Place your bets here - Electoral College and Senate

Yes and a lot of those Dumbs who lost their races forgot that karma is a bitch ..... voters don't forget when their reps voted to impeach Trump ..... actually I'm surprised they didn't lose more seats than that .....
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Yes and a lot of those Dumbs who lost their races forgot that karma is a bitch ..... voters don't forget when their reps voted to impeach Trump ..... actually I'm surprised they didn't lose more seats than that ..... Originally Posted by 00 gauge
the dumb fucks are clueless on why they lost. their lefty messaging was part of it. the impeachment fiasco was what really did them in.

the impeachment was a shit show of excrement.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Now lizey warren ( 1/2400) wants the new potus to by pass all laws and just ex order everything

DARK WINTER COMING, --- recession coming people thank Joeys and Hoeys
Once the dumbocrats throw out the constitution and the bill of rights and do away with all election laws, and who knows? Make everybody vote by mail-in ballots so EVERY vote could be fucked with, then they can just change the rules they don't like, ignore all the others, and ram socialism down our throats .....
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Once the dumbocrats throw out the constitution and the bill of rights and do away with all election laws, and who knows? Make everybody vote by mail-in ballots so EVERY vote could be fucked with, then they can just change the rules they don't like, ignore all the others, and ram socialism down our throats ..... Originally Posted by 00 gauge

matchingmole's Avatar
Once the dumbocrats throw out the constitution and the bill of rights and do away with all election laws, and who knows? Make everybody vote by mail-in ballots so EVERY vote could be fucked with, then they can just change the rules they don't like, ignore all the others, and ram socialism down our throats ..... Originally Posted by 00 gauge

You're probably used to that by now
adav8s28's Avatar
Presidency - (270 to win)
Pro Biden
adav8s28: ....... Biden wins with 307 electoral votes
Chung Tran: ..... Biden wins with 322 electoral votes
Eccieuser: ...... Biden wins with 275 electoral votes
Jam3768: ........ Biden wins with 315 electoral votes
Munchmasterman: . Biden wins with 318 electoral votes
SpeedRacerXXX: .. Biden wins with 335 electoral votes
Tsmokies : ...... Biden wins with 300 electoral votes
Bill Maher: ..... Trump wins
Michael Moore: .. Trump wins

Pro Trump
Dilbert: ........... Trump wins with 290 electoral votes
DTickler: .......... Trump wins with 278 electoral votes
Jacuzzme: .......... Trump wins with 330 electoral votes
texassapper: ....... Trump wins with 280 electoral votes
the_real_Barleycorn: Trump wins with 280 electoral votes
Winn Dixie: ........ Trump wins with 277 electoral votes

Anti Biden/Trump
Captain Midnight: Biden wins with 319 electoral votes
PhilLanders: .... Trump wins with 310 electoral votes
Tiny: ........... Biden wins with 335 electoral votes
WTF: ............ Biden wins with 320 electoral votes
pfunkdenver: .... Biden wins
SecretE: ........ Biden wins barely

Popular Vote
Dilbert: ........... Trump loses popular vote
the_real_Barleycorn: Trump wins by 4%
SecretE: ........... Biden wins the popular vote
SpeedRacerXXX: ..... Biden wins the popular vote

Senate (51 for majority)
Current: R 53 D 45 I 2

Pro Biden
adav8s28: ..... 48
Republicans and 52 Democrats
Chung Tran: ... 49
Republicans and 51 Democrats
Eccieuser: .... 48 Republicans and 52 Democrats
Jam3768: ...... 50 Republicans and 50 Democrats
Munchmasterman: 48 Republicans and 52 Democrats
SpeedRacerXXX:. 50 Republicans and 50 Democrats
Tsmokies: ..... 45 Republicans and 55 Democrats

Pro Trump
Dilbert: ........... 54.5 Republicans and 45.5 Democrats
DTickler: .......... 52.0 Republicans and 48.0 Democrats
HedonistForever: ... 48.5 Republicans and 51.5 Democrats
Jackie S.: ......... 54.0 Republicans and 46.0 Democrats
texassapper: ....... 54.0 Republicans and 46.0 Democrats
the_real_Barleycorn: 55.0 Republicans and 45.0 Democrats
Winn Dixie: ........ 50.0 Republicans and 50.0 Democrats

Anti Biden/Trump
Captain Midnight: 49 Republicans and 51 Democrats
PhilLanders: .... 55 Republicans and 45 Democrats
Tiny: ........... 49 Republicans and 51 Democrats
WTF: ............ 50 Republicans and 50 Democrats
Grace Preston: .. Republicans hold
pfunkdenver: .... Republicans hold
SecretE: ........ Republicans hold

House (218 for majority)
Dilbert: ..... 211 Republicans and 223 Democrats (Democrats lose seats)
Grace Preston: Democrats hold
pfunkdenver: . Democrats hold
SecretE: ..... Democrats hold & lose seats
SpeedRacerXXX: Democrats hold Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
With Arizona and Georgia being declared for Biden, that gives Biden a total of 306 electoral college votes. Looks like I came the closest with 307 (just 1 over). No one had 306 or 305. Instead of winning Florida, Biden won Ariz, Georgia and 1 EC vote for district in Neb for 28 electoral college votes. Florida has 29 electoral college votes, that was the one EC vote difference.
rexdutchman's Avatar
The collective delusion the PSY-OPs LSM is pushing is that Joeys and Hoe won , BUT NO matter what NOT official till 12/14
And the party of conspiracy theories ( russa) NOW doesn't what anybody lookin,????
adav8s28's Avatar
The collective delusion the PSY-OPs LSM is pushing is that Joeys and Hoe won , BUT NO matter what NOT official till 12/14
And the party of conspiracy theories ( russa) NOW doesn't what anybody lookin,???? Originally Posted by rexdutchman
Harris never worked at and AMP or independent.

You have Republican Attorney Generals for Ariz and Georgia saying no Fraud. You have Homeland Security saying the 2020 presidential election was the most secure election that the USA has ever had. No LSM here.
pfunkdenver's Avatar
The collective delusion the PSY-OPs LSM is pushing is that Joeys and Hoe won , BUT NO matter what NOT official till 12/14
And the party of conspiracy theories ( russa) NOW doesn't what anybody lookin,???? Originally Posted by rexdutchman
What is (russa)?

Also did you mean "NOW doesn't want anybody lookin,????"

And lastly, do you actually believe the Democrats are the party of conspiracy theories? Bwahahahahahahahaha!
  • Tiny
  • 11-14-2020, 07:46 PM
With Arizona and Georgia being declared for Biden, that gives Biden a total of 306 electoral college votes. Looks like I came the closest with 307 (just 1 over). No one had 306 or 305. Instead of winning Florida, Biden won Ariz, Georgia and 1 EC vote for district in Neb for 28 electoral college votes. Florida has 29 electoral college votes, that was the one EC vote difference. Originally Posted by adav8s28
This has been obvious for a while. I posted on November 6 that you were the most likely to win. Kudos for your prescience.

Changing the subject a bit, here's something I posted on October 30,

My guesses were taken straight off of's web site. This is a betting site. I think that's a better indicator than polls, as people are actually risking their money.

Back when we placed our bets, based on, Biden would end up with around 335 electoral votes if he won all the states where the betting odds were in his favor. Trump would appear to be closing the gap, as now it would be 305 for Biden and 233 for Trump. Originally Posted by Tiny
The prediction market, that is to say gamblers, were correct to within one electoral vote by October 30. Back around October 11, when we made our guesses, they were on average betting Biden would do a lot better -- 335 electoral votes versus the 306 Biden actually won.

This is interesting to me because the polls, right up to the election, would have predicted a much bigger Biden win than what he actually achieved. But, like you 20 days earlier, was almost spot on.
Biden 306, The Trump-tards will be apoplectic over the electoral and the popular vote landslide and pee in their old man diapers, But stupid is forever, and god bless their infantile intellect.
Uh, maybe every poll
Ripmany's Avatar
There no electronics votes just mail in delivery by horse and buggy, by November 11 up untill 9 days late. Trump said he wins if only count honest votes how.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-07-2021, 06:34 PM
50-50 on the Senate side....who'd thought Georgia would lose a Senate seats to the Dems!
