New Private Forum Proposal

I would do anything for luv.

But I won't do that.*

*"that," in this instance, means post a link in my luv song thread in the new forum to an "I would do anything for love" video or audio file. Other than that, I'll do fuckin' anything.**

** for luv, that is....
Originally Posted by eccienewbie
Mmmmm meatloaf......makes me think of its trouble making cousin: tubesteak.
Mmmmm meatloaf......makes me think of its trouble making cousin: tubesteak. Originally Posted by thathottnurse
Time to boogie (closest I could get)
This has been an interesting day. Ran into a post that I felt compelled to comment on considering the author:

Which then got me to thinking....

I'll make you a bet, Romo.

At the six month mark, if the forum proves to be a success, YOU will pay for the next six months.

If it proves to be a failure, I will pay you what it already cost me to have it open for six months.

"Success" will be measured two-fold: view count and by public poll.

So what do you say, Romo?? Wanna actually put your money where your mouth is? Or are you gonna backstep outta this like the little whiny biotch you've been acting like all week?? Is it your period??

Time to man-up and have the balls to back up your "beef". Just bc the real Romo failed to deliver doesn't mean you have to too.

I'm game if you are!

Oh btw Romo, if you decide to continue being on your period instead of growing your balls back, it means you have to either find a plug for your hole or go bleed somewhere else. Originally Posted by thathottnurse
Ok guys! Real update!

The forum will be done and ready to go by the middle of next week. In the meantime I will be compiling lists of profile links to give screened members access. There will be rules posted on each sticky for that thread.

Here is the quick and dirty version: Ad posting privileges for providers will be very liberal at first. The entire first page of the forum will be nothing but advertisement stickies based on location, fbsm and short notice availability. The first page will be dedicated to provider ads where only providers can post their daily ads with the exception of one sticky thread: the only sticky thread on the first page that gents will be allowed to post in is the short notice NEED thread (not the short notice AVAILABILITY thread).

Beginning on the second page will be the start of the discussions area which can be posted and replied to by any and all members of the forum. The only moderator at this time will be me. Admin said I needed to find someone I could trust with this duty and that is a very difficult thing for me to do in or out of the hobby so as of now no one else will be moderating. That being said, I'm not a rules-nazi, micro-manager type. I think the majority of people understand the civility premise of the forum's discussions area. If you don't wish to participate in the discussions it is very simple - don't go to the 2nd page of the forum. Easy.

This is completely new territory for me so please bear with me while I get my head around it. It sounds like it will be rather overwhelming at first but I hope to beat the learning curve as quickly as I can. Its gonna be a very humbling experience and there is no doubt I will fall on my face a few or more times.

So, in the beautifully cherished words heard very rarely by a man, if at all:

Its my first time. Please be gentle.
flipsix's Avatar
Great work thathottnurse! Nice to see democracy at work.
BluesMan's Avatar
Great idea and I would certainly love to be a part of it if possible.
Boltfan's Avatar
Side note, since I saw it in your reply to phildo.

Saying "guys here are pre-screened" could prove problematic for you. Just sayin, might want to reconsider that as a benefit to the forum. Not saying don't do the screening, but that claim might encourage ladies to not screen on their own.

a) You are very vocal you are paying for the forum
b) You are very vocal you are providing potential customers to ladies that you have checked out

I have seen quite a few of these paid for forums where that claim SERIOUSLY backfires.

All arguing aside, seriously reconsider that.
Thank you Boltfan. You make an excellent point. This is a screened access forum, yes, but the preferred screening methods of the individual providers and hobbyists should always take precedence.

Even screened, reputable ladies and gents have the potential to turn bad (as many have seen or experienced) so of course I cannot accept any responsibility for what happens between two consenting adults behind closed doors.

I think the benefit of having a private, screened forum (to ladies especially) is that certain things will not be viewable by the general public. Its the real world equivalent of advertising inside of four walls and a ceiling vs advertising on a highway billboard. I hope the forum will bring in more UTR ladies who don't want their services offered on a billboard.

But yes, as always, screening for one on one meetings are an individual responsibility.
DarthDVader's Avatar
I just couldn't decide which one applied better

This has been an interesting day. Ran into a post that I felt compelled to comment on considering the author:

Which then got me to thinking....

I'll make you a bet, Romo.

At the six month mark, if the forum proves to be a success, YOU will pay for the next six months.

If it proves to be a failure, I will pay you what it already cost me to have it open for six months.

"Success" will be measured two-fold: view count and by public poll.

So what do you say, Romo?? Wanna actually put your money where your mouth is? Or are you gonna backstep outta this like the little whiny biotch you've been acting like all week?? Is it your period??

Time to man-up and have the balls to back up your "beef". Just bc the real Romo failed to deliver doesn't mean you have to too.

I'm game if you are!

Oh btw Romo, if you decide to continue being on your period instead of growing your balls back, it means you have to either find a plug for your hole or go bleed somewhere else. Originally Posted by thathottnurse
Jessica Jade's Avatar
I just couldn't decide which one applied better

Originally Posted by DarthDVader
Damn it! What bad memories right before I go to sleep.
DarthDVader's Avatar
I'm sorry baby, I can come tuck you in and make you feel better ...
Nurse says you're smoking hot ...
Damn it! What bad memories right before I go to sleep. Originally Posted by Jessica Jade
Jessica caring about the Cowboys? Priceless. Always loved that about Tara that she cares about the Cowboys.

For this situation Darth - I'd take the middle - Phildo fumbled.
thathottnurse it sounds very interesting and what could be fulfilling for many, good luck.
muffin101's Avatar
THN this sounds like an awesome idea!

I would suggest email notifications for short notice posts to go directly to the clients subscribed to the area so that we can link it to our phones and see the ad-posts at the moment that they are posted.

Also if the Provider is willing to travel to different areas: have it somehow set up so that the Clients subscribed to those areas will see their ads pop up as an email notification to their phones.

This may require the Short notice posts to be a totally separate area where all the posts are from Providers only.

Sorry if I sounded stupid. Just brainstorming.
THN this sounds like an awesome idea!

I would suggest email notifications for short notice posts to go directly to the clients subscribed to the area so that we can link it to our phones and see the ad-posts at the moment that they are posted.

Also if the Provider is willing to travel to different areas: have it somehow set up so that the Clients subscribed to those areas will see their ads pop up as an email notification to their phones.

This may require the Short notice posts to be a totally separate area where all the posts are from Providers only.

Sorry if I sounded stupid. Just brainstorming. Originally Posted by muffin101
Not at all. Thank you! Yes, the forum will have a short notice availability sticky for ladies to post in and a short notice need sticky for gents to post in.

The first page will be dedicated to provider ads where only providers can post their daily ads with the exception of one sticky thread: the only sticky thread on the first page that gents will be allowed to post in is the short notice NEED thread (not the short notice AVAILABILITY thread). Originally Posted by thathottnurse