President Trump is a Liar.

Jaxson66's Avatar
Judge cites Barr’s ‘misleading’ statements in ordering review of Mueller report redactions

A federal judge in Washington sharply criticized Attorney General William P. Barr on Thursday for a “lack of candor,” questioning the truthfulness of the nation’s top law enforcement official in his handling of last year’s report by special counsel Robert S. Mueller III.

U.S. District Judge Reggie Walton, overseeing a lawsuit brought by EPIC, a watchdog group, and BuzzFeed News, said he saw serious discrepancies between Barr’s public statements about Mueller’s findings and the public, partially redacted version of that report detailing the special counsel’s investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 election.

Because of those discrepancies, Walton ruled, the judge would conduct an independent review of Mueller’s full report to see whether the Justice Department’s redactions were appropriate.

Trumps piss boy Barr lied. There’s a new president coming and his fat ass will be investigated.
  • oeb11
  • 03-06-2020, 08:24 AM
Poor j666- cannot wean him/herself from the DPST koolaid narrative.
Keeps posting his fantasies.

Get a life - j666!
Chung Tran's Avatar
Poor j666- cannot wean him/herself from the DPST koolaid narrative.
Keeps posting his fantasies.

Get a life - j666! Originally Posted by oeb11
why the ad hominem attack? "your side" never addresses the post, you simply attack the poster. all of you do the same thing, in thread after thread.
Jaxson66's Avatar
Poor j666- cannot wean him/herself from the DPST koolaid narrative.
Keeps posting his fantasies.

Get a life - j666! Originally Posted by oeb11
The Koolaid is much better than the shit sandwich’s you consume.

The reality you live in is fantasy, there’s a Democratic landslide hurling down on trumps piss boy Barr. You’re just to blind to see the signs.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
The Koolaid is much better than the shit sandwich’s you consume.

The reality you live in is fantasy, there’s a Democratic landslide hurling down on trumps piss boy Barr. You’re just to blind to see the signs. Originally Posted by Jaxson66

still claiming Barr's gonna be impeached are ya? i don't think so.

and it's been amusing to say the least to watch yous ramble on for 3 years now. an endless parade of fails. first Mueller was going to take down Trump. then the impeachment. and Barr.

when Trump wins over Corn in his Poop FrankenBiden you won't quit your account. you won't be able to walk away from blathering constantly about how Trump has ruined your life .. by the way .. how exactly has Trump ruined your life and America?

yeah. didn't think so.

  • oeb11
  • 03-06-2020, 04:32 PM
j666- shit sandwich is truly 3rd grade.

AG Barr - well - if Pelosi and AOC really want - they could Impeach the AG.

Please remember they impeached trump - and how that is working out for the Fascist DPST's.

Please read and try to take in what TWK writes above - and seek some serious professional help.

Take responsibility for your own life - rather than blaming Trump for what ails you.

In two words - Grow Up!
Jaxson66's Avatar
still claiming Barr's gonna be impeached are ya? i don't think so.

He won’t be impeached he’ll be fired and investigated

and it's been amusing to say the least to watch yous ramble on for 3 years now. an endless parade of fails. first Mueller was going to take down Trump. then the impeachment. and Barr.

My first post was May 2019, that’s not three years you god damn liar

when Trump wins over Corn in his Poop FrankenBiden you won't quit your account. you won't be able to walk away from blathering constantly about how Trump has ruined your life .. by the way .. how exactly has Trump ruined your life and America?

Putin’s piss boy trump will lose in historical landslide, put your membership up or shut the fuck up loser.

yeah. didn't think so.

BAHHAHAAAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Jaxson66's Avatar
j666- shit sandwich is truly 3rd grade.

AG Barr - well - if Pelosi and AOC really want - they could Impeach the AG.

Please remember they impeached trump - and how that is working out for the Fascist DPST's.

Please read and try to take in what TWK writes above - and seek some serious professional help.

Take responsibility for your own life - rather than blaming Trump for what ails you.

In two words - Grow Up! Originally Posted by oeb11
Suck my dick, you goddamn liar.

You’re the biggest fucking liar on this forum, you lie for Putin’s dick sucker constantly. The lies are so deep you’re convinced there truth.

Take your advice and piss boy whakos and shove them up your ass.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Suck my dick, you goddamn liar.

You’re the biggest fucking liar on this forum, you lie for Putin’s dick sucker constantly. The lies are so deep you’re convinced there truth.

Take your advice and piss boy whakos and shove them up your ass. Originally Posted by Jaxson66

someone seems to be having a hissy fit. again.

btw i won another $100 in our betting pool that i could trigger you. again.

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
still claiming Barr's gonna be impeached are ya? i don't think so.

He won’t be impeached he’ll be fired and investigated

if yous say so

and it's been amusing to say the least to watch yous ramble on for 3 years now. an endless parade of fails. first Mueller was going to take down Trump. then the impeachment. and Barr.

My first post was May 2019, that’s not three years you god damn liar

you signed up in 2018. what's the difference?

when Trump wins over Corn in his Poop FrankenBiden you won't quit your account. you won't be able to walk away from blathering constantly about how Trump has ruined your life .. by the way .. how exactly has Trump ruined your life and America?

Putin’s piss boy trump will lose in historical landslide, put your membership up or shut the fuck up loser.

against Corn in his poop FrankenBiden .. don't bet on that.

yeah. didn't think so.

thank yous valued poster!

Jaxson66's Avatar
someone seems to be having a hissy fit. again.

btw i won another $100 in our betting pool that i could trigger you. again.

thanks! Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Good for you, now you can restock your Vagisil closet. You’ll be needing it.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Good for you, now you can restock your Vagisil closet. You’ll be needing it. Originally Posted by Jaxson66

for what? are yous itching down there? see a specialist.

eccieuser9500's Avatar
Judiciary Committee says McGahn ruling leaves only extreme options — such as arrests — to get White House info

The filing comes a week after an appeals court panel ruled 2-1 that the House may not ask judges to force the White House to make former counsel Don McGahn available for testimony. The panel determined that courts have no place intervening in disputes between Congress and the executive branch, a ruling that would remake the balance of power between the two branches of government if it stands.
I've been asking for this motherfucker to face the fire for months. Going on a year now.

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Judiciary Committee says McGahn ruling leaves only extreme options — such as arrests — to get White House info

I've been asking for this motherfucker to face the fire for months. Going on a year now.

Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

so have this bald headed prick arrest McGahn. and Bill Barr while you are at it so jaxtard can get his nut off.

yeah .. another Wiki link.

Jaxson66's Avatar
FactChecking Trump’s Scranton Town Hall

A Whopper on China Trade
Trump said: The U.S. economy is “nothing compared to what it’s going to be when the trade deals kick in. … China, as an example, they didn’t do anything with us. They’re now spending $250 billion a year, and that’s only for phase one. Phase two is going to be even more so.”

The facts: The president has long twisted the facts on trade, but claiming that China “didn’t do anything with us” before his recent trade agreement is simply bogus.

China has been a top trading partner with the U.S. for years. In 2016, before Trump took office, China was the third largest market for U.S. goods and services, behind Canada and Mexico, according to Bureau of Economic Analysis trade data. U.S. exports to China for goods and services totaled $170.4 billion in 2016, but declined to $163.8 billion in 2019 as a result of Trump’s trade war with China, BEA data show.

Under the new agreement, China has committed to purchasing an additional $100 billion in U.S. goods and services each year for two years over and above the pre-trade war 2017 level of $186 billion. That could push the U.S. exports to China above Trump’s $250 billion figure, but exports didn’t go from $0 to $250 billion, as Trump claimed.

Truth isn’t in the fat lying bastards vocabulary.