NFL and Houston Texans Superthread: Are we ready for some football?

Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 02-14-2013, 04:46 PM
The targets don't matter when the gun is a piece of shit. I don't see us getting any further with current QB he is only "adequate" as the owner put it. I don't think adequate can get the job done. So we are stuck for the next what 4 years. Next year we are a 500 team, Luck wins division.
TheDon's Avatar
Freeney and Watt on the same line? I'd take that.
jstone420's Avatar
That's not happen
Who we gonna draft boys? I don't want T'eo. I think he is gay and the story was to try to hide it. I predict he will be a major flop in the NFL. He is like ND was this year, way overated!! Give me some speed on D not another slow mfer. I would rather keep Bradie James than T'eo, that's pretty bad.

I would like to get Demeco back but he must be losing his wheels if he got cut again. He is an old favorite of mine, he got me fired up coming out of the tunnell and swinging the hammer!!!

It does seem this is a weak draft, I an not pumped up about it at all.

Who's gonna get cut? We need some salary cap space, maybe the Ninja or OD? I would almost like to have Casey back instead of OD, but OD is damn good. Salary cap sucks balls man!! .
jstone420's Avatar
This draft deep with wrs an cornerbacks the texans need to take note
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 02-28-2013, 10:28 AM
I miss football
TheDon's Avatar
I still want Teo, our team is not going to contend for as long as Dopey is around anyway, might as well get some entertainment over the gay guy on the team, Fuck it. Who else we going to get? Tavon Austin, he will just get under thrown to every time he goes down the field..
True Dat Don. We need a bad ass LB to go with Cush. Maybe we can win 3-0 with D. and the D aint for Dopey!!
TheDon's Avatar
Plus, I don't think anyone can imagine what it would be like playing for an entire group of people, Teo could be the gay version of Jackie Robinson. It could be t our benefit, they say nothing is more powerful than a strong woman, How about a juiced up gaylord?

Who knows, maybe those gay hormones raging through his body will bring explosive energy in our house this Fall. I also feel like we would never lay an egg at home if we have a gay player who is a leader (at least one of them), I feel like it is in their nature to always go "balls out" (no pun intended) 100% of the time.

Our D was a little "too cool for school" at times last year. We could you use a "strong liberal" to straighten our boys up.

And Fuck it, lets get the honey badger while we are at it, he can bring a lot of much needed "swagger" to the table, Watt needs help in that category, he can't do it alone. And he will absolutely be there in round two.

And if we could re-sign Dameco and Dunta for cheap, we could have potentially the best defense in the league.

But don't get this twisted, I'm not some hardcore gay rights supporter or anything, you won't a bigger homophone than me, but when it comes to my team, I just want to do what is best. And unfortunately, it has come to this because of our Vaginal QB.

"Texas tatted on my arm, Houston on my back"
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 03-01-2013, 05:49 PM
All we will hear is "steers and queers" as our slogan next year.
TheDon's Avatar
Can't see how Slim Thug would be against it.
Plus, I don't think anyone can imagine what it would be like playing for an entire group of people, Teo could be the gay version of Jackie Robinson. It could be t our benefit, they say nothing is more powerful than a strong woman, How about a juiced up gaylord?

Who knows, maybe those gay hormones raging through his body will bring explosive energy in our house this Fall. I also feel like we would never lay an egg at home if we have a gay player who is a leader (at least one of them), I feel like it is in their nature to always go "balls out" (no pun intended) 100% of the time.

Our D was a little "too cool for school" at times last year. We could you use a "strong liberal" to straighten our boys up.

And Fuck it, lets get the honey badger while we are at it, he can bring a lot of much needed "swagger" to the table, Watt needs help in that category, he can't do it alone. And he will absolutely be there in round two.

And if we could re-sign Dameco and Dunta for cheap, we could have potentially the best defense in the league.

But don't get this twisted, I'm not some hardcore gay rights supporter or anything, you won't a bigger homophone than me, but when it comes to my team, I just want to do what is best. And unfortunately, it has come to this because of our Vaginal QB.

"Texas tatted on my arm, Houston on my back" Originally Posted by TheDon
Did you mean "homophobe?" "Sounds like" you've got a Manti man-crush. Not that there's anything wrong with that. Didn't Teo run a 4.84 40? That's turtle slow even for a ILB. From what I've seen, he's an overhyped player with baggage and little upside. Swagger is over-rated and overused by NFL announcers who like style over substance. I gotta ask: "Is Houston tatted on the small of your back???"

The Texans won't be burned again by "Pay Me" Dunta.
I'd like to see Demarco come back if he's able to play.
I don't want to see JJ Watt turn into Mark Gastineau.
TheDon's Avatar
Brother Gnadfly, let me clear that last part of your statement up for ya, player:

Yes, I believe "homophobe" was my intended word. But you're right, I do think Manti is a phenomenal specimen, chiseled arms, shapely calves, and great pectoral muscles. I would love to trade bodies with him, it's a shame he's using it on other fellas.

No homo...

He is still one of the most decorated football players ever, and not just on defense, go look at all the awards he has won, his credentials speak for itself.

I'm not supporting this man so he can have the freedom to blow dudes at Reliant, I want to see him pile bodies and signal the EMT crews to bring out the stretchers. Doesn't matter to me if we have an entire roster full of queers, winning is winning, it will not skew the way I go about my business in repping my team.

"Faggot-Dyke tatted on my arm, Elton John on my back"

And RIP to Arian Foster's Twitter account, his philosophical comments may or may not be missed...
LOL Don.

I lean more toward the homophobe side of things. I don't want Teo because he is slow as fuck. Our D lacks speed. Give me some bad asses that can run and tackle. Or a WR that can stretch the field for TJ or whoever the next QB will be.

Scary the Colts have a shitload of money for Free Agents. Other teams are making moves and our Owner, Gm and Coach are sitting around with thier thumbs up thier asses doing nothing!! Like the General would say "That's Pathetic"!!! I am about ready to say Fuck the Texans!!

We need to trade Dopey's sorry ass before he gets even more exposed and we just have to cut him after next year. Arizona will give up some picks for Dopes, Come on man do something!! Is Rick Smith on vacation in the DR or is he trying to clear some cap room? Put your dick back in your pants Rick and clear some cap room!!
jstone420's Avatar
That's the texans way to sit back a let everything pass on bye.I agree about the Colts they have a shit load of money u texans fans need to worry that team is young