Cowboy season predictions

daty/o's Avatar
After tonight, I no longer think growing a pair will help Cassel. He has to be one of the weakest QB's I have ever seen. And what's up with Dez? It's starting to look like his catches are going to the highest bidder. I'll stick with 5 & 11, but at this point, even that could be optimistic.
pyramider's Avatar
Yeah, Dez earned his paycheck ... four or more drops. How is Cassel supposed to feel when the biggest yapping dog cannot fetch?
Worst team in The League on 3rd and 1 conversions.....

2 for 20 the last two games (converting 3rd down).....

Worst in The League for creating "big plays" (explosives, ie: plays over 25 yds+)....

Everything that Dallas was the "Best Of" during the 2014 season is all a distant memory now......

Fans cannot put all of the Cowboys' problems / issues on journeyman Matt Cassel (and Weed Eater before him).....but it basically starts and ends with the quarterback as we all know.

4 wins this season.....and 3 of them were with Romo under center.

You simply can't expect to win in this league with Buffalo's 3rd string just ain't gonna happen.

Dallas sits here now, 4-9, and tied for the fourth spot in next spring's draft. With 3 games remaining, that's pretty much what fans have to look forward to. Fun, huh?

Of course, you could also be part of the long-suffering fan base of the Cincinnati Bengals...waking up today with the realization that a once promising season is now in the hands of ex-Bama qb, AJ McCarrons. lol
Ha! your post would have been meaningful earlier, before the Boys were down 28-7.. it's easy to come behind me and boast after the fact.. besides, this call was a fluke, I've bet against the Cowboys almost all year, so take that Mr. Sunday Evening Quarterback, LOL Originally Posted by Chung Tran
I'm just having fun. I'll say one thing though, bet against Aaron Rodgers at home??? Maybe with your money, sure as hell not with mine, and sure as HELL not with the present Cowboys team. I would have said that before the game started or last week or last month.
Chung Tran's Avatar
[QUOTE=atf searcher;1057573434 I'll say one thing though, bet against Aaron Rodgers at home??? [/QUOTE]

when I see that in print, yeah, it doesn't make a lot of sense.. but I kept hearing how Rodgers was slipping, the rain was falling, his offense line was beat up, yada yada.. I remembered the cowboys blitz that worked well a week ago.

speaking of offensive lines.. what's up with OURS? lowest third and one conversions in the NFL.. lots of penalties.. I keep hearing how great they are.. maybe they looked good last year, because Romo and Murray made them look good.. and Dez, too.. without 2 of those 3, and Dez failing to catch footballs and bitching non-stop.. maybe the OL is exposed as not very good after all.
..............speaking of offensive lines....what's up with OURS?
lowest third and one conversions in the NFL.....lots of penalties.....I keep hearing how great they are.. maybe they looked good last year, because Romo and Murray made them look good.. and Dez, too......without 2 of those 3, maybe the OL is exposed as not very good after all. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
I think Dallas' O-line is still pretty salty; for a number of reasons we're just not seeing it right now.

DeMarco was (is) hardly the second coming of Jim Brown (but) the combination of both in 2014 was undeniably good....great most times, in fact. In Philly, he can't even get on the field most possessions.....go figure.

Flash Forward: O-Line coach, Bill Callahan leaves for Washington....Murray becomes an Iggle.....the Cowboys don't draft a young RB, banking on Joseph Randle as "The Man" (and he gets cut mid-season).....Dez goes down in game one and T Will becomes your WR1 (lol....another mistake!).....Romo goes down in game two to injury and noodle-armed journeyman Weeden becomes your starting QB.

All those components became a recipe for a 4-9 train wreck......

Looking ahead, put a healthy Romo / Dez back on the offense (with a first round pick, Elliot of Ohio State or Henry of Bama) next year and I imagine this O-Line will look very similar to last year's best in the league. My bet is either of those young RB's will be able to pick up some / many of those 3rd and ones we're not hitting right now......
Tx Noob's Avatar
Yeah the Packers started the year looking like Super Bowl champs and then just recently they have slipped some but I think the Cowboys are much too unpredictable to bet on winning a road game against Rogers.

The thread above mentioned the mistake of keeping Weeden as the backup QB. I knew that was a huge mistake. Any idiot could see that by the way he played last year, except Jones of course.

A previous reply in this thread mentioned the Cowboys offensive line coach from last year Bill Callahan went to the Redskins. He was a very good coach and that is something the Cowboys don't have very much of. The O line also has had injuries and guys just not playing well. Sometimes it's very difficult to know how healthy those offensive linemen really are. They might be playing but you just don't know if they are at 100 percent. Murray was one the best backs in the league at picking up the blitz.

Dez Bryant maybe playing but he doesn't look to me like he's at 100 percent.
Cassel will never be more than a backup QB. Start looking for Romo's replacement, please don't trade for Manzel. Let me say that again, PLEASE DON'T TRADE FOR MANZEL!!!. They should put Romo and Bryant on the IR list for the rest of year, rest them and get a higher draft pick.

The Defense is respectable but when the offense goes "3 and out" every time the Defense gets fatigued and can't hold up for the entire game.

I'm much more interested in the STARS.
DALLAS boom boom STARS boom boom DALLAS boom boom STARS.
I can't wait to see the Stars kick the shit out of Toronto.
daty/o's Avatar
Another loss. Am I surprised? No. I said it could go either way. Frankly, what did surprise me was how close it was. Besides having to pull someone out of the stands to QB, we can attribute this loss to the secondary, in general and Brandon Carr, in particular. Once again, the defensive line held their own and the running game was the high point, but I've seen better pass defense in Friday night games.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 12-19-2015, 11:09 PM
LOL, fire all of the QB's and get some real talent, Even Johnny football will be a improvement
Ironic.....Dallas cuts Weeden. And then he comes off the bench today to lead the Texans to their first victory ever in Indianapolis and their division lead.

Hoyer will prolly take over Houston's QB duties once he's cleared concussion protocol but.....weird, huh?
pyramider's Avatar
Texans still need a QB. Hoyer is at best a backup.
Texans still need a QB. Hoyer is at best a backup. Originally Posted by pyramider
You think is a good ideal to say what the Texans need? They just won the Cowboys original backup. He also threw the ball down the field! Which he didn't even think about in Dallas.

Both of those teams need a QB and a RB. If they don't take those in a the first and second round in the upcoming draft. Well, I think you are throwing away your money to go watch either team.
pyramider's Avatar
Jerry has never gotten a dime of my money.
Oh you gave him plenty of dimes. You watch them on Sunday (or in last weeks case it was Saturday night). Watch the NFL draft, watch the NFL Network, better yet ESPN/ABC/Disney they got your money. Listen to any sports radio station?

To say you have not gave them a dime is... I'll let you fill that in.

The two big clogs that make the machine run were not part of the offense. You had Romo for what I think was 14-quarters of football. Running Back we know that mess. And to say Dez didn't play hard. I forgot how many games he missed with broken foot and came back early (maybe to early).

We are no different from them. Do you really give 100% for the other guy you work for. The one you don't trust! The one you know does not deserve that job, or that title. Hell no I'm not going catch that crappy throw, but I'll try to get a call. I can't blame Dez. What was throwing that ball was not worth further injury.

So you lost a lot of games. Find the parts and fix it. And get rid of a defensive coordinator that waits until 3/4's of the season is over to call a blitz.