court Tuesday, O'Mara mentioned for the first time new pieces of evidence damaging to Trayvon's reputation: that the teenager had shot video of his buddies beating up a homeless man; that Trayvon had served as referee in another fight; and that he [Martin] had won one fight after punching his [Martin's] opponent in the nose. Originally Posted by I B Hankering

Ida Bell you wore out old slut I knew you were to mentally deficient to understand ..Nice try deflection queen .Apparently you have nothing. Pertaining to the question.
Ducbutter's Avatar
Pretty interesting timeline at this link regarding the entire event. The kids that were talking to Martin on the phone say Zimmerman was chasing him. One of the witnesses who lives in the neighborhood and called the cops says she is 100% certain that there was no fighting going on when the last shot was fired.

I dunno. Pretty compelling stuff. Zimmerman was chasing this kid. Originally Posted by timpage

There were no "kids" Martin was talking to, there was one kid. It was his girlfriend and her credibility is in tatters after she lied under oath apparently. Her lies were immaterial to the case but it still puts her in a bad light.
As for the woman who claimed 100% certainty there was no fighting going on, she seems to be pretty well discredited by at least one of the audio tapes. You can hear in the background someone yelling for help repeatedly until the shot . Not to mention that her statement was refuted by, pretty much, every other caller who reported the incident. I only qualify that with 'pretty much' because I only listened to it all once.
Compelling indeed.
There were no "kids" Martin was talking to, there was one kid. It was his girlfriend and her credibility is in tatters after she lied under oath apparently. Her lies were immaterial to the case but it still puts her in a bad light.
As for the woman who claimed 100% certainty there was no fighting going on, she seems to be pretty well discredited by at least one of the audio tapes. You can hear in the background someone yelling for help repeatedly until the shot . Not to mention that her statement was refuted by, pretty much, every other caller who reported the incident. I only qualify that with 'pretty much' because I only listened to it all once.
Compelling indeed. Originally Posted by Ducbutter
No, you didn't listen. There is another kid, a boy, who gives a running commentary of his conversations with Martin on the phone. Sorry you didn't pay attention.

And all the witness statements are there, sorry you didn't have time to listen to all of them and give an informed opinion. The witness who says there was no fighting going on at the time of the last shot isn't impeached by anybody that the police took statements from. Sorry.
I don't mean to say I know what happened that night. All these bullshit posts where everybody chimes in saying this happened or that happened is one of the things that pisses me off about this whole thing. We'll never know the truth...but, you know what? If you actually read the police report, the police investigation, listen to the might get a better idea of what happened out there that night.
Ducbutter's Avatar
No, you didn't listen. There is another kid, a boy, who gives a running commentary of his conversations with Martin on the phone. Sorry you didn't pay attention.

And all the witness statements are there, sorry you didn't have time to listen to all of them and give an informed opinion. The witness who says there was no fighting going on at the time of the last shot isn't impeached by anybody that the police took statements from. Sorry. Originally Posted by timpage

Where are you listening to a young boy Martin was talking to? I think you are mistaken. He was talking to the girlfriend on the way to and from the store. I looked at a HuffPo and Wikipedia article and neither one mentions anything about a male who Martin was talking to, only the girl.
Listen to the 9-11 calls Tim. You can clearly hear cries for help up until just seconds before the shot breaks. And I mean no more than 2-3.
Where are you listening to a young boy Martin was talking to? I think you are mistaken. He was talking to the girlfriend on the way to and from the store. I looked at a HuffPo and Wikipedia article and neither one mentions anything about a male who Martin was talking to, only the girl.
Listen to the 9-11 calls Tim. You can clearly hear cries for help up until just seconds before the shot breaks. And I mean no more than 2-3. Originally Posted by Ducbutter
No, sorry. Go to the link I provided. You'll hear the police interview with the boy that was talking to Martin.
Ducbutter's Avatar
No, sorry. Go to the link I provided. You'll hear the police interview with the boy that was talking to Martin. Originally Posted by timpage

That's where I've been the whole time. I'm pretty sure I listened to everything there and it's only the girl.
Ducbutter's Avatar
I don't mean to say I know what happened that night. All these bullshit posts where everybody chimes in saying this happened or that happened is one of the things that pisses me off about this whole thing. We'll never know the truth...but, you know what? If you actually read the police report, the police investigation, listen to the might get a better idea of what happened out there that night. Originally Posted by timpage

None of us knows how it all went down. I personally think that Zimmerman fucked up by following the kid. Not because it was illegal, only because it was stupid. There were a limited number of potential outcomes and most were bad. Only Zimmerman knows who the aggressor was and I think I know who he's gonna blame. Even if it went down exactly the way Zimm said it did, and I'm not saying it did, I'll bet he regrets stepping out of that car now.
LexusLover's Avatar
My point is that we are all racist to some degree...some are just latent. Originally Posted by WTF
And I've heard a similar statement made about genetics (dna) and gender. So, does that explain your obsession with "gayness" and so it's ok for me to call you a "girl"?

Perhaps that is what Arnold meant by: "girlie men" ... right? So, you, WTF, are gay, you just don't realize it yet, because it's "latent" and you just don't know it.

Actually, WTF, your transparent point was, and IS, that anyone who disagrees with your view of the world is either a "fag" or a "racist." It doesn't have a damn thing to do with "degrees" of anything. It is a name-calling habit that is an attempt to put the other person in the discussion on the defensive so they will either focus on defending themselves against your specious charge or retreat from the discourse to avoid the labeling. The fallacy of your ploy is that many people who post on here are not as insecure as you are, and those who hang around you in real life. They already know who and what they are, and your lame-ass tactics don't work with them. Most importantly in the interchange it demonstrates your failure to have a mature and productive substantive discussion on the issue.

It's the same as attacking someone's grammar and/or spelling on here.

The word is: SHALLOW.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Actually the way to describe SSOB is a typical 13 year old mentality.
LexusLover's Avatar
None of us knows how it all went down. I personally think that Zimmerman fucked up by following the kid. Not because it was illegal, only because it was stupid. There were a limited number of potential outcomes and most were bad. Only Zimmerman knows who the aggressor was and I think I know who he's gonna blame. Even if it went down exactly the way Zimm said it did, and I'm not saying it did, I'll bet he regrets stepping out of that car now. Originally Posted by Ducbutter
Hindsight is always 20-20 (well probably not 100% .... ). Hypothetically, had he stayed in the car and the person he chose to ignore broke into a residence and killed someone, then he would have that to mull about.

As citizens in our respective communities we actually owe each other the responsility of keeping an eye on each other's person and property. There is always a risk in getting involved at some level, but if we don't there is also a risk to the community in which we live. Each individual must assess that risk and act accordingly, with, I believe, the consideration that one day we may be the person whose person or property is being protected. In other words: The shoe is on the other foot soon enough.

In other threads in here we have had posters advocating the arming of citizens to protect our communities. Consistently, my opposition has been directed at the inadequate training the average citizen gets for that task, and the realities of the consequences, not only to the armed citizen, but to the community, that may result.

The police who investigated the incident apparently didn't want to charge Zimmerman, and I continue to believe that had Martin been snow white he would not have been, and we would not have a single thread on it. The prosecution was "race based" ... even though in my opinion Zimmerman's decision was not. Unfortunately, that is where our "cultural and racial correctness" has brought this country. Here's a perfect example:

Do you think for one second had the guy on the left been white, this would have occurred?

Duc, in probably 100% of the killings out there, no poster on here KNOWS what happened .. because they weren't there. And even if they were, their perception of what happened may not be accurate.

That's the purpose of a trial, and why in my opinion trials are not about "truth" they are about "perceptions." The "truth" is what actually happened and the jury verdict is based on "perceptions." The only "wild card" in that decision is the "science," by which I mean physics and chemistry, and they often explain the "perceptions" and identify whether or not they are accurate.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Ida Bell you wore out old slut I knew you were to mentally deficient to understand ..Nice try deflection queen .Apparently you have nothing. Pertaining to the question. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Not deflection at all, Ekim the Inbred, you genetically defective hayseed. And you have in no manner refuted a substantive article with your feeble and genetically defective opinion, Ekim the Inbred. Your favorite "Martian" videoed his buddies beating on a homeless man; that's thuggish behavior.

In court Tuesday, O'Mara mentioned for the first time new pieces of evidence damaging to Trayvon's reputation: that the teenager had shot video of his buddies beating up a homeless man; that Trayvon had served as referee in another fight; and that he [your favorite "Martian"] had won one fight after punching his [your favorite "Martian's"] opponent in the nose.
Not deflection at all, Ekim the Inbred, you genetically defective hayseed. And you have in no manner refuted a substantive article with your feeble and genetically defective opinion, Ekim the Inbred. Your favorite "Martian" videoed his buddies beating on a homeless man; that's thuggish behavior. Originally Posted by I B Hankering

You mentally deficient moron you can't provide a answer or link so you just babble .dismissed Typical Chicago thug.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 05-30-2013, 07:23 AM
And I've heard a similar statement made about genetics (dna) and gender. So, does that explain your obsession with "gayness" and so it's ok for me to call you a "girl"?

Perhaps that is what Arnold meant by: "girlie men" ... right? So, you, WTF, are gay, you just don't realize it yet, because it's "latent" and you just don't know it.
. Originally Posted by LexusLover
My 'obsession' with gayness on this board has to do with equality. Something that you seem to be unfamaliar with. If you want to dream I'm gay, go ahead. If you want to call me gay, go ahead, I don't give two rats ass.

Actually, WTF, your transparent point was, and IS, that anyone who disagrees with your view of the world is either a "fag" or a "racist." It doesn't have a damn thing to do with "degrees" of anything. It is a name-calling habit that is an attempt to put the other person in the discussion on the defensive so they will either focus on defending themselves against your specious charge or retreat from the discourse to avoid the labeling. The fallacy of your ploy is that many people who post on here are not as insecure as you are, and those who hang around you in real life. They already know who and what they are, and your lame-ass tactics don't work with them. Most importantly in the interchange it demonstrates your failure to have a mature and productive substantive discussion on the issue.

. Originally Posted by LexusLover
The only reason it puts people on the defensive is because they are insecure about their racist ways or maybe scared to come out of the closet.

So who is the insecure one? Sounds like you. Also the most pigheaded. Not that that is always a bad trait.